Samsung B1015JGW/YLW, B1215JGW/YLU Vyhled‡v‡n’ a odstraËov‡n’ z‡vad, ProblŽmy a jejich Þeäen’

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Vyhled‡v‡n’ a odstraËov‡n’ z‡vad

ProblŽmy a jejich Þeäen’

Pra‹ka nepracuje

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe dv’Þka jsou pevnž uzavÞena.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe je pra‹ka zapojena do z‡suvky.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe uzav’rac’ kohoutek vody je otevÞen.

¥Mus’te stisknout tla‹’tko Start/ pÞeruäen’.

Nen’ voda nebo nedostate‹nù pÞ’tok vody

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe vodovodn’ kohoutek zdroje vody je otevÞen.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, zda nen’ hadice k pra‹ce zamrzl‡.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, zda nen’ pÞ’vodn’ hadice zalomen‡.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe nen’ ucpanù filtr na pÞ’vodu vody.

Ve schr‡nce na prac’ prostÞedek zóst‡v‡ zbytek prac’ho prostÞedku potŽ, co byl ukon‹en prac’ program.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe je dostate‹nù tlak vody na pÞ’vodu.

¥D‡vejte prac’ prostÞedek do vnitÞn’ch ‹‡st’ z‡suvky (ne do krajn’ch rohó).

Pra‹ka se tÞese a nebo je pÞ’liä hlu‹n‡

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe povrch, na kterŽm je pra‹ka postavena, je rovnù. Pokud povrch rovnù nen’, seÞi“te noìky pra‹ky tak, aby byla pra‹ka vodorovnž (viz strana 3).

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe byly odstranžny pÞepravn’ ärouby (viz strana 3).

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe se pra‹ka nedotùk‡ nžjakŽho okoln’ho pÞedmžtu.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe je n‡plË v bubnu rovnomžrnž rozloìena.

Pra‹ka nevypouät’ vodu nebo neodstÞe“uje

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe vypouätžc’ hadice nen’ zalomena nebo ohnut‡.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, zda nen’ zaneseno s’to filtru (strana 13).

Knofl’k otev’r‡n’ dveÞ’ nepracuje (B1415J, B1315J, B1215J, B1115J, B1015J, B915J, B815J)

1.Vyt‡hnžte z‡str‹ku ze z‡suvky.

2.Vypuséte vodu z pra‹ky.

3.Pomoc’ äroubov‡ku odstraËte kryt z plastickŽ hmoty na podstavci. Odloìte stranou.

4.Najdžte oranìovŽ o‹ko z plastickŽ hmoty a vyt‡hnžte ho k otevÞen’ dv’Þek.

Vùznam chybovùch zpr‡v

Zobrazen‡ chyba Ûeäen’

UzavÞete dveÞe

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o tom, ìe je otevÞen pÞ’vod vody.

¥Zkontrolujte tlak vody.

¥ Vy‹istžte s’to filtru.

¥PÞesvžd‹ete se o spr‡vnosti instalace vypouätžc’ hadice

Prac’ n‡plË nen’ rozloìena rovnomžrnž; uvolnžte do sebe zamotanŽ pr‡dlo Pokud potÞebujete vyprat pouze jednu poloìku pr‡dla, napÞ. koupac’ pl‡äé nebo rifle, kone‹nù vùsledek odstÞedžn’ móìe bùt neuspokojivù a na displeji se objev’ chybov‡ zpr‡va ÒE4Ó.

¥ Zkontrolujte, ìe konec vypouätžc’ hadice je ve spr‡vnŽ pozici.

PÞedt’m, neì se spoj’te s poprodejn’m servisem:

1. Zkuste problŽm odstranit (viz ÒVyhled‡v‡n’ z‡vadÓ na tŽto stranž).

2.Opakujte spuätžn’ programu, abyste vidžli, zda se chyba opakuje.

3.Pokud porucha pÞetrv‡v‡ zavolejte poprodejn’ servis a popiäte z‡vadu.


