Samsung YP-Q2JCB/EDC manual Accompany the combined library with a copy, Form of the same work

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is understood that the user who changes the contents

a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the

of definitions files in the Library will not necessarily be

same work based on the Library, uncombined with any

able to recompile the application to use the modified

other library facilities. This must be distributed under the


terms of the Sections above.

b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with

b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the

the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at

fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and

run time a copy of the library already present on the user’s

explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined

computer system, rather than copying library functions

form of the same work.

into the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a

8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute

modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as

the Library except as expressly provided under this License.

long as the modified version is interface-compatible with

Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link

the version that the work was made with.

with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically


c)Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at terminate your rights under this License. However, parties least three years, to give the same user the materials who have received copies, or rights, from you under this specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more License will not have their licenses terminated so long as

than the cost of performing this distribution.

such parties remain in full compliance.

d)If distribution of the work is made by offering access to 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to copy the above specified materials from the same place. modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These

e)Verify that the user has already received a copy of these actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.

materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.

Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work

For an executable, the required form of the “work that uses the

based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this

License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying,

Library” must include any data and utility programs needed

distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it.

for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special

10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work

exception, the materials to be distributed need not include

anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary

based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a

form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so

license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with

on) of the operating system on which the executable runs,

or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions.

unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients’

It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license

exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible

for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.

restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally

11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of

accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction

means you cannot use both them and the Library together in

patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent

an executable that you distribute.

issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order,

7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on

agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this

License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this

the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other

License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously

library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such

your obligations under this License and any other pertinent

a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of the

obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the

work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is

Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit

otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things:


