Samsung YP-Q2AB/AAW Or if you modify it, That we gave you. You must make sure that they, too

Page 94

surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain

We call this license the “Lesser” General Public License

responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library

because it does Less to protect the user’s freedom than the

or if you modify it.

ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free

For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether

software developers Less of an advantage over competing

gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights

non-free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we

that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too,

use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries.

receive or can get the source code. If you link other code

However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain

with the library, you must provide complete object files to the

special circumstances.

recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after

For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need

making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you

to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so

must show them these terms so they know their rights.

that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-

We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright

free programs must be allowed to use the library. A more

the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you

frequent case is that a free library does the same job as

legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.

widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little to

gain by limiting the free library to free software only, so we

To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that

use the Lesser General Public License.

there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is

In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-

modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients

should know that what they have is not the original version,

free programs enables a greater number of people to use a

so that the original author’s reputation will not be affected by

large body of free software. For example, permission to use

problems that might be introduced by others.

the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more

people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as

Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence

its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system.

of any free program. We wish to make sure that a company

Although the Lesser General Public License is Less

cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by

obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore,

protective of the users’ freedom, it does ensure that the user

we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the

of a program that is linked with the Library has the freedom

library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified

and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified

in this license.

version of the Library.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and

Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the

ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU

modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between

Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated

a “work based on the library” and a “work that uses the library”.

libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary General Public

The former contains code derived from the library, whereas the

License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to

latter must be combined with the library in order to run.

permit linking those libraries into non-free programs.


When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or


using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally

0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or

speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library.

other program which contains a notice placed by the copyright

The ordinary General Public License therefore permits

holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed

such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of

under the terms of this Lesser General Public License (also

freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more

called “this License”). Each licensee is addressed as “you”.

lax criteria for linking other code with the library.


