Samsung VC8916VC2R/FES manual Maintenance or Replacement of the Filters

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The secondary filter, located behind the grille in the back of dust bag compartment, protects the motor from dirt particles.

Do not allow the filter to become clogged.

Suction power reduction or motor damage may result. If filter becomes dirty, pull off the grille and lift out filter. After cleaning the secondary filter attach it in place.

NOTE : The filters must be completely dried before being replaced in the dust compartment.


Open the dust cover and lift off the grille.

For HEPA Filter Type

HEPA Filter



Grasp filter and pull it out with preliminary filter. After cleaning preliminary filter, reposition new filter and preliminary filter by reversing this procedure.

For Micro Filter Type

Grille Filter

Micro Filter

Preliminary Filter

Grasp grille filter and pull it out with preliminary filter. After cleaning preliminary filter, reposition new filter compartment and preliminary filter by reversing this procedure.


Image 22
Contents Kullaným Kýlavuzu Uyari ÖzellýklerParçalari Tanima Opsýyon GÜÇ Kablosu AÇMA/KAPAMADÜÐMESÝToz Biti Yoketme Sisteminin Kullanýmý Modele Baðlý Olarak Park Konumu Aksesuarlarin KullanimiElektrýklý Süpürgenýn Taþinmasi VE Muhafazasi BEZ Fýltre Torbasi Ýçýn ToztorbasinindeðýþtýrýlmesýSýklonýk Filtre Sadece Sýklonýk Fýltre Týplerý Ýçýn Fýltrelerýn Bakimi Veya Deðýþtýrýlmesý Gýrýþ FýltresýÞeffaf Boru Opsýyonel YER Baþliðinin KullanimiProblem Sebep Çözüm Ariza GýdermeOperating Instructions Features Important SafeguardsIdentifications of Parts Option Power Cord ON/OFF SwitchAuto Mode Button Control Type only Using the Accessories Park PositionReplacing the Dust BAG DUST-FULL IndicatorFor Cloth Filter BAG Cyclonic Filteronly Cyclonic Filter Types Maintenance or Replacement of the Filters Usage of Floor Nozzle Trouble Shooting