microSD Logo is a trademark.
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG,
Inc. and any use of such m arks by TCL Communication Ltd. and its affiliates is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
P360X Bluetooth Declaration ID D025404
The Wi-Fi Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Your device uses
The WLAN can be operated in the EU without restriction indoors, but cannot be operated outdoors in France.
Google, the Google logo, Android, the Android logo, Google Search™, Google Maps™, Gmail™, YouTube, Google Play Store, Google Latitude™ and Hangouts™ are trademarks of Google Inc.
The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License (the text will show when you touch and hold Google legal in
Settings > About Tablet > Legal information) (1).
(1)It may not be available according to the countries.