Image 94
Contents MP3 Ϟϐθϣ˷ ΕΎϤΎϘϟ ϝϼΧ ΪϳΰϤϟ ϪΑϭ ΕΰϴϤϟ ϩάϫ Ϟϛ ϦϤπΘϳ ϚΑ ιΎΨϟ ΪϳΪΠϟ MP3ίΎϬΟ· ϑ· ϮϳΩέ ϰϟ· ωΎϤΘγϻ ΪϨϋ ϰΘΣ ϭ ΏΎόϟϷ ΔγέΎϤϣϭ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣ Δϴϫί ϥϮϟϭ έϮλ LCD ΔηΎη νήόΗϜϭΎΤΗ ϻ ˷ϜϔΗ ϻ ΒϤϠΗ ϻ ΔΣήμΑ ΕΎϤϴϠόΘϟ ϊΒΗ Οϭ ϞϜθΑ ΕήϳάΤΘϟ ϩάϫ ωΎΒΗ ϰΟήϳΡέΪΠϟ ΔϴΎΑήϬϜϟ ΔϗΎτϟ ΝήΨϣ Ϧϣ ΔϴΎΑήϬϜϟ ΔϗΎτϟ βΑΎϗ Ϟμϓ ΔϴΑήϬϜϟ ΕΎϣΪμϟ ϚΘϳΎϤΤϟϚδϔϨΑ ΝϮΘϨϤϟ άϫ ϞϳΪόΗ ϭ ˬΡϼλ· ˬϚϴϜϔΘΑ ϢϘΗ ϻ ƒ ϹθϤϟ ϭ ϲϧΎϤδΠϟ ΐϳέΪΘϟΎΑ ϡϮϘΗΎΒϳήϘΗ ϞΒϴδϳΩ Αήϟ ΔϋΎϤγΓΪϫΎθϤϟ Ϟπϓ ϞΟ Ϧϣ ϊΒτϟ έΎϴΘΧ ϲϓ Fit to ΔϴδϴτϨϐϤϟ ˯ΎϴηϷ Ϧϣ ΐϳήϗ ϥΎϜϣ ϲϓ ΝϮΘϨϤϟ ϊπΗ ϻ ƒΕΎϳϮΘΤϤϟ ΕΎϴγΎγϷΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ϞϴϐθΗ νήϋ ΩϮϨϟ ΐδΣ ϰϠϋ ωΎϤΘγϻ ΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ϞϴϐθΗ νήϋΚϨϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγ ϪΣϼλ·ϭ ϞϠΨϟ ϱήΤΗ ́˹ ϪΣϼλ·ϭ ϞϠΨϟ ϱήΤΗFM ϮϳΩέ νήϋ ΚϴΧήΘϟΞϧϮδϣΎδϟ ϦΎΑΰϟ ΔϣΪΧ ΡϮΘΤϳ ΫΎϣUSB ϞΑΎϛ ϞΑΎϜϟ ΔϓΎϔϟ ΣΒπϟ ΓΩΎϋ· ΐϘΛ ΔηΎθϟ νήϋ ϚδϤϟϭ ΔϴΎΑήϬϜϟ ΔϗΎτϟ έίϞϴΠδΘϟ/ϡΪΨΘδϤϟ έί ϤϮϓϭήϜϴϤϟΔόΑΎΘϣ ϚΑ ιΎΨϟ MP3 Ϟϐθϣ˷ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ϚΑ ιΎΨϟ MP3 Ϟϐθϣ˷ ΔΒϗήϟ ΔϠδϠγ Δτθϓ ϤΫϷ ΔϋΎϤγ ϞϴλϮΗ βΒϘϣ ϞϴλϮΗ Δτθϓ USBϠΎψϨϟ ςΒο ΓΩΎϋ· Ϧϣ ΪΑ ϻ ˬϪϠϴλϮΗ ΪϨϋ ήΗϮϴΒϤϜϟ ΞΘϨϤϟ ϒϠΘϳ ϑϮδϓ ˬϕΪΘδϣ ϑήτΑ ΕϮμϟ ήΒϜϣ Δτθϓ ϰϠϋ ςϐπΗ ϻ ƒΔϔϴψϧ ϚόΑΎλ ϦϜΗ Ϣϟ Ϋ· ϲδϤϠϟ έΰϟ ϰϠϋ ςϐπΗ ϻ ƒ ΔψΣϼϣ ϹδϤϠϟ έΰϟ ϡΪΨΘγϚόΒλ· ϑήτΑ ϲδϤϠϟ έΰϟ Ώήο ϪϠϴϐθΘϟ ϚόΑΎλ ϑϼΧ ˯ϲη ϱ ϡΪΨΘδΗ ϻ ˬϲδϤϠϟ έΰϟ ϒϠΗ ΐϨΠΘϟ ƒΕΎϋΎγ 4 ϲϟϮΣϦΤθϟ Ζϗϭ ΔΤϴΤλ ΓέϮμΑΖϗϮϟ έϭήϣ ϊϣ ˯ςΒΑ ΔϳέΎτΒϟ ήϤϋ ήμϘϳ 95 ~ ϑ 40 ϡ˸Έί Ϛδϣϭ ςϐο 35 ~ ϡ˸ϒϠϤϟ ϞϴϐθΗ ΪϨϋ ΕϮμϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ςΒπΗ ϥ Ϛϟ ϦϜϤϳ ΕϮμϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ςΒοΈέίϷ Ϟϔϗ ϞϔγϷ ˬϰϠϋϷ έί ΏήοϢόϧ Yes ϒϠϤϟ ϑάΣ Delete FileήΘΧ .˽ Ϩϼϋ ˻ ~ ˺ ΕϮτΧ ϊΒΗϒϠϤϟ ϑάΣ ϢΘϳ ϑϮγ ƒ ΣΒπϟ ΔϤΎϗ ΏϮϠτϤϟ ςΒπϟ έΎϴΧ ήΘΧ .˼ΎϬϠπϔΗ ϲΘϟ ΕέΎϴΨϟ ςΒο .˽ ΣΑϮπϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϲϓ ΔΑϮϠτϤϟ ΓΩΎϤϟ ήΘΧ .