When the heating or cooling equipment turns on, the air in your home travels through the registers and return duct(s) to the heating and cooling equipment where it is conditioned and sent back into the rooms of your house through the supply ducts. Small particles from numerous sources are suspended in your home’s air, just as they are suspended in the air outdoors. The largest of these particles will eventually come to rest and appear as dust. Smaller particles may come to rest, but with even the slightest disturbance will
Your model 4200 or 4400 with genuine Aprilaire SelfSeal™ filters is a highly efficient air cleaner. The removal efficiency defines the percent of particles entering the air cleaner that are trapped (see Table 1).
Until now, the air cleaner has been a passive component of your heating and cooling system; when the equipment turned on to heat or cool your home, the air cleaner was doing its job whether you were aware of it or not. Your thermostat turns on your heating and cooling equipment and so, essentially, the thermostat determined when you clean your air. Your model 4200 or 4400 air cleaner comes with an exclusive Air Cleaner Control that allows you to clean your air when you want! Not only does the Air Cleaner Control allow you to actively clean the air, it will show you when the air cleaner is filtering the air and when it is time to change the filter.
Common Pollutants
Particle sizes in microns* (1 micron = 1/25,400 inch)
0.01 | 0.1 | 1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 |
*American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering Guide
TABLE 1 – Particle Removal Efficiency
Particle Size (microns) | Removal Efficiency |
1 | 76% |
3 | 93% |
5 | 91% |
7 | 93% |
10 | 97% |