ritetemp 5051 brochure Replacing Evaporative Cooler Filter

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RiteTemp Internal Document

Replacing Evaporative Cooler Filter continued

Make sure the water outlets are away from you and the tabs that the screws were in are towards you.

Starting on your right closest to you with your thumb gently push the plastic case out and with your left hand pop the metal retainer out.

Repeat for the remaining two positions on the right side.

Note that the top two retain- ing pins are angled down and the bottom one furthest from you is angled up.

Lift the retaining assembly slightly up and pull to your right with a gentle rocking motion, when removed set it aside.

Note the orientation of the filter the plastic webbing goes around from left to right. Also note that there is a 1/2 inch gap from the top (area closest you) to the top of the filter, this is for the water drip rod.

Lift up on the top of the filter and slide it out towards you and discard.

Clean the inside of the filter housing with a 10 percent solution of bleach and water on a clean sponge and let dry.

This is also a good time to make sure that all of the drain tubes are clean and clear.

R i t e T e m p

Replacing Evaporative Cooler Filter continued

Insert the new filter making sure you have it in the same orientation as the one you removed and that you have the 1/2-inch gap at the top.

Replace the metal retaining grid with the pin fur- thest you is angled up, start by gently working the three left pins in, then working from the bottom up with your thumb gently put the right pins in place one at a time.

Now is a good time to clean drip rod and make sure that the holes on the under side are clear, Also wipe out the fan area.

Next replace the filter housing assembly with the drain tubes down at about a 20 degree angle and align the tubes and holes then rock right to left until seated.

Finally replace the two retain- ing screws turning them clock- wise making sure not to over tighten then only snug them up.

Plug the unit back in and enjoy.

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Image 8 ritetemp 5051 brochure Replacing Evaporative Cooler Filter
Contents Evaporative Cooler RiteTempRiteTemp Internal Document T e T e m p Table of Contents Evaporative Cooler Model Unit Benefits Hints for Better CoolingEvaporative Cooler End of Season Maintenance and Storage Filling the CoolerReplacing Evaporative Cooler Filter MotorPump Materials neededReplacing Evaporative Cooler Filter