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Contents MP3 Player Χαρακτηριστικά του νέου MP3 Player ȀĮȜȑıIJİ IJȠ IJȝȒȝĮ IJİȤȞȚțȒȢ ȣʌȠıIJȒȡȚȟȘȢ ȖȚĮ ȕȠȒșİȚĮ ȈȘȝĮȓȞİȚ ȩIJȚ ȣʌȐȡȤİȚ țȓȞįȣȞȠȢ șĮȞȐIJȠȣ Ȓ ıȠȕĮȡȠȪȢȜȚțȒȢ ȗȘȝȚȐȢ ȆȇȅȈȉǹȉǼȊĬǼǿȉǼ ȆȇȅȈȉǹȉǼȊȈȉǼ ȉȅ MP3 Player ȈǹȈ ȊȡȘıȘ IJȠȣ EmoDio ΠεριεχόμεναǸʌĮȚIJȘıİȚı ȊʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȘ ǸȀȇǵǹȈǾ ȂȅȊȈǿȀdzȈ Prime Pack ȈȣıțİȣȒ ǸțȠȣıIJȚțȐ KĮȜȫįȚȠ USB ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢ Τα στοιχειώδηȈǿ ȆǼȇǿȁǹȂǺǹȃǼȉǹǿ ȀȠȣȝʌȓ ȋȡȒıIJȘ/ǾȤȠȖȡȐijȘıȘȢ Ȉȅ MP3 Player ȈǹȈǼȞįİȓȟİȚȢ ȠșȩȞȘȢ ȀȠȣȝʌȓ ȁİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ țĮȚ ȀȡȐIJȘıȘȢ ȄʌȒ İʌĮȞĮijȠȡȐȢȈȅ MP3 Player ȈǹȈ ȈȣȞȑȤİȚĮ ȈĮ țȠȣȝʌȚȐ ĮȣIJȐ İȓȞĮȚ ‘İȣĮȓıșȘIJĮ ıIJȘȞ İʌĮijȒ’ĬȑȡȠȣȞ IJȚȢ İȞįİȓȟİȚȢ L ȖȚĮ IJȠ ĮȡȚıIJİȡȩ ĮȣIJȓ țĮȚ ǼȆǹȃǹĭȅȇǹ ȉȅȊ ȈȊȈȉǾȂǹȉȅȈ ȊȇǾȈǾ ȉȅȊ ȀȅȊȂȆǿȅȊ ǹĭǾȈ ǸȖȖȓȟIJİ IJȠ țȠȣȝʌȓ ĮijȒȢ ȝİ IJȘȞ ȐțȡȘ IJȠȣ įĮȤIJȪȜȠȣ ıĮȢĬȅȇȉǿȈǾ ȉǾȈ ȂȆǹȉǹȇǿǹȈ ȊȡȩȞȠȢ ijȩȡIJȚıȘȢ ɅİȡȓʌȠȣ 4 ȫȡİȢDZȞĮȡȟȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ ȆȇȅȈȉǹȈǿǹ ȉǾȈ ȂȆǹȉǹȇǿǹȈǼȃǹȇȄǾ Ȁǹǿ ǻǿǹȀȅȆǾ ȁǼǿȉȅȊȇīǿǹȈ ȚȠȣȝʌȓǸȖȖȓȟIJİ IJȠ țȠȣȝʌȓ ǼʌȐȞȦ, Ȁȑijȧ ǼȁǼīȋȅȈ ǼȃȉǹȈǾȈ ǾȋȅȊǸȆǼȃǼȇīȅȆȅǿǾȈǾ ȉȍȃ ȀȅȊȂȆǿȍȃ ǼʌȚȜȑȟIJİ IJȠ İȚțȠȞȓįȚȠ ǺǿǹīȇǹĭǾ ǹȇȋǼǿȍȃ ȂǼ ȉȅ File Browser ȆǼȇǿdzī. ǹȇȋǼǴȍȃǼȪțȠȜȘ ĮȞĮȟȒIJȘıȘ ĮȡȤİȓȦȞ ȝİ IJȘ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮ File Browser ȜİȞȠȪǸȁȁǹīǾ ȉȍȃ ȇȊĬȂǿȈǼȍȃ Ȁǹǿ ȉȍȃ ȆȇȅȉǿȂǾȈǼȍȃ ȚİȞIJȡȚțȠȪ ȝİȞȠȪǸȁȁǹīǾ ȉȍȃ ȇȊĬȂǿȈǼȍȃ Ȁǹǿ ȉȍȃ ȆȇȅȉǿȂǾȈǼȍȃ ȈȣȞȑȤİȚĮ ǼʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ ȡȣșȝȓıİȦȞ ȒȤȠȣǼʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ ȡȣșȝȓıİȦȞ ʌȡȠȕȠȜȒȢ ȆĮIJȒıIJİ ȠʌȠȚȠįȒʌȠIJİ țȠȣȝʌȓ ȖȚĮ ȞĮ IJȘȞ İȞİȡȖȠʌȠȚȒıİIJİ ȟĮȞȐǼʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ ȡȪșȝȚıȘȢ ȖȜȫııĮȢ ǼʌȚȜȠȖȒ ȡȪșȝȚıȘȢ ȘȝİȡȠȝȘȞȓĮȢ țĮȚ ȫȡĮȢ ǼʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ ȡȣșȝȓıİȦȞ ıȣıIJȒȝĮIJȠȢ ǼʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ ȡȣșȝȓıİȦȞ ıȣıIJȒȝĮIJȠȢ ȈȣȞȑȤİȚĮ ƒ ȈȤİIJȚțȐ ȝİ IJȘȞ İȞıȦȝĮIJȦȝȑȞȘ ȝȞȒȝȘȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮ İȚıĮȖȦȖȒȢ ȤĮȡĮțIJȒȡȦȞ ĮȜȜȐȗİȚ ȆȪșȝȚıȘ ȉȠ ȩȞȠȝȐ ȝȠȣȆȪșȝȚıȘ ȉĮ ȖİȞȑșȜȚȐ ȝȠȣ ȆȪșȝȚıȘ IJȡȩʌȠȣ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ țȠȣȝʌȚȠȪ ȤȡȒıIJȘ ǴIJĮȞ Ș ıȪȞįİıȘ IJȠȣ ȣʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȒ ȠȡȚıIJİȓ ıIJȠ MSC ȊȡȒıȘ ȦȢ ĮijĮȚȡȠȪȝİȞȠȢ įȓıțȠȢıȣıțİȣȒȢ ȝĮȗȚțȒȢ ĮʌȠșȒțİȣıȘȢ USB ǸʌȠıȪȞįİıȘ Įʌȩ IJȠȞ ȣʌȠȜȠȖȚıIJȒ ıĮȢȀȑȟijİ țȜȚț ıIJȠ ȝȒȞȣȝĮ ǸʌȠıȣȞįȑıIJİ IJȘ ıȣıțİȣȒEmoDio ǸȆǹǿȉǾȈǼǿȈ ȊȆȅȁȅīǿȈȉǾȊȇǾȈǾ ȉȅȊ Emodio ȚıIJȠȡȚȫȞ ıĮȢ ȝİ ȐȜȜȠȣȢ ȤȡȒıIJİȢ ıIJȘȞ țȠȚȞȩIJȘIJĮȊȇǾȈǾ ȉȅȊ Emodio ȈȣȞȑȤİȚĮ Ακρόαση μουσικής ǸȀȇȅǹȈǾ ǹȃǹ ȀǹȉǾīȅȇǿǹǸȀȇȅǹȈǾ ǹȃǹ ȀǹȉǾīȅȇǿǹ ȈȣȞȑȤİȚĮ ȂȠȣıȚțȒ ȜȓıIJĮȄĬǵȃǾ ǹȃǹȆǹȇǹīȍīdzȈ ȂȅȊȈǿȀdzȈ ȀȅȊȂȆǿǹ ǹĭǾȈ īǿǹ ȉȅȃ ǼȁǼīȋȅ ǹȃǹȆǹȇǹīȍīǾȈ ȆĮIJȒıIJİ IJȠ ȖȚĮ ȞĮ ĮȣȟȒıİIJİ/ȝİȚȫıİIJİ IJȘȞ ȑȞIJĮıȘ IJȠȣ ȒȤȠȣǼʌİȟİȡȖĮıȓĮ IJȠȣ ȅȞȩȝĮIJȠȢ ȜȓıIJĮȢ ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢ ǺǾȂǿȅȊȇīǿǹ ȁǿȈȉǹȈ ǹȃǹȆǹȇǹīȍīǾȈ ȈȉǾ Ȉȋȉȁǽȋǿ MP3ǺȚĮȖȡĮijȒ ȝȚĮȢ ȁȓıIJĮȢ ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢ ǼʌȚȜȑȟIJİ Delete PlaylistǼʌȚȜȑȟIJİ Add New Playlist ǺǾȂǿȅȊȇīǿǹ ȁǿȈȉǹȈ ǹȃǹȆǹȇǹīȍīǾȈ ȈȉǾ Ȉȋȉȁǽȋǿ MP3 ȈȣȞȑȤİȚĮȆȡȠıșȒțȘ ȞȑĮȢ ȁȓıIJĮȢ ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢ ȆȡȠıșȒțȘ İȞȩȢ ĮȡȤİȓȠȣ ıIJȘ ȁȓıIJĮ ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢ ǸȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒ İȞȩȢ ĮȡȤİȓȠȣ ıIJȘ ȁȓıIJĮ ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢǸțȠȜȠȣșȒıIJİ IJĮ ʌĮȡĮʌȐȞȦ ȕȒȝĮIJĮ ȆĮIJȒıIJİ IJȠ ǺȚĮȖȡĮijȒ İȞȩȢ ĮȡȤİȓȠȣ Įʌȩ ȝȓĮ ȜȓıIJĮ ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢǺȚĮȖȡĮijȒ ȩȜȦȞ IJȦȞ ĮȡȤİȓȦȞ Įʌȩ ȝȓĮ ȜȓıIJĮ ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢ ǼʌȚȜȑȟIJİ Delete All From Playlist ǻȚĮȖȡĮijȒ ȩȜȦȞǼʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ ȘȤȘIJȚțȫȞ İijȑ ȊȇǾȈǾ ȉȅȊ ȂǼȃȅȊ ȂȅȊȈǿȀǾȈȄȡȚıȝȩȢ IJȠȣ ȘȤȘIJȚțȠȪ İijȑ ȊȇǾȈǾ ȉȅȊ ȂǼȃȅȊ ȂȅȊȈǿȀǾȈ ȈȣȞȑȤİȚĮ ȆȪșȝȚıȘ IJȠȣ ȝȘȤĮȞȚıȝȠȪ ȥȘijȚĮțȠȣ ijȣıȚțȠȪ ȒȤȠȣ DNSeȄȡȓıIJİ IJȚȢ İʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ ʌȠȣ ʌȡȠIJȚȝȐIJİ țĮȚ ʌĮIJȒıIJİ IJȠ ǼʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ DNSe ȤȡȒıIJȘȄȡȚıȝȩȢ IJȘȢ ȜİȚIJȠȣȡȖȓĮȢ ĮȞĮʌĮȡĮȖȦȖȒȢ ǼʌȚȜȠȖȑȢ 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You must make sure that they, too Problems that might be introduced by othersOr if you modify it Receive or can get the source code. If you link other codeInto another language Used to control compilation and installation of the libraryYou must cause the whole of the work to be licensed Table of data to be supplied by an application programPortions of the Library will still fall under Section Specify that version instead if you wish. Do not make anyOther change in these notices From that copySame work based on the Library, uncombined with any Explaining where to find the accompanying uncombinedAccompany the combined library with a copy Give prominent notice with the combined libraryFor this. 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