Problem | Possible Causes | Solutions |
The portable air | ∙ Power failure / outage. | ∙ Restore the power supply. |
conditioner does not |
turn on | ∙ The automatic switch, line | ∙ Flip the switch / change the fuse / turn the breaker |
| fuse, or breaker has been | back on. Also note that you may have too many |
| tripped. | appliances drawing power on one circuit, you may |
| need to move the other appliances to another |
| circuit. |
| ∙ The power supply voltage is | ∙ Move the unit onto another circuit with the correct |
| too low. | voltage. |
| ∙ The power cord is damaged. | ∙ Contact Whynter Service Department. Only |
| authorized personnel should replace damaged |
| power cord or power plug. |
| ∙ The L.C.D.I. power plug for | ∙ Press the Reset button on the L.C.D.I. power plug. |
| the unit is tripped. |
| ∙ The internal water reservoir | ∙ Drain water from the air conditioner. |
| is full. |
| ∙ Possible loose connection | ∙ Contact Whynter Service Department |
| ∙ Internal fuse has blown |
The unit turns on but | ∙ The room temperature is | ∙ This unit is designed to work in ambient |
the compressor does | outside of the operational | temperatures of 64°F to 95°F. |
not turn on (the fan | tolerances of the unit. |
runs but the unit is not |
cooling) | ∙ The Cooling mode is not on. | ∙ Press the MODE button until the COOL light is |
| shown on the display. |
| ∙ The compressor has not | ∙ Give the compressor 3 minutes to turn on after the |
| turned on yet because of its | Cooling mode has been selected. |
| time delay. |
| ∙ The set temperature is too | ∙ Set the air conditioner to a lower temperature. It is |
| high. | recommended to set the temperature to at least |
| 5°F of the ambient temperature. |
| ∙ The internal water reservoir | ∙ Either manually drain the water by removing the |
| is full. | drain plug or allow the unit to exhaust the water |
| itself by running the fan only mode. Then cooling |
| will resume. |
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