Samsung GT-N7000ZBAFTM manual A l i a n o, G l i s h, U t s c h, R t u g u ê s, A n ç a i s

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SAR Information

GH68-36150K Rev.1.0

Les tests étant effectués à la puissance maximale de l’appareil, la valeur DAS réelle en utilisation normale sera bien inférieure aux chiffres mentionnés précédemment. Grâce à un réglage automatique de la puissance électrique dégagée, l’appareil n’utilise que le niveau minimum nécessaire pour capter les signaux du réseau.

L’Organisation mondiale de la santé a déclaré que, d’après les connaissances scientifiques actuelles en la matière, aucune précaution particulière ne s’avère nécessaire pour l’usage des appareils mobiles. Elle fait remarquer que, si vous souhaitez réduire votre exposition aux champs électromagnétiques, vous pouvez

le faire en limitant la durée de vos communications ou en utilisant un dispositif « mains libres » qui permet de maintenir le téléphone mobile à une certaine distance de votre tête et de votre corps.

1.Les tests ont été réalisés dans le respect des directives internationales rédigées à cet effet.

2.Ce modèle de téléphone a été testé pour son utilisation près du corps et il s’est avéré conforme aux recommandations sur les expositions aux ondes électromagnétiques lorsqu’il est employé avec les accessoires fournis ou agréés par Samsung et conçus spécialement pour ce produit ou lorsqu’il est employé avec un accessoire ne contenant aucune pièce métallique et qui place le casque ou l’oreillette à une distance minimum de 1.5 cm du corps.

It a l i a n o

Esposizione alle onde a radio frequenza (RF)

Informazioni SAR (Specific Absorption Rate, Indice di assorbimento specifico)

Il vostro cellulare è un ricetrasmettitore radio. E’ progettato per non superare i limiti di esposizione alle onde radio raccomandati dalle linee guida internazionali. Queste linee guida sono state sviluppate dall’organizzazione scientifica indipendente ICNIRP ed include margini di sicurezza per assicurare protezione alle persone, indipendentemente dalla loro età e salute.

En g l i s h

SAR certification information


Your mobile phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health.

The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is

2.0W/kg and the highest SAR value for this device when tested at the ear was 0.209 W/kg1. As mobile phone offer a range of functions, they can be used in other positions, such as on the body as described in this user guide2. In this case, the highest tested SAR value is

0.615 W/kg.

As SAR is measured utilizing the devices highest transmitting power the actual SAR of this device while operating is typically below that indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level of the device to ensure it only uses the minimum level required to reach the network.

The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of mobile devices. They note that if you want to reduce your exposure then you can do so by limiting the length of calls or using a ‘handsfree’ device to keep the mobile phone away from the head and body.

1.The tests are carried out in accordance with international guidelines for testing.

2.For body worn operation, this model phone has been tested and meets the

RF exposure guidelines when used with a Samsung-supplied or approved accessory designated for this product or when used with an accessory that contains no metal and that positions the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from the body.

Il dispositivo è conforme agli standard dell’Unione Europea (UE) che limitano l’esposizione umana alle radiofrequenze (RF) emesse da dispositivi di telecomunicazione e radio. Questi standard impediscono la vendita di dispositivi mobili che eccedano un livello di esposizione massimo (denominato anche SAR) pari a 2,0 Watt per chilogrammo di tessuto corporeo.

Durante il test, il livello SAR registrato per questo modello è stato pari a 0,209 Watt per chilogrammo quando tenuto all’orecchio e a 0,615 Watt per chilogrammo quando portato sul corpo.* Durante l’uso normale, il livello SAR effettivo potrebbe risultare molto inferiore, poiché il telefono è stato progettato per emettere solo l’energia a radiofrequenza necessaria per trasmettere un segnale alla stazione base più vicina. Attraverso il passaggio automatico a livelli inferiori di emissione, laddove possibile, il vostro telefono riduce l’esposizione complessiva all’energia a radiofrequenza dei soggetti.

L’OMS (Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, o WHO, World Health Organization) afferma che le attuali informazioni scientifiche non indicano la necessità di precauzioni particolari per l’uso dei telefoni cellulari. Tuttavia, se i singoli utilizzatori sono preoccupati, possono scegliere di limitare la propria esposizione o quella dei loro figli, limitando la durata delle chiamate, o utilizzando auricolari o dispositivi “viva voce” per tenere il telefono cellulare lontano dal corpo e dalla testa. Per ulteriori informazioni su questo argomento,

viinvitiamo a consultare il documento dell’OMS(Promemoria n. 193, Campi elettromagnetici e salute pubblica, I telefoni mobili e le loro stazioni radio base) isponibile al seguente indirizzo: http://www.who. int/docstore/peh-emf/publications/facts_press/ifact/it_193.htm.

1.I controlli sono stati effettuati in conformità alle direttive internazionali sui controlli.

