Tefal RE123101 manual What to do, What not to do, Usage/Information, Environment

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NOTICE_RACLETTE-GRILL-CREPIER_2017151260_Mise en page 1 20/04/12 06:09 Page19


Read the instructions in this leaflet carefully and keep them to hand. They apply to every version depending on the accessories that come with your appliance.

If an accident occurs, rinse the burn immediately with cold water and call a doctor if necessary.

Cooking fumes may be dangerous for animals which have a particularly sensitive respiratory system, such as birds. We advise bird owners to keep them away from the cooking area.

Only use the plate supplied with the appliance or purchased from an approved service centre.

Place the appliance in the middle of the table, out of the reach of children.

Take care with the location of the power cord, with or without an extension lead, so as not to disturb the movement of others around the table, and so that no one trips over it.

To protect the coating on the cooking plate (depending on model), always use a plastic or wooden spatula.

The heating element is not to be cleaned. If it is really dirty, wait until it has cooled down and wipe with a dry cloth.

Always use on a flat, stable, heat-resistant surface.

Check that the appliance is unplugged before cleaning.

Keep the appliance out of the reach of children when it is cooling down.


Never leave the appliance unattended when plugged in or in use.

Never place the appliance directly on a fragile surface (glass table, tablecloth, varnished furniture, etc.) or on a soft surface such as a teatowel.

To prevent the appliance from overheating, do not place it in a corner or against a wall.

Do not wrap the food in foil while cooking.

Do not move the appliance when it is hot.

Do not allow the individual trays to heat up while empty.


Do not cut directly on the plate.

Never place the hot plate on a fragile surface or under running water.


For your safety, this appliance conforms to all applicable standards and regulations (Low Voltage Directive, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Food Compliant Materials, Environment, …).

Refer to the pictorial diagrams with these instructions for details about using your appliance.

On first use, there may be a slight odour and a little smoke during the first few minutes, this is normal and will quickly disappear.

Any solid or liquid foodstuff that comes into contact with the parts marked with the logo

should not be consumed.



Environment protection first!

iYour appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled.

Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.


Image 19
Contents RACLETTE-GRILL-CRÊPIER NL Consignes DE Sécurité Precautions ImportantesDans les fermes Modèles avec cordon amovible Dérouler entièrement le cordonModèles avec cordon fixe Page Environnement FaireNE PAS Faire CONSEILS/INFORMATIONSBelangrijk Voorzorgsmaatregelen VeiligheidsinstructiesIndien het apparaat voorzien is van een afneembaar snoer Indien het apparaat voorzien is van een vast snoerDoen Een stopcontact met aardingWij danken u voor de aanschaf van dit Tefal apparaat Wees vriendelijk voor het milieu Niet DoenAdvies / Informatie MilieuErreichen SicherheitshinweiseWichtige Betreiben Sie das Gerät nie ohne AufsichtPage Page Fähigkeiten verringert sind, verwendet Denken Sie an den Schutz der Umwelt WAS SIE Nicht TUN DürfenTIPPS/INFORMATIONEN UmweltPage Important Precautions Safety InstructionsThis appliance is intended for domestic household use only If your appliance is fitted with a fixed power cord If your appliance is fitted with a removable power cordThank you for buying this Tefal appliance Environment What to doWhat not to do USAGE/INFORMATIONPrecauciones Importantes Consignas DE SeguridadNo juegan con el aparato Si su aparato está equipado con un cordón fijo Si su aparato está equipado con un cordón desmontableLe agradecemos que haya elegido este aparato Tefal Medio Ambiente QUÉ Debe HacerQUÉ no Debe Hacer CONSEJOS/INFORMACIÓNSubirquandooaparelhoestiverafuncionar Instruções DE SegurançaConselhos Importantes Em quintasSe o seu aparelho estiver equipado com um cabo amovível Desenrole totalmente o caboSe o seu aparelho estiver equipado com um cabo fixo Parabéns por ter adquirido este aparelho Tefal Deve FazerProtecção do ambiente em primeiro lugar NÃO Deve FazerCONSELHOS/INFORMAÇÕES AmbientePrecauzioni Importanti Norme DI SicurezzaSe l’apparecchio è dotato di un cavo fisso Se l’apparecchio è dotato di un cavo rimovibilePage Grazie per aver acquistato questo apparecchio Tefal DA FareDA NON Fare CONSIGLI/INFORMAZIONI√¢HIE ∞º∞§∂I∞ ÙËÓ ÒÚ· ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›·˜ Ù˘ Αυτή η συσκευή μπορεί να ΤΙ ΝΑ Κανετε Κινδύνους. Τα παιδιά δεν πρέπει να FRΤΙ ΝΑ ΜΗΝ Κανετε Περιβαλλον ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΕΣ/ ΠληροφοριεσNL DE EN Sikkerhedsanvisninger Apparater med fast ledning Rul ledningen helt udTak fordi De har købt dette Tefal produkt Sådan GØR DUVi skal alle være med til at beskytte miljøet GØR Aldrig SådanRÅD/OPLYSNINGER MiljøViktige Forholdsregler SikkerhetsforskrifterHvis apparatet er utstyrt med en fast ledning Hvis apparatet er utstyrt med en avtakbar ledningTakk for at du valgte dette produktet fra Tefal Dette Skal DU GjøreRÅD/INFORMASJON Dette MÅ DU Aldri GjøreTa hensyn til miljøet Tärkeitä Varotoimenpiteitä TurvaohjeetÄlä koskaan jätä toiminnassa Olevaa Laitetta valvomatta Jos laite on varustettu irrotettavalla johdolla Vedä johto täysin suoraksiJos laite on varustettu kiinteällä johdolla Page Ympäristönsuojelu Mitä SAA TehdäMitä EI SAA Tehdä NEUVOT/TIEDOTViktiga Försiktighetsåtgärder SäkerhetsföreskrifterApparaten är endast avsedd att användas för hemmabruk Om din apparat är utrustad med en fast sladd Om din apparat är utrustad med en löstagbar sladdTack för att Ni köpt denna Tefal produkt GÖR SÅ HÄRVar rädd om miljön GÖR Inte SÅ HÄRTIPS/INFORMATION MiljöÖnemli Önlemler Güvenlİk TalİmatlariCihazın güç kablosu zarar gördüğünde Eğer cihazınızda çıkartılabilir bir kordonu varsaOlmayan şahıslar tarafından Çevre Yapilmasi GerekenYapilmamasi Gereken TAVSİYELER/BİLGİLERËôÎ!√ WμO∞∂« LU¥W Fq≠« ±R¸Ò÷ £UX ´d U±W≥ OUU‹∑≈I ONr≠ LsºX j± Page Ub∂± v≤b §b« d‚ Page ±‡b‰ ºV d Click Min Selon modèle afhankelijk van het model je nach Page Page ﺭﺉﺍﺯﺝﻝﺍ International Guarantee Country ListҚазақстан Latvja Srbija Page Page
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