Radio Shack 14-1124, CTR-118 owner manual 63&,,&$7,216, Fm Page 19 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM

Page 19 Page 19 Monday, October 18, 1999 11:27 AM


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Image 19 Radio Shack 14-1124, CTR-118 owner manual 63&,,&$7,216, Fm Page 19 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM
Contents Fm Page 1 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM CTR-118XH25HYLHZ#²#OHWV#\RX#TXLFNO\#ORFDWH#D#VHFWLRQ#RI#WDSH1 $7856#Fm Page 2 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM Fm Page 3 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM Fm Page 4 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM $#48,&.#/22.#$7#7+#&75044Fm Page 5 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM 353$5$7,216833/,1*#325 ROORZ#WKHVH#VWHSV#WR#LQVWDOO#EDWWHULHV1DXWLRQV= 61 5HSODFH#WKH#FRYHU1Fm Page 6 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM Fm Page 7 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM 86,1*#9+,&/#%$775#3251RWHV=# 211&7,1*#$1#$53+212 63$.5Fm Page 8 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM Fm Page 9 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM LVWHQLQJ#6DIHO\Fm Page 10 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM $,1*#$#&$6677#7$371 &ORVH#WKH#FDVVHWWH#FRPSDUWPHQW#GRRU1 3UHVV#3/$1#7KH#WDSH#EHJLQV#WR#SOD\16HW#96&#WR#2#WR#OLVWHQ#WR#D#WDSH#DW#QRUPDO#VSHHG1 86,1*#9$5,$%/#63&+#&21752/# +96Fm Page 11 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM Fm Page 12 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM 86,1*#7+#7$3#&2817592,&0$&7,9$7,21#5&25,1 25,1Fm Page 13 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM 71 7R#VWRS#UHFRUGLQJ#EHIRUH#WKH#WDSH#HQGV/#SUHVV#67231 $18$/#5&25,148,&.#5&25 25,1*#,7+#$1#751$/# 0,&523+21Fm Page 15 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM $3#7,3656725,1*#7$3#716,21#$1# 6281#48$/,7 $6,1*#7$36Fm Page 16 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM 35917,1*#$&&,17$/#5$685GLR6KDFN#VWRUH#IRU#DVVLVWDQFH1 $1,1*#7+#7$30+$1/,1*# 3$576Fm Page 17 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM Fm Page 18 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM +HDG DsvwdqFm Page 19 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM 63&,,&$7,216Fm Page 20 Monday, October 18, 1999 1127 AM LPLWHG#1LQHW\0D\#DUUDQW\

14-1124, CTR-118 specifications

The Radio Shack 14-1124, CTR-118 is a compact and versatile communication device that showcases the great lengths Radio Shack has gone to in creating a user-friendly and efficient radio system. As a simple yet powerful two-way radio, the CTR-118 caters to a diverse audience, from casual users to those needing a reliable tool for work or outdoor activities.

One of the main features of the CTR-118 is its lightweight and compact design. This makes it easy to carry, ensuring users can take it anywhere without worrying about bulk. The ergonomic shape fits comfortably in the hand, and its durable construction means it can withstand regular use in various environments.

Another standout characteristic of the Radio Shack 14-1124 is its impressive range. Typically boasting multiple channels, the CTR-118 allows users to communicate over extended distances, making it suitable for outdoor adventures, event management, or even everyday family use in large areas. It operates on UHF frequencies, which can better navigate obstacles like trees and buildings while maintaining clear sound quality.

The user-friendly interface is one of the highlights of the CTR-118. It features an intuitive control system with easily accessible buttons, allowing users to switch channels or adjust settings quickly. Additionally, the inclusion of a built-in microphone and speaker provides clear audio and ensures effective communication, even in noisy environments.

Another notable technology featured in the CTR-118 is its battery efficiency. With a robust battery life, users can rely on the device throughout the day. The ability to recharge batteries easily or replace them depending on preference adds to its convenience, ensuring the radio is always ready for use.

The CTR-118 also features privacy codes, which allow users to maintain a level of security during communications. By obscuring conversations from potential eavesdroppers on the same channel, it makes the device suitable for sensitive discussions or when privacy is essential.

Overall, the Radio Shack 14-1124, CTR-118, is a blend of functionality, durability, and performance. It addresses the needs of modern users looking for reliability in communication whether in recreational activities, professional settings, or emergencies, making it a timeless choice in the realm of two-way radios.