Image 15
Contents Vyhled‡v‡n’ a odstraËov‡n’ z‡vad Bezpe‹nostn’ pokyny Instalace pra‹kyPran’ pr‡dla Òdrìba pra‹kyBezpe‹nostn’ pokyny PÞed pouìit’m spotÞebi‹eBezpe‹nostn’ pokyny Vùbžr m’sta pro postaven’ pra‹ky Instalace pra‹kyVybalen’ pra‹ky Prohl’dka pra‹ky¥ Um’stžte pra‹ku na pevnù, rovnù povrch Nastaven’ vyrovn‡vac’ch noìekOdstranžn’ pÞepravn’ch äroubó PÞipojen’ hadice pro pÞ’vod vody volbaPÞipojen’ hadice pro pÞ’vod vody Um’stžn’ vypouätžc’ hadice vodyZapnut’ pra‹ky do z‡suvky Pohled na ovl‡dac’ panel Pran’ pr‡dlaTla‹’tko start/ pÞeruäit B915J/B815J/B913/B813J Prvn’ pran’ Vloìen’ prac’ho pr‡äku do pra‹kyPÞid‡n’ tekutŽho prac’ho prostÞedku Kdyì je cyklus u konce Pran’ pr‡dla za pomoci fuzzy logikyRu‹n’ pran’ VolbyPozn‡mka Pouìit’ zpoìdžnŽho spuätžn’ kromž B915J, B913J B815J, B813JInformace a pokyny pro pran’ Typ l‡tky Hmotnost n‡plnž suchŽho pr‡dla‰iätžn’ vnžjä’ch prostor pra‹ky Òdrìba pra‹kyVypuätžn’ pra‹ky v pÞ’padž nebezpe‹’ Oprava zamrzlŽ pra‹ky‰iätžn’ odpadovŽho filtru ‰iätžn’ s’ta filtru vodn’ hadicePostup Vyhled‡v‡n’ a odstraËov‡n’ z‡vad ProblŽmy a jejich Þeäen’Vùznam chybovùch zpr‡v Program Typ PRANê Tabulka programóProdleva PÞ’loha Ochrana okoln’ho prostÞed’ Prohl‡äen’ o shodžTechnickŽ parametry PÛêPAD Potûeby
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B1415JGS/XFA, B1215JGW/YLU, B1015JGW/YLU, B1215JGS/YLE, B1015JGW/YLW specifications

Samsung has consistently been at the forefront of innovation in the home appliance sector, and their range of air conditioning units exemplifies this commitment to quality and performance. Among their notable models are the Samsung B1015JGW/YLW, B1215JGS/YLE, B1015JGW/YLU, B1215JGW/YLU, and B1415JGS/XFA. These units showcase several advanced features and technologies designed for efficiency, comfort, and convenience.

One of the most significant characteristics of these models is their energy efficiency. They often come equipped with inverter technology, which allows the compressor to adjust its speed according to the cooling demand. This not only ensures a consistent temperature but also reduces energy consumption, making these units eco-friendly and cost-effective in the long run.

The ease of use is another highlight, as many of these models feature user-friendly interfaces and remote controls, allowing for convenient operation from anywhere in the room. Some models also support Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling users to control their air conditioning units via smartphone applications. This functionality enhances user convenience and integrates seamlessly into smart home setups.

In terms of design, Samsung has prioritized aesthetics along with functionality. These air conditioners are sleek and modern, allowing them to blend effortlessly into various interior décors. The compact size of models like the B1015JGW/YLW and B1215JGW/YLU ensures that they can fit even in smaller spaces without compromising on performance.

Moreover, Samsung’s air conditioning units incorporate advanced filtration systems that improve indoor air quality. These systems often include HEPA filters that capture allergens, dust, and pollutants, providing a healthier living environment. Additionally, some models offer self-cleaning features that maintain the cleanliness of the internal components, further improving air quality.

Lastly, these units are engineered for quiet operation. The noise levels are minimized, ensuring that they do not disrupt daily activities or sleep, making them ideal for both residential and commercial spaces.

In conclusion, the Samsung B1015JGW/YLW, B1215JGS/YLE, B1015JGW/YLU, B1215JGW/YLU, and B1415JGS/XFA showcase a balance of practicality, style, and advanced technology. With their energy-efficient performance, smart features, modern design, and health-conscious filtration systems, Samsung continues to redefine comfort and convenience in air conditioning solutions, catering to various customer needs and preferences. These air conditioning units are reliable choices for maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.