Standard Features & Accessories
Both models include
• Capacitor start motor is one of most | o Stainless steel | o Two fixed stainless steel impellers |
powerful residential motors available | upper housing | for quick, quiet grinding |
• Convenient wall switch start | o Cast aluminum drain chamber with | o Continuous cutting from 18 |
o Operates with or without cover for | protective polymer shield | uppercutters and 16 undercutters |
easy loading of food waste | o Permanently lubricated primary | o Precision balanced for smooth, |
• | bronze bearing | |
o | • Quick | • Solid cast shredder ring |
insulation | makes it easy to install, or to replace | o 45 |
o Six isolating gaskets in key | your old disposer | o |
operating areas for sound | • | uppercuttings and 1.3 million |
absorption and reduced vibration | o Grind wheel moves in opposite | undercuttings per minute (15 |
o Quiet, efficient fixed impellers | direction with each start, breaking | times that of the nearest |
eliminate noise generated by | the jams that stop ordinary disposers | competitor) |
ordinary swivel blades and will not | o Reverse action doubles cutter life | • Highly effective for use with septic |
swing away from waste | • Exclusive grind system | tanks |
• Durable components | o Solid cast grind wheel |
Model Options
VCFW750 | VCFW1000 |
3/4 HP | 1 HP |
• 3/4 horsepower motor | • 1 horsepower motor |
• | • |
| • Exclusive Power Plus |
| |
| the grind wheel to oscillate approx. |
| 7,000 times per minute, pulverizing |
| even the toughest jams. |
P L A N N I N G A N D D E S I G N G U I D E | R E L E A S E D 1 2 / 1 / 0 7 |
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