2.Per l'utilizzo vicino al corpo, questo modello di telefono è stato controllato ed è risultato conforme alle direttive per l'esposizione a RF quando utilizzato con accessori forniti o approvati da Samsung e progettati per questo prodotto o quando utilizzato con accessori non contenenti parti metalliche e che posizionano l'unità portatile ad un minimo di 1.5 cm dal corpo.

Quando utilizzati con accessori che non contengono metalli e forniscono una separazione di almeno 1,5 cm tra il dispositivo (antenna inclusa, a prescindere dal fatto che sia in posizione aperta o ritratta) e il corpo di chi lo indossa.

De u t s c h

Belastung durch elektromagnetische Funkwellen (HF)


Ihr Mobiltelefon ist ein Funksender und -empfänger. Es wurde so entwickelt, dass es die international vorgeschriebenen Grenzwerte für die Belastung durch elektromagnetische Funkwellen nicht überschreitet. Diese Vorschriften wurden vom unabhängigen Wissenschaftsinstitut ICNIRP entwickelt und beinhalten Grenzwerte, die den Schutz aller Benutzer unabhängig von ihrem Alter oder Gesundheitszustand gewährleisten.

Diese Vorschriften verwenden eine Maßeinheit, die als Spezifische Absorptionsrate oder SAR bezeichnet wird. Der SAR-Grenzwert für mobile Endgeräte beträgt 2 W/kg, und der höchste am Ohr gemessene SAR-Testwert für dieses Gerät beträgt 0,209 W/kg1. Da sich Mobiltelefone vielseitig einsetzen und verwenden lassen, können Sie auch wie in diesem Benutzerhandbuch beschrieben am Körper getragen werden2. In diesem Fall beträgt der höchste gemessene SARTestwert 0,615 W/kg.

Der SAR-Wert eines Geräts wird immer bei dessen maximaler Sendeleistung gemessen. Im normalen Betrieb liegt er jedoch überwiegend unter dem o.g. Wert. Um Akkustrom zu sparen, versucht das Gerät stets, mit der jeweils kleinstmöglichen Sendeleistung im Netz erreichbar zu bleiben.

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat erklärt, dass aus den derzeit verfügbaren wissenschaftlichen Daten nicht hervorgeht, dass der Gebrauch von mobilen Endgeräten spezielle Vorsichtsmaßnahmen erfordert. Die WHO merkt jedoch an, dass sich die Strahlenbelastung für den Körper reduzieren lässt, wenn man die Gesprächsdauer einschränkt oder eine Freisprecheinrichtung verwendet, bei der das Endgerät nicht am Körper getragen oder direkt am Kopf benutzt werden muss.

Po r t u g u ê s

Exposição às Ondas de Rádio-Frequência (RF)


O telemóvel é um transmissor e receptor de rádio. Foi concebido para não exceder os limites recomendados pelas normas internacionais relativas à exposição a ondas rádio. Estas normas foram desenvolvidas pela organização científica independente ICNIRP e incluem margens de segurança concebidas para garantir a protecção de todas as pessoas, independentemente da idade e do seu estado de saúde.

As normas utilizam uma unidade de medida conhecida como Taxa de Absorção Específica ou SAR. O limite SAR dos telemóveis é de 2 W/kg e o valor SAR mais elevado para este dispositivo quando foi testado junto ao ouvido foi 0.209 W/kg1. Como os telemóveis oferecem uma gama de funções, podem ser utilizados noutras posições, como no corpo, conforme descrito neste manual do utilizador2. Neste caso, o mais alto valor SAR testado foi 0.615 W/kg.

Como a SAR é medida utilizando o poder de transmissão mais alto do dispositivo, a SAR actual deste dispositivo durante a operação está tipicamente abaixo da actual indicada. Isto fica a dever-se a alterações automáticas ao nível da potência do dispositivo para garantir que apenas utiliza o nível mínimo necessário para se manter em contacto com a rede.

1.Die Tests erfolgten jeweils in Übereinstimmung mit den internationalen Testvorschriften.

2.Die für dieses Handymodell durchgeführten Testmessungen haben ergeben, dass es auch am Körper getragen den RF-

Belastungsvorschriften entspricht, wenn es mit dem von Samsung erhältlichen oder freigegebenen Zubehör verwendet wird oder mit Zubehör, das keine Metallteile enthält und bei dem das Handy mindestens 1,5 cm vom Körper entfernt ist.

Fr a n ç a i s

Exposition aux champs électromagnétiquesé

Ce modèle respecte les directives internationales relatives aux champs électromagnétiques

Votre téléphone mobile est un équipement destiné à émettre et recevoir des signaux de radiofréquence. Il est conçu de manière à ne pas dépasser les limites d’exposition aux champs électromagnétiques recommandées par les normes internationales. Ces normes ont été établies par l’institut ICNIRP, organisme scientifique indépendant. Elles tiennent compte de marges de sécurité destinées à garantir la protection des personnes, quel que soit leur age et leur état de santé.