˻ΕϮμϟ ςΒο ΕέΎϴΧ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ΕέΎϴΨϟϭ ςΑϮπϟ ήϴϴϐΗΕϮμϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ΪΣϭ ˬΐϴΒϟ ΕϮλ ˬϲδϴήϟ ϥίϮϤϟ ςΒπΗ ϥ Ϛϟ ϦϜϤϳ String ϭ ΔϓϮϔμϣ Matrix ήΘΧ .Δϴδϴήϟ Νήόϟ ςΒο ΕέΎϴΧΎϫήϴϏϭ ΔηΎθϟ ωϮτγ ˬνήόϟ ϑΎϘϳ· ˬϑϭήΤϟ ϞϜη ˬΔϤΎϘϟ ϢϴϤμΗ ή˷ϴϏ ϹόΒτϤϟ ϑήΤϟ FontˬItaliano ˬDeutsch ˬFrançais ˬ ˬEnglish ΔϐϠϟ ςΒο ΕέΎϴΘΧΔϟϮϬδΑ ΔϴϟϭϷ ΔϐϠϟ ήϴϐΗ ϥ Ϛϟ Slovenskýϭ Slovenšþina ˬɍɤɪɚʀɧɫɶɤɚ ˬRomânăϹϟΎΤϟ ΖϗϮϟϭ ΦϳέΎΘϟ ςΒπΑ Ϣϗ ΖϗϮϟϭ ΦϳέΎΘϟ ςΒο έΎϴΧ˯Ύδϣ˱ ΎΣΎΒλ˱ AM/PMϭ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο Ώήο .˻ Ϣόϧ Yes ήΘΧ .˼ ΖϗϮϟϭ ΦϳέΎΘϟ φϔΣ ϢΘϳ ƒΔϘϴϗΩ ϒϠϤϟ Ϣγ ϴΤμΗ ϞΟ Ϧϣ ΔΒΘϜϤϟ ΚϳΪΤΗ Library UpdateϠΎψϨϟ ςΒο ΕέΎϴΧ ϢΪϟ ϞϴϐθΘϟ Always On ϭΓήϛάϟ ˯ΰΟ ϡΪΨΘδΗ ΔϴϠΧΪϟ ΔΘϴΒϤϟ ΞϣήΒϟ ϥϷ ̶ΒϳήΠΘϟ ϊοϮϟ Demo ModeΖϴΒϤϟ ΞϣΎϧήΒϟ έΪλ·ϭ ΕΎϔϠϤϟ ΩΪϋ ˬΓήϛάϟ Δόγ κΤϓ ϝϮΣ About ƒ ΡΩϼϴϣ ϡϮϳ ΩΪϋ· ϹϤγ ΩΪϋ·̶ΗΎϣϮϠόϣ My Info ήΘΧ .˺ ̶Ϥγ My Name ήΘΧ .˻ ϚϤγ ϞΧΩ .˼ ϚϤγ ΪϫΎθΗ ϑϮγ ˬϢγϻ ςΒο Ϟϥϝη ΎϣΪϨϋ ƒϠΪΨΘδϤϟ έί ϊοϭ User Button Mode ήΘΧ .˺ ΪοϮϟ Ϟϛ ϲϓUSB Port ΚϠϋ ϭ CD Rom 2X ϙ˷ήΤϣ ΚϠϋ ϭ Pentium 500MHzΉΗϮϴΒϤϜϟ ίΎϬΟ ϰϟ Ϟ˷ϐθϤϟ Ϟμϳ ΎϣΪϨϋ Ύθύϙϡη EmoDio ΪΒϳ ϑϮγ ΪϤΘΠϤϟΎΑ ϦϳήΧ ϦϴϣΪΨΘδϣ ϊϣ ϚμμϘΑ ϙέΎη Emodio ϡΪΨΘγMP3 ίΎϬΟ ϰϟ· ϲμΨθϟ ήΗϮϴΒϤϜϟ ϪϠϛ ΐϠμϟ ϙήΤϤϟ ϲϓ ϴΤλ ϒϠϣ Ϧϋ ΚΤΒϟ ϞϤϋ ϥϭΩ ΔϋήδΑ MP3 Ϟϐθϣ˷ΉΗϮϴΒϤϜϟ ίΎϬΟ ϞϴλϮΗ ˯ΎϨΛ Ϟ˷ϐθϤϟ ϲϓ ϒΎχϮϟ Ϟϛ ϞϤόΗ ϻ ƒ ϪϤϴϤμΘΑ Ϣϗϭ Restore device defaults ΔϘτϘτΑMusic Recognition ServiceSM ΉΗϮϴΒϤϜϟ ίΎϬΟ ϰϟ ϞϴλϮΗ ϞΒϗ ΓΪϳΪϋ ϖΎϗΩEmoDio ϡΪΨΘγΎΑ Ϟ˷ϐθϤϟ ϰϟ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ΕΎϔϠϣ ϞϘϧ Ϧϣ ΪΑ ϻ ϞϘϨϠϟ ϞΑΎϗ ιήϘϛ Ϟ˷ϐθϤϟ ϡΪΨΘγϞϘϨϠϟ ϞΑΎϘϟ ϦϳΰΨΘϟ ίΎϬΠϛ Ϟ˷ϐθϤϟ ϡΪΨΘγ ϚϨϜϤϳ ϚΑ ιΎΨϟ ήΗϮϴΒϤϜϟ ίΎϬΟ ϰϟ Ϟ˷ϐθϤϟ Ϟλ ! ΪΒΗ ϥ ϞΒϗ ƒStorage Device Drive ϚΑ ιΎΨϟ ήΗϮϴΒϤϜϟ ίΎϬΟ Ϧϣ Ϟμϓ΄ϔϠϟ έΎδϴϟ έΰϟ ϒϠϤϟ ϞϴϐθΗ ϝΎϤϛ·ΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ϰϟ ωΎϤΘγϻ ΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ϞϴϐθΗ ΪΒϳ ϑϮγ ƒϤΎϨϔϟ ΐδΣ ϰϠϋ ϞϴϐθΘϠϟ ϥϮϧΎϨϔϟ Artists