Installing the Drainage Hose
The drainage hose can be put out into any suitable area where water can be emptied.
The hose can be run outside through a window, in a sink, or in a drain.
Attention should be given to the flow of the drained water. Be sure it flows away from buildings and other objects that could be damaged.
CAUTION: The drainage hose MUST NOT be installed more than ten(10) feet above the floor on which the unit is standing.
Disposing of the collected water
1. Continuous draining using the pump
Choose a safe location to drain the water that flows away from buildings and other objects that could be damaged. Our specially designed vertical pump allows water removal of up to 10 feet in height making it possible to discharge the water out a window, into a drain pipe, or in a sink.
Note: Make sure the pump light is on when using this option.
2. Continuous draining without the pump
Condensed water can be drained without the use of the pump by connecting a hose to the outlet on the bottom of the unit. Remove the rubber plug and connect a hose to the unit to drain directly into a drain hole on the floor. Remember, water runs downhill. The drain point must be must be lower than the drain connector on the unit.
Note: Keep the plug in a safe place for when you choose to utilize the pump in the future.