Ces normes utilisent une unité de mesure appelée DAS (Débit d’absorption spécifique). La limite DAS fixée pour les appareils mobiles est de 2 W/kg. La valeur DAS la plus élevée relevée au niveau de l’oreille lors des tests de ce modèle est de 0.209 W/kg1. Les téléphones mobiles offrant de nombreuses fonctionnalités, ils peuvent également être utilisés dans d’autres positions, par exemple près du corps ou dans la poche d’un vêtement comme l’explique ce mode d’emploi2. Dans ce cas de figure, la valeur DAS la plus élevée relevée lors des tests est de 0.615 W/kg.

A Organização Mundial da Saúde declarou que a actual informação científica não revela a necessidade de quaisquer precauções especiais para a utilização de telemóveis. Eles observaram que se pretende reduzir a exposição, poderá fazê-lo ao limitar a duração das chamadas ou utilizar um dispositivo mãos-livres, para manter o telefone afastado da cabeça e do corpo.

1.Os testes são efectuados de acordo com as normas internacionais relativas à execução de testes.

2.Este modelo de telefone foi testado quanto à sua utilização junto ao corpo e cumpre as normas de exposição RF quando utilizado com um acessório aprovado ou fornecido pela Samsung designado para este produto ou quando utilizado com um acessório que não contenha metal, permitindo que o telefone fique a 1.5 cm de distância do corpo.

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Έκθεση σε κύματα ραδιοσυχνοτήτων (RF)


Το κινητό σας τηλέφωνο εκπέμπει και λαμβάνει ραδιοκύματα. Είναι σχεδιασμένο έτσι ώστε να μην υπερβαίνονται τα όρια έκθεσης σε ραδιοκύματα που υποδεικνύονται από τις διεθνείς κατευθυντήριες οδηγίες. Αυτές οι οδηγίες έχουν συνταχθεί από την ανεξάρτητη Διεθνή Επιτροπή Προστασίας από Μη-Ιονίζουσες Ακτινοβολίες (ICNIRP) και περιλαμβάνουν περιθώρια ασφαλείας, ώστε να διασφαλίζεται η προστασία όλων των ατόμων, ανεξαρτήτως ηλικίας και κατάστασης υγείας.

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Contents G l i s h A l i a n oU t s c h R t u g u ê sM â n ă D e r l a n d sŠ t i n a G y a r
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GT-N7000ZIEXEF, GT-N7000ZBASFR, GT-N7000ZIAFTM, GT-N7000ZIASFR, GT-N7000ZBEXEF specifications

The Samsung GT-N7000 series, which includes models such as GT-N7000ZBAXEF, GT-N7000ZBAFTM, GT-N7000RWAFTM, GT-N7000ZBABOG, and GT-N7000RWASFR, was a pioneer in the realm of smartphones, particularly following the rise of the phablet form factor. Launched in 2011, the Galaxy Note series set new standards for mobile device capabilities, strongly influencing the design and functionality of subsequent smartphones.

At the heart of the GT-N7000 series lies its impressive display. The device features a 5.3-inch Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels, which was revolutionary at the time. This technology offered vibrant colors, deep blacks, and wide viewing angles, making it perfect for media consumption and multi-tasking. Users were drawn to the large screen that donned an offering beyond traditional smartphones, merging the usability of a tablet with portability.

The GT-N7000 is powered by a dual-core processor, which was considered cutting-edge technology in its day. The 1.4 GHz Exynos processor ensures a smooth user experience, capable of handling various tasks and applications without significant lag. Coupled with 1GB of RAM, users were able to toggle between apps seamlessly, catering to multitasking needs.

One of the standout features of the GT-N7000 series is the integration of the S Pen, a stylus that allowed for precision and creativity in note-taking and navigation. This feature redefined how users interacted with their devices, promoting a new level of engagement through drawing, annotating, and more. The S Pen is accompanied by software enhancements that enable users to access quick tools, enhancing productivity.

Camera capabilities are another highlight of the GT-N7000 series. The device comes equipped with an 8-megapixel rear camera featuring LED flash and autofocus, alongside a 2-megapixel front camera. Users appreciated the ability to capture high-quality images and videos, making it ideal for sharing moments on social media.

In terms of connectivity options, the GT-N7000 series supports HSPA and LTE networks, ensuring users could access the internet efficiently. Moreover, it included essential features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GPS, enabling robust communication and navigation.

Running on Android 2.3 Gingerbread at launch, the OS is upgradeable to later versions, granting users access to newer features and security updates, making this series a versatile and long-lasting option. With a battery capacity of 2500 mAh, the GT-N7000 offers reasonable battery life, ensuring users can stay connected throughout the day.

Overall, the Samsung GT-N7000 series revolutionized the smartphone market with its innovative features, blending functionality and style, setting the stage for future devices in the Galaxy Note lineup and beyond. It remains a significant example of how technology can evolve to meet user demands for larger screens and enhanced capabilities.