3.1.3Calling your voice mail
Your voice mail is provided by your network to avoid missing calls. It works like an answering machine that you can consult at any time.
To access your voice mail, touch and hold on Phone tab.
To set your voice mail number, enter Settings\Call settings\Voice call\ Voice mail.
If you receive a voice mail, a voice mail icon appears on the Status bar. Open the Notification panel, touch New voice mail.
3.1.4During a voice call
When a call is in progress, press Menu key to open the call options. Touch Bluetooth to switch between headset and phone or touch Start recording to record the call. To adjust the volume during a call, press Volume up/down key.
Touch to hold the current call.Touch this icon again to retrieve the call.
Touch to mute the current call. Touch this icon again to unmute the call.
Touch to activate the speaker during the current call. Touch this icon again to deactivate the speaker.
Touch to access Contacts or call a contact.
Touch to add a caller by entering their phone number.
Touch to display Dialpad.
Touch to end the current call.
To avoid misoperation on touchscreen during call, screen will be locked automatically when user put the phone close to ear, and it will be unlocked when put the phone away.
3.1.5Managing multiple voice calls
With this phone you can handle multiple voice calls at the same time.
Swap calls
When you have accepted two calls, touch Swap to alternate between them. You can now switch between two lines. The current call is put on hold and you have joined in the other call.
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