Press the left soft key for the following options: View, Send, Edit and Add.
It has 10 message templates in factory reset mode, and you may edit it optionally or add more templates accordingly.
9.6 Delete message
Select Menu/SMS/Delete message to access delete function. You may delete the messages in Inbox, Outbox, and Draft box and also clear all the messages.
9.7 Setting message
Select Menu/SMS/Setting to access submenu with below options: Priority, Delivery report, Call back number, Message Validity.
Priority: Choose the priority sequence such as normal, urgent, Emergency.
Delivery report: You may activate/deactivate this function. The mobile phone will receive the information message notification that inform message sent or unsent.
Call back number: You may activate/deactivate this function. When you activate it, you need to enter the number which you want the receiver to call you back.
Validity: Choose the validity of message.
9.8 Memory Status
Select Menu/SMS/Memory Status to check SMS storage status in phone
9.9 Voice mail
Select Menu/SMS/Voice mail to enter the voice mail submenu, Voice mail, listen voice mail and voicemail number are displayed.
Voice mail: Check how much voice mail is in the phone, press 1 to access to the voicemail, press 2 to clear the number of voice mail
Listen voice mail: Dial the voice mail hotline“*9”and access to voicemail center to listen it
Voicemail number: Set the voice mail number
Note: “SMS Sent to many” When you have completed the SMS, press the contact person number directly or select “search” to access to Directory. If the contact person has the unique