Samsung YP-Q2CB/MEA That in whole or in part contains or is derived from, License, Any change

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that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the


Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole

0. This License applies to any program or other work which

at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this


contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may

c) If the modified program normally reads commands

be distributed under the terms of this General Public License.

The “Program”, below, refers to any such program or work,

interactively when run, you must cause it, when started

and a “work based on the Program” means either the Program

running for such interactive use in the most ordinary

or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a

way, to print or display an announcement including an

work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim

appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there

or with modifications and/or translated into another language.

is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a

(Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the

warranty) and that users may redistribute the program

term “modification”.) Each licensee is addressed as “you”.

under these conditions, and telling the user how to

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are

view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program

itself is interactive but does not normally print such an

not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The

announcement, your work based on the Program is not

act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output

required to print an announcement.)

from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.

a work based on the Program (independent of having been

made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends

If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the

on what the Program does.

Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and

1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program’s

separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms,

do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as

source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that

separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as

you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy

part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the

an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty;

distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License,

keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the

whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire

absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the

whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who

Program a copy of this License along with the Program.

wrote it.


You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or

copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in

contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather,

exchange for a fee.

the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of

2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or

derivative or collective works based on the Program.

any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program,

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on

and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the

the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the

terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of

Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does

these conditions:

not bring the other work under the scope of this License.


a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent

3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based

notices stating that you changed the files and the date

on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form

of any change.

under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you

b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish,

also do one of the following:

