Cisco Systems CWM 9.2 appendix Manual Installation Procedures

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C H A P T E R 3

Manual Installation Procedures

The chapter guides you through a manual installation of Cisco WAN Manager (SV+) and its associated software programs.

Note Prior to installing CWM 9.2, you must have Sun’s Solaris 2.6 and optionally, though strongly recommended, Hewlett Packard’s OpenView 5.01 installed on your workstation. You may also need to customize the set up of the raw partition size for Informix OnLine. For limited instructions on installing the Solaris 2.6 and partitioning your disk for Informix OnLine, see Appendix A, as well as the Sun Installation Guide. For instructions on installing HP OpenView, refer to the HP OpenView Installation Guide.

When Solaris 2.6 and HP OpenView 5.01 are already installed on your machine and your disk is partitioned to your satisfaction, you are ready to proceed to “Installing the Cisco WAN Manager 9.2 Software”.

When you plan to use the HP OpenView 5.01 and/or Wingz 2.5.1 applications in conjunction with the CWM 9.2 product, you must install these applications prior to installing CWM 9.2.

When you plan to use the CiscoView 4.2 application in conjunction with the CWM 9.2 product, you do not have to install CiscoView 4.2 prior to installing CWM 9.2.

Installing the Cisco WAN Manager 9.2 Software

You can install the CWM 9.2 software from either a locally attached or remote CD-ROM drive. When you invoke the installation script from a remote drive, the remote and local platforms do not have to be running the same operating system. Following is a list of the tasks you must perform to load and mount the CD-ROM, install the CWM 9.2 and associated software, configure the various product components, and start the CWM 9.2 software.

Note All processes referring to /usr/users are killed as part of the installation process. Therefore, do not login as user root when you are already logged in as user svplus. Instead, logout first, then login as user root.

1Load the CD into the CD-ROM drive. See “Loading the CD-ROM”.

2Mount the CD-ROM drive. See “Mounting the Locally Attached CD-ROM Drive”.

3Export the CD-ROM drive to make it available to other machines if you are installing the software on a remote machine. See “Mounting a Remotely Attached CD-ROM Drive”.

Manual Installation Procedures 3-1

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Contents Manual Installation Procedures Mounting the Locally Attached CD-ROM Drive Loading the CD-ROMMounting a Remotely Attached CD-ROM Drive Host# mkdir /cdrom/cdrom0To Export the CD-ROM Drive From a Remote Solaris Host Exporting the CD-ROM Drive from a Remote SunOS HostInstalling Cisco WAN Manager Installing Cisco WAN Manager ManuallyHost# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0 CSCOconf Installing CSCOconfHost# ./installconfig Running the installconfig ProgramRunning the installconfig Program Installing CSCOinfInstalling CSCOsv Cisco WAN Manager Software Package Sqlhosts file Installing the Installation ScriptReturn Running the installconfig Program Installing Cisco WAN Manager Manually