ƒ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ωϮϨϟ ΐδΣ ϰϠϋ ωΎϤΘγϻΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ΔϤΎϗ ΩϮϨϟ ΐδΣ ϰϠϋ ϞϴϐθΘϠϟ ωϮϧϷ Genres ƒϞϴϐθΘϟ Δϋήγ ήηΆϣ ΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ϞϴϐθΗ ΔϟΎΣ ΉηΆϤϟ ϖϠϏ ϹϟΎΤϟ ΖϗϮϟ ΔϳέΎτΒϟ ΔϟΎΣΕέΎδϤϟ ϹϟΎϤΟϹ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΖϗϭΕϮμϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ξϔΧ / ΓΩΎϳΰϟ Ώήο ϹϟΎΤϟ ϒϠϤϟ ΔϳΪΑ ϞϴϐθΗΠΑΎδϟ ϒϠϤϟ ϹϟΎΤϟ ϒϠϤϟ ϲϓ ϒϠΨϟ ϰϟ ϝΎϘΘϧϼϟ έΰϟ άϫ Ϛδϣϭ ςϐοϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϑάΣ Delete Playlist ήΘΧ .˽ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϑάΤϟϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ Ϣγ ήϳήΤΘϟ Ϩϼϋ ΓέϮϛάϤϟ 3 1 ΕϮτΨϟ ϊΒΗΔόΑΎΘϣ ϚΑ ιΎΨϟ MP3 Ϟ˷ϐθϣ ϰϠϋ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϖϠΧ ΓΪϳΪΠϟ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ΓΎϔο·ϞϴϐθΘϟ ϢϮϗ Playlists ήΘΧ .˻ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϰϟ ϒϠϤϟ ΔϓΎο·ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϲϓ ϒϠϤϟ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ϞϴϐθΘϠϟ ϰϘϴγϮϤϟ ϒϠϣ ήΘΧ .˽Ϩϼϋ ΓέϮϛάϤϟ 3 1 ΕϮτΨϟ ϊΒΗ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο Ώήο .˽ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϲϓ ϒϠϤϟ ϑάΤϟϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϲϓ ΕΎϔϠϤϟ Ϟϛ ϑάΤϟ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ϢΎϗ Ϧϣ ϑάΣ Delete from Playlist ήΘΧ .˾ΕϮμϟ ήϴΛ΄Η Sound Effect ήΘΧ .˻ ΏϮϠτϤϟ ΕϮμϟ ήϴΛ΄Η ήΘΧ .˼ ΕϮμϟ ήϴΛ΄Η ςΒπϟΎϬϴϟ ϊϤΘδΗ ΎϣΪϨϋ ΔηΎθϟ ϰϠϋ ΔϴϔϠΨϟ ΕϮμϟ ήϴΛ΄Η ΕέΎϴΧDNSe ϲϤϗήϟ ϲόϴΒτϟ ΕϮμϟ ϙήΤϣ ςΒπϟ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ϰϘϴγϮϤϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ωϮϧ ϞϜϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ ΕϮμϟ ήΘΧ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο ϦϤϳϷ έί Ώήοϭ ΏϮϠτϤϟ User DNSe ήΘΧ .