Must follow the checkpoints in order to avoid machine problems or damages on garments.
☞If the below problems are caused by customer’s faults, separate service fee will be charged.
Checkpoints Before Starting Washing
Check if the clothes are bleaching or not.
☞Add liquid detergent to a white towel and the garment where you can’t notice well. Then, rub together strongly. Check if the color transferred to the towel.
☞Be careful for scarves and imported clothes since they are easily discoloring.
☞Check for stains or partial dirt.
☞If stains are found, use the towel wet with detergents to rub on in a single direction.
☞Before washing, the sleeves, collar, dress hem and pockets are
Not washable laundry
Clothes those are easily transformable even by soaking in water.
☞Even by soaking in water, neckties, brassieres, jackets, suits and coats can be easily transformed like shrinking and discoloring on the garment surfaces because they are mostly made of rayon, polynosic, cuff and their blend fabrics.
☞Easily discoloring products made of cotton and wool, wrinkled silk, leather products, leather accessory, leather ornamented clothes and its accessory.
☞Don’t wash those clothes without handling guideline or material indication tag.
About Detergent
☞When detergents are not dissolving well, use warm water (about 40°C) to dissolve the detergent.
☞Use an appropriate amount.
☞Even if excess amount of detergent is used, there is not much difference in washing result. It may cause damages to the garments because rinsing is not enough.
☞The bleaching agent may cause damages to garments since it is strong alkali.
☞Do sufficient rinsing because the powder detergent is easily remained on the garments causing bad odors.
☞If too much detergent is used or cold water is used, it doesn't dissolve completely and remain on the garments, hose or spin basket, causing contamination on clothes.
☞In case of reserved washing, detergents must be put in the detergent box. If the powder detergents are spread on laundry directly, it may cause discoloration.
☞Must follow the checkpoints in order to avoid machine problems or damages on garments.
☞If the below problems are caused by customer's faults, separate service fee will be charged.
Take out personal belongings from pockets.
☞Caution, Check the pockets! Hairpins and
coins cause damages to clothes and washing machine.
They make noise and problems to the machine. Must check the pocket.
If pants zippers are open while washing, the spin basket may be damaged. The zipper should be closed and fixed with a string before washing.
☞If blue jeans and working uniform's zippers or hooks are
made of steel, they must be closed before washing. ☞ Wash winter jumpers, working uniforms, bed cover
sheets, and blue jeans separately.
☞Fold clothes well into the spin basket. Must remove the curtain hooks before washing.
☞Turn inside out the button decorated and embroidered clothes before washing.
☞Be careful those metal decorations because they cause heavy damages while washing.
☞The long stringed clothes may tangle with other clothes. Must fix the strings before washing.
☞The metal from brassieres may stick out and damage other clothes or the spin basket. Must use the commercial laundry net for washing brassieres. (Use a laundry net of fine mesh.)
Waterproof clothes (Ski Wear, Diaper Covers, Footboards) are not allowed for washing.
☞The waterproof sheet, clothes, and non water permeable fabrics shouldn't be washed, rinsed, or
put in a spin basket. The laundry may pop out and cause severe vibration so that a person may get
damaged and the machine, wall, and floor may break out in addition to clothes. (Examples are diaper cover, waterproof wear, raincoat, umbrella cover, ski wears, car cover sheet, and sleeping bags.)
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