To make a call using the phone number list
1.Tap [] in the Bluetooth screen to select <Mobile Phone> and tap [
The mobile phone menu appears.
2.Tap [] to select <Call History> and tap [
The phone number list appears.
3.Tap [
] to select a desired number and tap [
You are now placing a call to the other person.
Mobile Phone
Connect to Mobile Phone Redial
Call by Number Call History
To delete a phone number in the phone number list
1.Tap [] in <Call History> to select a phone number to delete and tap [
2.Tap [] to select <Delete> and tap [
If you want to delete all numbers in the phone number list, select<Delete All>.
The confirmation window appears.
3.Tap [ 
] to select <Yes> and tap [
The selected number will be deleted.
98 _ using Bluetooth