˽ User DNSe έΎϴΘΧϻϹΑ ΔλΎΨϟ DNSe myDNSe ΉϴϬΟ Bass ϭ ΩΎόΑϷ ϲΛϼΛ ΕϮλ 3D ˰ϟ ˽-˹ Ϧϣ έΎΘΨΗ ϥΔόΑΎΘϣ User DNSe έΎϴΘΧϻ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ϊοϭ Play Mode ήΘΧ .˻ ΏϮϠτϤϟ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ϊοϭ ήΘΧ .˼ϞϴϐθΘϟ ϊοϭ ςΒπϟ ΔϴϟΎΘϟ ΕέΎϴΨϟ Ϧϣ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ϊοϭ ήΘΧΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ϞϴϐθΗ ΔηΎη έΎϴΘΧϻ ΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ΕΎϔϠϣ ϞϴϐθΗ ΔηΎη Music Play Screen ήΘΧ .˻ϞϴϐθΘϟ Δϋήγ Play Speed ήΘΧ .˻ ΏϮϠτϤϟ ϞϴϐθΘϟ Δϋήγ ήΘΧ .˼ ϞϴϐθΘϟ Δϋήγ ςΒπϟϹτΨΘϟ ΔϠλΎϓ ςΒπϟ Γήϣ Ϟϛ ϲϓ ΓΪϳΪόϟϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϰϟ· ΔϓΎο· ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϰϟ ϒϠϤϟ ΔϓΎοϹϞϴϐθΘϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϰϟ· ΔϓΎο· Add to Playlist ήΘΧ .˻ Δϴδϴήϟ ΔϤΎϘϟ ϲϓ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ϢϮϗ PlaylistsΔϋϮτϘϤϟ ϞϴϐθΗ ΓΩΎϋ· ˯ΎϐϟϹ Ϧϴόϣ ˯ΰΟ έήϜΗ ϊοϭ Repeat A-B Mode ήΘΧ .˻ϞϴϐθΘϟ ΓΩΎϋϹ ΔϋϮτϘϤϟ ςΒπϟ ˯ΰΠϟ έήϜΗ ˯ΎϨΛ ΏήοϮϳΪϴϔϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣ Δϴδϴήϟ ΔϤΎϘϟ ΔηΎη ϰϠϋ ϥϮϘϳ ήΘΧ .˺ ϞϴϐθΘϠϟ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ϒϠϣ ήΘΧ .˻ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ϞϴϐθΗ νήϋ ΉηΆϤϟ ϖϠϏ ϹϟΎΤϟ ΖϗϮϟϞϔγϷ ˬϰϠϋϷ έΰϟ ϦϤϳϷ ˬήδϳϷ έΰϟ ΩϮτδϟ Brightness ήΘΧ .˻ ΏϮϠτϤϟ ωϮτδϟ ήΘΧ .˼ ΩϮτδϟ ςΒπϟϮϳΪϴϔϟ ΔηΎθϟ ωϮτδϟ ςΒπΗ ϥ Ϛϟ ϦϜϤϳ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ϞϴϐθΗ ˯ΎϨΛ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο Ώήο .˺Ϲϟϵ ϲτΨΘϟ ˯ΎϐϟϹ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγϹϟϵ ϲτΨΘϟ ςΒπϟ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ωϮϧ ϞϜϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ ΕϮμϟ ήΘΧϦϤϳϷ ˬήδϳϷ έί Ώήο ˬΔϴγήϟ ΓΪϫΎθϤϟ ϲϓ ΈϮμϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣΔΑϮϠτϤϟ ΓέϮμϟ ϒϠϣ ήΘΧ .˻ Δθϙϓ ΓΪϫΎθϣΓέϮμϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣ ΔηΎη ΡϮΑϷ ΞϣΎϧήΒϟ ήηΆϣ ϹϟΎΤϟ ΖϗϮϟ ΔϳέΎτΒϟ ΔϟΎΣϮϳΩέ ϭ ϰϘϴγϮϤϟ ϰϟ· ωΎϤΘγϻ ˯ΎϨΛ έϮμϟ νήόϟ ΓέϮμϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγΦϻΰϧϻ νήϋ ΓΪϫΎθϤϟ ϞϴϐθΘϟ Ϊϴϗ FM ϮϳΩέ FM Radio OnΦϻΰϧϻ νήϋ Δϋήγ ςΒπϟ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ΓέϮμϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγΦϻΰϧϻ νήϋ ϑΎϘϳϹ Ήθϟ νήϋ Δϋήγ Slideshow Speed ήΘΧ .˻ ΔΑϮϠτϤϟ Δϋήδϟ ήΘΧ .˼ΓέϮμϟ ήϴΒϜΗ ϚϨϜϤϳ ΓέϮμϟ ήϴΒϜΘϟΉϴΒϜΘϟ ˯ΎϐϟϹ ΉϴϐμΘϟ/ήϴΒϜΘϟ Zoom ήΘΧ .˻ ΏϮϠτϤϟ ϡϭΰϟ ϞϣΎϋ ήΘΧ .˼ϚϠϴπϔΗ ΐδΣ ϰϠϋ ΓέϮμϟ έϭΪΗ ϥ Ϛϟ ϦϜϤϳ ΓέϮμϟ ήϳϭΪΘϟΉϳϭΪΗ Rotate ήΘΧ .˻ ΔΑϮϠτϤϟ Δϳϭΰϟ ήΘΧ .˼ Ϟπϔϣ ήϬψϤϛ ΪϳΪΤΗ Select as My Skin ήΘΧ .˻ Ϣόϧ Yes Δθϔϡχ ΓέϮμϛ ΓέϮμϟ έΎϴΘΧϻϜΎϘΘϧϻ ήϴΛ΄Η ήϴϴϐΘϟ ΔϴϔϠΨϟ ΓέϮμϟ ϰϠϋ ΓέΎΘΨϤϟ ΓέϮμϟ ςΒπΗ ϑϮγ ƒϦϤϳϷ ˬήδϳϷ έί Ώήο ΚϨϟ Γ˯ήϗΚϘϴγϮϤϟ ϰϟ ωΎϤΘγϻ ˯ΎϨΛ ....MP3˸Ϟ˷ϐθϣ ΔτγϮΑ ΚϨϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣ ˯ΎϨΛ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο Ώήο .˺ FM ϮϳΩέ ϭ ϰϘϴγϮϤϟ ϰϟ· ωΎϤΘγϻ ˯ΎϨΛ ιϮμϨϟ Γ˯ήϘϟΏϮϠτϤϟ ϥϮϠϤϟ Bookmark ήηΆϣ ϒϠϣ ήΘΧ .˻ ϞϴϐθΘϟ Ϊϴϗ ϰϘϴγϮϤϟ Music OnήΘΧ .˻ΔϴϟϭϷ ΔΤϔμϟ ϰϟ ϝΎϘΘϧϼϟ ΔόΑΎΘϣ κϨϟ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγϹόΒτϤϟ ϑήΤϟ ϢΠΣ ήϴϴϐΘϟ ΔϴϟϭϷ ΔΤϔμϟ ϰϟ ϞϘΘϨϳ ƒΑΩΎδϟ ωϮϨϟ Type 6 ~ 1 Ϣϗέ ωϮϨϟ Type 1 Ϧϣ ΪΣϭ ήΘΧ ƒ ΚϨϟ Ϊϫ Ύθϣ ϥϮϟ ςΒπϟΚϨϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣ ϊοϭ ςΒπϟ ΎϳΩϮϤϋ ϭ Ύθϙϓ κϨϟ ΪϫΎθΗ ϥ Ϛϟ ϦϜϤϳΔΑϮϠτϤϟ ΔϐϠϟ ήΘΧ .˼ ΚϨϟ Δϐϟ ςΒπϟΚϨϟ Δϐϟ Text Language ήΘΧ .˻ ΚϨϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣ ϞΟ Ϧϣ Δϐϟ έΎΘΨΗ ϥ Ϛϟ ϦϜϤϳFM ϮϳΩέ ϝΎΒϘΘγ ΪΒϳ ϑϮγ ƒ ϢΘϜϟ Δϔϴχ ϭ ϡ ΪΨΘγ ϻFM ϮϳΩέ ϰϟ ωΎϤΘγϻ ˯ΎϨΛ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο Ώήο ΉϓϮΘϤϟ FM ΩΩήΗ Ϟ˷ϐθϤϟ ΚΤΒϳ ϻ Ϊϗ ˬϒϴόπϟ ϝΎΒϘΘγϻ ΔϘτϨϣ ϲϓ ƒFM ϮϳΩέ νήϋ ΠΒδϤϟManual ϊοϭ ϲϓ έήΣ ϚϟΫ ΪόΑϭ ϦϤϳϷ ˬήδϳϷ έί Ϛδϣϭ ςϐο ΡϭΪϴϟ FM ϮϳΩέ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγFM ΕΎτΤϣ ΚΤΒϟ ΡϭΪϴϟ Manual ϊοϭΡϭΪϴϟ ϊοϭ ϰϟ ϞϳϮΤΘϠϟ ΔόΑΎΘϣ FM ϮϳΩέ ΔϤΎϗ ϡΪΨΘγΠΒδϤϟ ςΒπϟ ϊοϭ ϰϟ ϞϳϮΤΘϠϟ ΠΒδϤϟ ΔψΣϼϣΪΣϮϟ έΰϟ ϰϠϋ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο Ώήοϭ ΠΒδϤϟ ΩΪϋϹ ϰϟ· ΔϓΎο· Add to Preset ήΘΧ .