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Contents MP3 ϩΪϨϨ̯ ζΨ̡ ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ΪηΎΒϴϣ USB 1.1 ΎΑΪϴϨ̯ ̵ίΎΑ έ ΩϮΧ ϩϮΨϟΩ ̵Ύϫ Ϣϴ̳ ϭ ΪϴϨ̯ ΪϨ̯ ̶ϣ ϖϠΧ ϩΪϧί ̵ήϳϭΎμΗ ϭ ΎϬ̴ϧέ LCD ζϳΎϤϧ ϪΤϔλΩέΩ ΩϮΟϭ ̵ΪΟ ̶μΨη ΕΎϣΪλ Ύϳ ̱ήϣ ήτΧ Ϫ̯ ΖγΎϨόϣ Ϧϳ ϪΑ ΪϨηΎΑ Ϊϴϔϣ ϩΪϨϨ̯ΪϧΩή̳ ̶̰ϳήΘ̰ϟ ̭Ϯη Ύϳ ̵ίϮγ ζΗ ίϭήΑ ΚϋΎΑ Ζγ Ϊϳήϴ̴ΑΪϨ̯ ̶Ϥϧ ΩέϮΧήΑ ϑήσ ̵Ύϴη Ύϳ ϥϭίΎΑ ΩϮθΑΩϮθΑ έΎτΧ ΪϴϨϛ ϒϗϮΘϣ έ ϥϮϓΪϫ Ύϳ Ύϫ ϲηϮ̳ΖηΩ ΪϫϮΨϧ ΉΗϮϴ̢ϣΎ̯ ΎΑ ρΎΒΗέ ϊτϗ ϢΘδϴγ Reset Ϫϴϟϭ ΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ϪΑ ϥΪϧΩή̳ίΎΑΖγ ϩΎ̴ΘγΩ ϩήϤϫ Ϫ̪ϧ ΎϤη MP3 ϩΪϨϨ̯ ζΨ̡ ϞϳΎϓ ή̳έϭήϣί ϩΩΎϔΘγ ΎΑ ΎϬϠϳΎϓ έϭήϣΉϳϭΎμΗ ϩΪϫΎθϣ ϮΪϳϭ ϱΎηΎϤΗ Ϣϡθϓ ζΨ̡ ζϳΎϤϧ ΖΨ̡ ϝήΘϨ̯ ̵ήΑ ̶δϤϟ ̵Ύϫ ϪϤ̯ΩϦΘϣ ϱϮϨϣ ί ϩΩΎϔΘγ Ϊλ ςΒο ΕϻΎ̰η ϊϓέ ́˹ ϮϨϣ ΖΧέΩFM ϱϮϳΩέ ζϳΎϤϧ Ζγ ϩΎ̴ΘγΩ ϩήϤϫ Ϫ̪ϧ ϤϮϓΪϫ ˬ̶ηϮ̳ϨΪϨϨ̯ ζΨ̡ ΣΒο/ήΑέΎ̯ ϪϤ̯Ω ΎϤη MP3 ϩΪϨϨ̯ ζΨ̡ΖϳΎϤϧ ϪΤϔλ ΈΎψΘϧ ϭ ϥΩή̯ Ϧηϭέ ϪϤ̯Ω ΩΪΠϣ ϢϴψϨΗ ϪϧίϭέΪλ ϢΠΣ ζϳΰϓ ϪϤ̯Ω ϪϣΩ ΎϤη MP3 ϩΪϨϨ̯ ζΨ̡MenuϮϨϣ ϪϤ̯Ω Ζθ̳ίΎΑ ϪϤ̯ΩϤΩή̳ ΪϨΑ ΥέϮγ ̶ηϮ̳ ϝΎμΗ ζϴϓ USB ϝΎμΗ ̶ΟϭήΧ ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ϞϤϋ MP3 ϩΪϨϨ̯ϢΘδϴγ Reset Ϫϴϟϭ ΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ϪΑ ϥΪϧΩή̳ίΎΑ ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ΩϮΧ Ζθ̴ϧ ̭Ϯϧ ΎΑ ̶δϤϟ ϪϤ̳Ω ̵ϭέ Ϊϴϧΰϧ ϪΑήο ̶δϤϟ ϪϤ̳Ω ̵ϭέήΑ Ϊϳ ϩΪϴηϮ̡ ζ̰ΘγΩ Ϫ̯ ̶Θϗϭ ƒΪϨ̰ϧ έΎ̯ ΖγέΩ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ̵ήΗΎΑ ϥΩή̯ ̫έΎηΪϴϳΎϤϧ ̫έΎη έ ̵ήΗΎΑ ΩέΩ ϲ̴ΘδΑ ΎϤη ήΗϮϴ̢ϣΎϛ ςϳήη ϪΑ ϞϣΎϛ ̫έΎη ϥΎϣί ƒ̵ήΗΎΑ ί ΖχΎϔΣ ϨΎ̴ΘγΩ ϥΩή̯ ϦηϭέϨΎ̴ΘγΩ ϥΩή̯ εϮϣΎΧ ΪϴϫΩ έΎθϓ έΎΑ ̮ϳ έ ϪϤϛΩ .˺ Ϊλ ϢΠΣ ϝήΘϨ̯Ύϫ ϪϤ̯Ω ϥΩή̯ ϝΎόϓήϴϏ ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ϦϴϳΎ̡ ˬϻΎΑ ϪϤϛΩ ̵ϭέήΑΪϨΘδϴϧ ̶ΑΎϳίΎΑ ϞΑΎϗ ϥΪη ϑάΣ ί β̡ Ύϫ ϞϳΎϓ ƒ ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ΩΎϤϧ ̶Ϡλ ̵ϮϨϣ ϪΤϔλ έΩ .