Gianni Industries Gemprox-H, Gemprox-26M warranty Statement, Specifications, Warranty, Dimension

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Unobtrusive and stylish slim design can be mounted directly onto metal such as door mullions, GEMPROX Proximity Reader is suited for a remote locations when used in conjunction with an on-line system. Sealed with potting compound to withstand harsh environments providing reliable performance and high degree of vandal resistance.

GEMPROX Proximity Reader features for reading any compatible card s serial number. It supports Wiegand 26-bits or 26~37 bits output interfaces with all existing Wiegand protocol access control system Wiegand. The Green LED flashes and the beeper sounds when a proximity card is presented to the reader. The bi-color LED and beeper can also be controlled individually by the host system.









Unit: mm


No. 13, Zhong Sing Road, Tu-Cheng Industrial Zone,

Tu-Cheng City, Taipei, Taiwan 23678

Tel: 886-2 2267 7986 / Fax: 886-2 2267 9876



Proximity Reader



13.56MHz RF frequency has being the main trend for high security access control integration nowadays and the future, GEMPROX-26MProximity Reader unit is compatible with. Mifare card provides a unique 32 bits serial number for each card, and reader Ignoring that store up "KEY" transportation from manufacturers,

Operating Voltage: 7~12 Vdc

Current Draw: Average 70mA, Peak 110mA @ 12Vdc

Transmitting Frequenc:13.56 MHz Mifare S50 compatible Code Processing: Check card serial number reading only

Output Format: Wiegand 26-bit hexadecimal

R e a d R a n g e : 4 c m )D e p e n d i n g o n l o c a l i n s t a l l a t i o n conditions(

Cable: 6 conductor (#24 AWG) stranded with shield for Typical Wiegand installation


Operating Voltage: 8~12 Vdc

Current Draw: Average 50mA, Peak 60mA @ 12Vdc

Transmitting Frequency : 125 KHz

Card Verifies and Code Processing: Check Facility

code only accept any ID

Output Format: Wiegand 26~37-bit hexadecimal Read Range: 6 cm )Depending on local installation


Cable: 6 conductor (#24 AWG) stranded with shield for typical Wiegand installation


Operating Voltage: 12 Vdc

Current Draw: Average 50mA, Peak 70mA @ 12Vdc

Transmitting Frequency : 125KHz (EM-400x compatible)

Output Format: Wiegand 26-bit hexadecimal

Read Range: 8 cm) Depending on local installation conditions(

Cable: 7 conductor (#24 AWG) stranded with shield for Typical Wiegand installation


The product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship while used in normal service for a period of 1 year from the date of sale to the original customer. The GEM policy is one of continual development and improvement; therefore GEM reserves the right to change specifications without notice.

The products are manufactured under an ISO 9 0 0 1 & Q C 0 8 0 0 0 0 C e r t i f i e d Q u a l i t y Management Program environment back its product quality, performance and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Copyright 2008 Gianni industries, inc. All rights reserved. DM-CA-GEMPROX Ver. E Published on 2008.07.30

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Contents Warranty SpecificationsDimension Statement