˻ΣΒπϟ ΔϘΒδϤϟ Γήϛάϟ ϲϓ ΕΎτΤϤϟ ϦϳΰΨΘϟ FM ϮϳΩέ ϊοϭ ϲϓ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο Ώήο .˺ΣΒπϟ ΔϘΒδϤϟ ΔτΤϤϟ ϑάΤϟ ΠΒδϤϟ ςΒπϟ Preset ϊοϭ ϲϓ ϦϤϳϷ ˬήδϳϷ έί ΏήοΠΒδϤϟ ΩΪϋϹ Ϧϣ ϑάΣ Delete from Preset ήΘΧ .˻ ΣΒπϟ ΔϘΒδϤϟ ΕΎτΤϤϟ ϰϟ ωΎϤΘγϼϟϞϴΠδΘϟ ϑΎϘϳϹ FM ϮϳΩέ ΚΑ ϞϴΠδΘϟNo ϭ Ϣόϧ Yes ήΘΧ .˻ ΔΑϮϠτϤϟ ϞϴΠδΘϟ ΔϴϋϮϧ ήΘΧ .˼ FM ϞϴΠδΗ ΔϴϋϮϧ ςΒπϟFM ϝΎΒϘΘγ ςΒπϟ FM ϮϳΩήϟ ϞϴΠδΘϟ ΔϴϋϮϧ έΎΘΨΗ ϥ Ϛϟ ϦϜϤϳFM ΔϘτϨϣ ςΒπϟ No ϭ Ϣόϧ Yes ήΘΧ .˽ΔΑϮϠτϤϟ ΓΎϨϘϟ ϥϮϨϋ ήΘΧ .˻ Δϴδϴήϟ ΔϤΎϘϟ ΔηΎη ϰϠϋΏϮϠτϤϟ ϒϠϤϟ ήΘΧ .˼ ΕϮμϟ ϞϴΠδΘΑ ϡϮϘΗ ϥ Ϛϟ ϦϜϤϳ ΕϮμϟ ϞϴΠδΗΕϮμϟ ϞϴΠδΗ ϑΎϘϳϹ ΕϮμϟ ϞϴΠδΗ Voice REC ήΘΧ .˻ Ύϔθϔχ ΎΑήο Ώήο .˼ϞΠδϤϟ ϒϠϤϟ κΤϔϟ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ΕϮμϟ ϞϴΠδΗΕϮμϟ ϞϴΠδΗ ΔϴϋϮϧ ςΒπϟ ϞΠδϤϟ ϒϠϤϟ ϞϴϐθΗ ΪΒϳ ϑϮγ ƒΏϮϠτϤϟ ΐόϠϟ ήΘΧ .˼ ΔϋΎϘϔϟ ϡΎδΘΑΏΎόϟϷ Games ήΘΧ .˻ ΔϳέΎτΒϟ ΔϟΎΣ κΤϓϭ ˬϞ˷ϐθϤϟ ϞϴϐθΘΑ Ϣϗ ! ΪΒΗ ϥ ϞΒϗ ƒΔΟΎΟΪϟ Ώϭήϫ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ϮϳΪϴϔϟ ΏΎόϟ ϞϴϐθΗΔϠΒϨϗ ΔϠΒϨϗ ΕΎόϴϤΠΘϟ ρΎϘγϹ ϞϔγϷ έί ϰϠϋ ήϘϧϚϨϣ ΐϳήϘϟ ΞϧϮδϣΎγ ΔϣΪΧ ΰϛήϤΑ ϞμΗ ˬΔϠϜθϤϟ ΕήϤΘγ ΣΒπϟ ΓΩΎϋ· Reset ΐϘΛ ϰϠϋ ςϐοΈέίϷ ϞϤόΗ ϻ ΘϮγ ˬΔηΎθϟ DisplayΔϴγΎγϷ ϡΎψϨϟ EmoDio ΝήόϟϞϴϟΪϟ ΏΎΘϛ ϲϓ ΉΗϮϴΒϤϜϟϒΎχϮϟ ϭ ΝϮΘϨϤϟ ΓήϴϐΘϤϟ ϞϴϐθΘϟ ˯ΎϨΛΈΎΣ ΝϮΘϨϤϟ ϮϳΪϴϔϟΔϤΎϘϟ ΓήΠη Playlist My Skin Language Repeat Transition Mode EffectPack File Browser Settings Voice DatacastsΔΘϴΒϤϟ ΔϳέΎτΒϟ ΔϗΎσ ϞϳΩϮϤϟ ϢγΉϳΪϘΘϟ ϒϠϤϟ ϕϭΎδΗϤίϮϟ ΘϼϐϟFM ϮϳΩέ ΚϴΧήΘϟ ΡέΎΠΘϟ ϡΪΨΘγϼϟ ΔΣϮϨϤϣ ϕϮϘΣ Δϳ Ϊοϯη ϻ .