˺ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ϩϮΨϟΩ ϞϳΎϓ .˼ ΪϨϛ ϲϣ ζΨ̡ ϪΑ ωϭήη ϞϳΎϓ ƒ ΪϳέϭΎϴΑ ϞϳΎϓ ΖγήϬϓ ϪΑ ϭ ϩΩή̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ̶ϫϮΨϟΩ ϪηϮ̡ .˻ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ϩϮΨϟΩ ΩέϮϣ ˬΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ΖγήϬϓ έΩ .˻ ΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ΖγήϬϓϪϣΩ ΕΎΤϴΟήΗ ϭ ΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ήϴϴϐΗ Ϊλ ΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ϱΎϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳Ϊη ΪϫϮΧ ΩϭΪΤϣ 15 ϪΑ ΪϴϨ̯ ̶ϣ Ϧηϭέ έ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ζΨ̡ Ϫ̯ ̵ΪόΑ Ή̴θϳΎϤϧ ΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ϱΎϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳ ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έΩϮη ̶Ϥϧ ϩΩΩ ϤΎΑί ϢϴψϨΗ ̵Ύϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳ Slovenskýϭ Slovenšþina ˬɍɤɪɚʀɧɫɶɤɚ ˬRomânăΪϧϮη ϪϓΎο Ύϳ ϪΘϓΎϳ ήϴϴϐΗ ΪϨϧϮΘϴϣ ϩΪη ̶ϧΎΒϴΘθ̡ ̵Ύϫ ϥΎΑί ƒ ϤΎϣί ϭ ΦϳέΎΗ ϢϴψϨΗ ̵Ύϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳ Ϊη ΪϫϮΧ ϩήϴΧΫ ϥΎϣί ϭ ΦϳέΎΗ ƒΪϨ̰ϴϣ Ϯϐϟ έ νήϓ ζϴ̡ ΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ήϴΧ No ϪϨϳΰ̳ ϢΘδϴγ ΕΎϤϴψϨΗ ϱΎϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳ΪϴϨϛ ϪόΟήϣ ˻̌ ΕΎΤϔλ ϪΑ .ΪϴϨϛ ΪϴϨ̯ ϪόΟήϣ ˻̀ ϪΤϔλ ϪΑ .ΪϴϨ̯ ϢϴψϨΗ Ύϳ ̶γέήΑ̶ϠΧΩ ϪψϓΎΣ ΎΑ ϪτΑέ έΩ ƒ ΪϨ̰ϴϣ ϩΩΎϔΘγ ϪψϓΎΣ Ϧϳ ί ̶θΨΑ ί ̶ϠΧΩ Ζαύλ έΰϓΦϳέΎΗ Date ˬϩΎϣ Month ˬϝΎγ Year .˼ Ϧϣ ϡΎϧ ϢϴψϨΗϦϣ ΪϟϮΗ ίϭέ ϢϴψϨΗ ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ̵ϭέ .̊ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ήΑέΎ̯ ϪϤ̯Ω ΖϟΎΣ User Button Mode .