While listening to a music from the movie playback, press MUSIC ID to start loading music information from the Gracenote Media Database.
•The player must be connected to the broadband internet for accessing the Gracenote® Media Database.
•If the music information is not in the Gracenote® Media Database, message appears on the screen.
•If the music information from the
Gracenote® media database is eithr not correct or not exist, please contact Gracenote® at http://www.gracenote.com for support.
•Depending on the cases, it will takes a few minutes to load music information from the Gracenote® media database.
•Information may be displayed in English, if your own language is not available on the Gracenote® media database.
•This function is not available for NetCast
•LG is a license of Gracenote® technology and is not responsible or reliable for information from the Gracenote® media database.
Operation 53
2010.3.5 9:18:24 AM |