ΔμΧήϤϟ ΕΎϳϮΘΤϤϟΎΑ00-1800-5077267 SAMSUNG726-78640800-124-421 800-7919267Samsung 902 172 Country Customer Care Centre Web Site801 1SAMSUNG172678 SAMSUNG726 78 SamsungLinux Kernel, Busybox Is no warranty or else, saying that you provide a If the modified program normally reads commandsInteractively when run, you must cause it, when started Warranty and that users may redistribute the programOnly if you received the program in object code Installation of the executable. However, as a specialAlternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution Or executable form with such an offer, in accord withDistributed through that system in reliance on consistent This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what isProblems or concerns System and a licensee cannot impose that choiceFitness for a Particular PURPOSE. See Or modify it under the terms of the GNU General PublicLicense as published by the Free Software Foundation GNU General Public License for more detailsThat we gave you. You must make sure that they, too Problems that might be introduced by othersOr if you modify it Receive or can get the source code. If you link other codeInto another language Used to control compilation and installation of the libraryYou must cause the whole of the work to be licensed Table of data to be supplied by an application programPortions of the Library will still fall under Section Specify that version instead if you wish. Do not make anyOther change in these notices From that copySame work based on the Library, uncombined with any Explaining where to find the accompanying uncombinedAccompany the combined library with a copy Give prominent notice with the combined libraryFor this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals How to Apply These Terms to Your New LibrariesFrom distribution of the Library Apply in other circumstancesWarranty of Merchantability or Fitness for a file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warrantyPointer to where the full notice is found NamesREV.0.0
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