˺ ΖϟΎΣ ήϫ έΩ ήΑέΎ̯ ϪϤ̯Ω Ωή̰ϠϤϋ ƒΩή̰ϠϤϋ ΉΗϻΎΑ Ύϳ 1024X 768 ήϳϮμΗ ΖϗΩ ΉΗϻΎΑ Ύϳ CD ROM 2X ϮϳέΩ ΉΗϻΎΑ Ύϳ Pentium 500MHzUSB 2.0 ϩΎ̳έΩ ΉΗϻΎΑ Ύϳ Windows Media PlayerΪϴϨ̯ ϞϘΘϨϣ ΩϮΧ ΎϤϨϫέ Help ϮϨϣ Menu ϱϭέ EmoDio ϩέΎΑέΩ ήΘθϴΑ ΕΎϋϼσ ΐδϛ ΖϬΟ ƒϪϣΩ Emodio ί ϩΩΎϔΘγ ΩϮη ΎϤη ήΗϮϴ̢ϣΎ̯ Ύϳ ϩΪϨϨ̯ΪϨηΎΒϴϣ Gracenote ϪΑ ΪϴϨ̯ Ύϫέ ϭ ϩΪϴθ̯ Q2 ̵ϭέ ί έ Q2 My Computer .˻ΪϴϨ̯ ίΎΑ ̟ΎΘ̰γΩ ˮΖδϴ̩ DRM ƒ ϪοϯηΩϮη ϩΪϨϨ̯ ζΨ̡ ϭ ΕΎϋϼσ ϪΑ ϥΪϴγέ ϪϣΪλ ΚϋΎΑ Ζγ Ϧ̰Ϥϣ έΎ̯ Ϧϳ ΉΗϮϴ̢ϣΎ̯ ΎΑ ρΎΒΗέ ϊτϗΪϴϨ̯ ̮ϴϠ̯ έ αϭΎϣ ̠̩ ΪϴϨ̰ϧ ΪΟ ήΗϮϴ̢ϣΎ̯ ί έ ϩΪϨϨ̯ ζΨ̡ ˬϞϳΎϓ ϝΎϘΘϧ ϦϴΣ έΩ ƒ̵ΪϨΑ ϪΘγΩ ΐδΣ ήΑ ϥΩΩ εϮ̳ ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ϩϮΨϟΩ ΩέϮϣ ̶ϘϴγϮϣ ΖγήϬϓ έΩ .˻ΖδϴΗέ ϡΎϧ ΎΑ ζΨ̡ ϱήΑ ϥΪϨϣήϨϫ Artists ƒ ϪϣΩ ̵ΪϨΑ ϪΘγΩ ΐδΣ ήΑ ϥΩΩ εϮ̳ϹϘϴγϮϣ ΖγήϬϓ ˮΖδϴ̩ ID3 Tag ƒϞϔϗ ή̴ϧΎθϧ ϹϠόϓ ϥΎϣί ΡήΗΎΑ ΖϴόϗϮϣ ΖΨ̡ Ϟ̯ ϥΎϣίΖΨ̡ ϝήΘϨ̯ ̵ήΑ ̶δϤϟ ̵Ύϫ ϪϤ̯Ω ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ΎϬϧ ̵ϭέ Ϊλ ϥΩή̯ ΩΎϳί/Ϣ̯ ̵ήΑΪϳέΩ Ϫ̴ϧ ϭ ϩΩΩ έΎθϓ ϲϠόϓ ϞϳΎϓ έΩ ϮϠΟ ϪΑ ΖϛήΣ ϱήΑ ΪϴϨ̯ ΩΎΠϳ ϥΎΗΩϮΧ ήΗϮϴ̢ϣΎ̯ Ύϳ EmoDioϥϭΪΑ έ Favorites ΖΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ̮ϳ ϥΩή̯ ϑάΣΖΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ϡΎϧ ζϳήϳϭ Ϊη ΪϫϮΧ ϑάΣ ϩΪη ΏΎΨΘϧ ζΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ƒϪϣΩ ΩϮΧ MP3 ϩΎ̴ΘγΩ έΩ ζΨ̡ Ζδϴϟ ΩΎΠϳ ΪϳΪΟ ζΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ϥΩϭΰϓΖΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ϪΑ ϞϳΎϓ ϥΩϭΰϓ ΖΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ί ϞϳΎϓ ζΨ̡Ωήϛ ΪϫϮΧ ζΨ̡ ϪΑ ωϭήη ϲϘϴγϮϣ ϞϳΎϓ ƒ ΪϴϫΩ ϡΎΠϧ έ ϕϮϓ 3 ΎΗ 1 ϞΣήϣ ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ̵ϭέ .̊ ΖΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ί ϞϳΎϓ ϑάΣΖΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ί ΎϬϠϳΎϓ ϪϤϫ ϑάΣ ΖΨ̡ ΖγήϬϓ ί ϪϤϫ ϑάΣ Delete All from Playlist .