3.Direct application method
P o l y u rethane sealed hard wood and sealed laminate flooring can be cleaned using a floor cleaner specially form u l a t e d for this type of floor. Check with the floor- ing manufacturer for a re c o m m e n d e d
c l e a n e r. Your floor machine can be used periodically with this type of cleaner to help re s t o re the floor’s luster.
1 .Vacuum floor thoroughly to re m o v e loose dirt and debris.
2 . Attach the soft cloth pads to polisher re f e rring to directions in Fig.
3 . Following the directions on the cleaner bottle, start at one end of a room and apply cleaner to a 3 ft. x 6 ft. (1m x 2m) a rea. Do not dispense wood floor cleaner from the tank. Be sure the con- t rol button is in the “OFF” position.
Connect cord to a wall receptacle. Pre s s handle release lever to lower handle.
S t a rt floor machine by moving the contro l button to the
4 . Move the floor machine over the are a until the floor is completely dry. Do not use the “WET PICK UP”feature to pick up the hard wood floor cl e a n e r. D u r i n g the transition from wet to dry, the floor machine will seem to “labor” (motor sound will change and the floor machine may feel diff e rent) until the floor cleaner has dried completely. The floor machine motor will then re t u rn to its original sound and feel.
5 . To re s t o re shine to stubborn are a s , attach the heavy duty cleaning and wax- ing pads and repeat step 3 & 4. Such a reas can also be dry buffed (without applying a wood floor cleaner) using the heavy duty cleaning and waxing pads.
Waxing floors
There are two types of wax to use on hard surface floors:
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Water Base
1. Water base wax
F o l l ow the directions on the container to apply.Do not polish or buff this wax.
2. Solvent-base wax
h a rd surface floors unless specified by themanufacturer.
There are two kinds of solvent base wax: paste wax and liquid
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Paste Wax | Floor | |
Wax | ||
Solvent Base | ||
| ||
| Solvent | |
| Base |
a. Paste wax
To spread wax evenly, attach power scrub and cleaning brushes to floor machine, then snap on heavy duty cleaning and waxing pads.
Spread a thin coat of wax on pads or spread a small amount on floor with spatula. Start by moving control button to
b. Liquid polishing wax
This type of wax is used to clean as well as wax floors. Apply wax according to instructions on the container. Use floor
machine only to polish floors when this type of wax is used. Refer to sec-
tion “Cleaning floors - Solvent cleaning wax method”.
Polishing and buffing floors
Floors waxed with
1.Be sure wax is thoroughly dry before polishing. This usually takes
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2.Use power scrub and cleaning brush- es to polish floor. Move the control but- ton to
3.A double coat of wax will give floors more protection. Let wax dry thoroughly and polish after each application.
Continued ➜