Setting Up TACACS+
You can implement TACACS+ authentication and TACACS+ accounting at the server level and for specific interfaces and asynchronous ports on the LX unit.
Access the AAA Configuration mode on the LX.
TACACS+ Primary Authentication Server Commands
AAA:0>> tacacs+ primary authentication server address
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ primary authentication server port 49
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ primary authentication server secret STRING
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ primary authentication server retransmit 3
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ primary authentication server timeout 7
TACACS+ Primary Accounting Server Commands
AAA:0>> tacacs+ primary accounting server address
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ primary accounting server port 49
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ primary accounting server secret STRING
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ primary accounting server retransmit 3
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ primary accounting server timeout 7
TACACS+ Secondary Authentication Server Commands
AAA:0>> tacacs+ secondary authentication server address
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary authentication server port 49
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary authentication server secret STRING
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary authentication server retransmit 3
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary authentication server timeout 7
TACACS+ Secondary Accounting Server Commands
AAA:0>> tacacs+ secondary accounting server address
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary accounting server port 1646
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary accounting server port 1813
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary accounting server secret STRING
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary accounting server retransmit 3
AAA:0 >>tacacs+ secondary accounting server timeout 7
Port Commands
Config:0 >>port async #
Async #:0 >>authentication outbound tacacs+ enable
Async #:0 >>authentication inbound tacacs+ enable
Async #:0 >>tacacs+ accounting enable
Interface Commands
Config:0 >>interface #
Intf #:0 >>authentication tacacs+ enable
Intf #:0 >>tacacs+ accounting enable