̋ΪϴϨϛ ΏΎΨΘϧ ΩϮΧ ϲϘϴγϮϣ ϩΪϳΰ̳ήΑ ϱΎϬϠϳΎϓ ϱήΑ έ ϩϮΨϟΩ ϲΗϮλ ϩϮϠΟ Ϊλ ΖϜϓ ϦϴϴόΗ ϱήΑΪλ ΖϜϓ ϱΎϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳ ΪϴϨϛ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ Ϧηϭέ On Ύϳ εϮϣΎΧ Off ϪϨϳΰ̳Ζδϴ̩ DNSe ƒ ϪϣΩ ϲϘϴγϮϣ ϱϮϨϣ ί ϩΩΎϔΘγΪϴϨ̯ ϪόΟήϣ ̊˼ ϪΤϔλ ϪΑ ΪϨϛ ϲϣ Ϣϫήϓ ΪϴϨϛ ϲϣ εϮ̳ ϪϛΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ̵ϭέ ϭ ϩΩή̯ ϢϴψϨΗ έ ϩϮΨϟΩ ̵ϩ ϪϨϳΰ̳ .̋ ΉΑέΎϛ DNSe ϱΎϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳ΖΨ̡ Ϊϣ ϦϴϴόΗ ϱήΑ ΖΨ̡ Ϊϣ ϱΎϫ Ϫϧΰ̳ΪϴϨϛ ϪόΟήϣ EmoDio Ϫοϯη ΪϴϨϛ ΏΎΨΘϧ ϡϮΒϟ ΕΎϋϼσ Info ϹϘϴγϮϣ ζΨ̡ ϪΤϔλ ΏΎΨΘϧ ϱήΑϹϘϴγϮϣ ζΨ̡ ϪΤϔλ ϱΎϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳ ΩϮθϴϣ ϕΎμϟ ΕΎΤϴοϮΗ ̵ήΑ ϪϨϴϣί ̮ϳ ϭ ̮Βγ ˬϝΎγ ˬϡϮΒϟ ˬΪϨϣήϨϫΖΨ̡ Ζϋήγ ϢϴψϨΗ ̵ήΑ ϤΪη Ωέ ϞλϮϓ ϢϴψϨΗ ̵ήΑΪϴϨϛ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ϲϜϳ 3 ϊϳήγ Fast 3 ˬ2 ϊϳήγ Fast ̊̀ ̶ϘϴγϮϣ ϪΑ ϥΩΩ εϮ̳ ΩϮη ϦϴϴόΗ ΪϴΘδϫ ϥ έ ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ϪϤϛΩ 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ϪϨϴϣί β̡ ϥϮϨόΑ ϩΪη ΏΎΨΘϧ ήϳϮμΗ ƒ ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο Ζγέ ˬ̠̩ ϪϤ̯Ω ̵ϭέήΑ ϦΘϣ ϥΪϧϮΧΡΪόΑ /ϲϠΒϗ ϪΤϔλ ϪΑ ϦΘϓέ ΩϮη ̶ϣ ήϫΎχ ϪΤϔλ ̵ϭέ ήΑ ϦΘϣ ƒϦΘϣ ϱϮϨϣ ί ϩΩΎϔΘγ ΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ϦΘϣ ϩΪϫΎθϣ ϡΎ̴Ϩϫ ̵ϭέήΑ .˺ΖϧϮϓ ϩίΪϧ ϥΩήϛ νϮϋ ϱήΑ ϪϣΩ ϦΘϣ ϱϮϨϣ ί ϩΩΎϔΘγϪΤϔλ Ϧϴϟϭ ϪΑ ϦΘϓέ ̵ήΑ ϪϠΑ Yes ϝϭ ϪΤϔλ ϪΑ ϭήΑ Go to 1st Page .˻ϦΘϣ ή̴θϳΎϤϧ ̲ϧέ ϢϴψϨΗ ̵ήΑ ϦΘϣ ϩΪϫΎθϣ ΖϟΎΣ ϢϴψϨΗΩϮϧ Type 6 ~ 1 ωϮϧ Type 1 ̵Ύϫ ϪϨϳΰ̳ ί ̶̰ϳ ƒ ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ϦΘϣ ϥΎΑί ϦϴϴόΗ ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ϩϮΨϟΩ ϥΎΑί .˼Vietnamese ˬTurkish ˬSlovene FM ϮϳΩέ ϪΑ ϥΩΩ εϮ̳ Ϊλ ϊτϗ Ω ή̰ϠϤϋ ί ϩΩ ΎϔΘγΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ̵ϭέ FM ̵ϮϳΩέ ϪΑ ϥΩΩ εϮ̳ ϦϴΣ έΩ Ϟϔϗ ή̴ϧΎθϧ ϮϳΩέ Ϊϣ ή̴ϧΎθϧ FM ϱϮϳΩέ ζϳΎϤϧϹϠόϓ ϥΎϣί ΡήΗΎΑ ΖϴόϗϮϣ ΪμϴΑ ή̴ϧΎθϧ ΒϧΎ̯ήϓ ϞΤϣ ή̴ϧΎθϧϮϳΩέ ϱϮϨϣ ί ϩΩΎϔΘγ FM ̵Ύϫ ϩΎ̴Θδϳ ̵ϮΠΘδΟ‚Ύϳ ̶ΘγΩ ΖϟΎΣ ϪΑ ϦΘϓέ ϪϣΩ ϮϳΩέ ϱϮϨϣ ί ϩΩΎϔΘγΝήϓ ζϴ̡ ϢϴψϨΗ ΖϟΎΣ ϪΑ ϦΘϓέ Ζϓέ ΪϫϮΨϧ ϢϴψϨΗ ζϴ̡ΈΎ̯ΩϮΧ ϢϴψϨΗ ζϴ̡ ϥΩή̯ Ϯϐϟ ΪϳΩή̳ίΎΑ Ύϫ ϩΎ̴Θδϳ Ϧϳ ϪΑ ˬϪϤ̯Ω ̮ϳ ϥΩΩ έΎθϓΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο FM ̵ϮϳΩέ Ϊϣ έΩ ̵ϭέήΑ .˺ ΪϧϮηΪϴϧΰΑ ϪΑήο ϢϴψϨΗ ζϴ̡ ΖϟΎΣ έΩ Ζγέ ˬ̠̩ ϪϤ̯Ω ̵ϭέ ϢϴψϨΗ ζϴ̡ ̵Ύϫ ϩΎ̴Θδϳ ϪΑ ϥΩΩ εϮ̳ϢϴψϨΗ ζϴ̡ ̮ϳ ϥΩή̯ ϑάΣ ΪϴϨ̯ εϮ̳ ϩΪη ϩήϴΧΫ ̶ϳϮϳΩέ βϧΎ̯ήϓ ϪΑ ΪϴϧϮΗ ̶ϣ ΎϤη ƒFM ̵ϮϳΩέ ζΨ̡ ςΒο ̵ήΑ ΣΒο ϒϗϮΗΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ήϴΧ No Ύϳ ϪϠΑ Yes .˻ FM ςΒο Ζϴϔϴ̯ ϢϴψϨΗ FM ̶̳Ϊϧήϴ̳ ϢϴψϨΗΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ FM ϩϮΨϟΩ ϪϘτϨϣ .˼ FM ϪϴΣ ϪϴΣΎϧ ϢϴψϨΗ ϯ ήΑ̵ϭέήΑ .˺ ϪϴΣΎϧ ΐδΣ ήΑ βϧΎ̯ήϓ ϩΩϭΪΤϣ ƒΪϴϨϛ ΖϓΎϳέΩ UCC ϭ ̱ϮϠΑ ‚ έΎΒΧ ϱΎϫ ΪϴϨ̯ ΏΎΨΘϧ έ ϩϮΨϟΩ ϞϳΎϓ .˼ΪϴϨϛ ωϮΟέ EmoDio ΪϴϫΩ ϡΎΠϧ Ϣϫ Ϊλ ςΒο ΪϴϧϮΗ ̶ϣ ΎϤη Ϊλ ςΒοΪλ ςΒο έΎ̯ ϒϗϮΗ ̵ήΑ ̵ϭέ .˼ϨΪη ςΒο ϞϳΎϓ ϝήΘϨ̯ ϪϣΩ Ϊλ ςΒοΪλ ςΒο Ζϴϔϴ̯ ϢϴψϨΗ Ϊη ΪϫϮΧ ίΎϏ ϩΪη ςΒο ϞϳΎϓ ζΨ̡ ƒ̶ϳϮϳΪϳϭ ̵Ύϫ ̵ίΎΑ Ώύβσ ϩΪϨΧΪϧϮη ϩΩΩ ήϴϴϐΗ Ύϳ ϪϓΎο ̶ϠΒϗ ϡϼϋ ϥϭΪΑ Ζγ Ϧ̰Ϥϣ Ύϫ ̵ίΎΑ ƒ Ύήϣ έήϓ ϩέ ϪϣΩ ̶ϳϮϳΪϳϭ ̵Ύϫ ̵ίΎΑΐϤΑ ΐϤΑ ϺΎΑ ϪϤϛΩ ϱϭέ Ύϫ ϙϮϠΑ ϱΩϮϤϋ Ύϳ ϲϘϓ ΖϬΟ ϥΩήϛ νϮϋ ϱήΑϞ̰θϣ ΩϮθϴϤϧ Ϧηϭέ ϩΎ̴ΘγΩΪϨϨ̯ ̶Ϥϧ έΎ̯ Ύϫ ϪϤ̯Ω ΪϨ̯ ϩΩέϭήΑ έ ήΗϮϴ̢ϣΎ̯ ΪηΎΑ ήϴϐΘϣ ζϳΎϤϧEmoDio ϪϣΎϧήΑ κϘϧ ΪϴϨϛΖγ ύΩ ϩΎ̴ΘγΩ ΉϴΧΪϴϳΎϤϧ ϦϴϴόΗ ΐγΎϨϣ ϥΎΑί ΩϮη ϲϣ ήϫΎχϮϨϣ ΖΧέΩ Ζγ ϩΪηϜϮμΤϣ ΕΎμΨθϣ Ϥίϭ FM ϮϳΩέ̶Ϥγέ ίΎϴΘϣ ΩΩή̴ϴϤϧΩΩή̴ϴϣ ΩϭΪΤϣ ˬίΎϴΘϣ ̵έΩ ΕΎϳϮΘΤϣ Ϊϳήϴ̴Α αΎϤΗ Samsung SAMSUNG726 78 Samsung 801 1SAMSUNG172678Samsung 902 172 0818 717Linux Kernel, Busybox Is no warranty or else, saying that you provide a If the modified program normally reads commandsInteractively when run, you must cause it, when started Warranty and that users may redistribute the programOnly if you received the program in object code Installation of the executable. However, as a specialAlternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution Or executable form with such an offer, in accord withDistributed through that system in reliance on consistent This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what isProblems or concerns System and a licensee cannot impose that choiceFitness for a Particular PURPOSE. See Or modify it under the terms of the GNU General PublicLicense as published by the Free Software Foundation GNU General Public License for more detailsThat we gave you. You must make sure that they, too Problems that might be introduced by othersOr if you modify it Receive or can get the source code. If you link other codeInto another language Used to control compilation and installation of the libraryYou must cause the whole of the work to be licensed Table of data to be supplied by an application programPortions of the Library will still fall under Section Specify that version instead if you wish. Do not make anyOther change in these notices From that copySame work based on the Library, uncombined with any Explaining where to find the accompanying uncombinedAccompany the combined library with a copy Give prominent notice with the combined libraryFor this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals How to Apply These Terms to Your New LibrariesFrom distribution of the Library Apply in other circumstancesWarranty of Merchantability or Fitness for a file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warrantyPointer to where the full notice is found NamesREV.0.0
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