Controlling the Temperature of the Fridge Compartment
The control wheel on the front of the worktop adjusts the internal fridge compartment temperature. The internal temperature should be 5˚C or colder although some sections, such as the salad bin, will be slightly warmer.
The setting of the control wheel will depend on the location of the fridge, the room temperature and how often the door is opened. The normal set point (marked by a 3 and N on the dial) is usually suitable. If you need to adjust the temperature turn the control wheel:
Clockwise (higher number) - Colder
You can check the temperature of the fridge compartment by using a Fridge Freezer Thermometer available from Hotpoint Genuine Parts and Accessories Mail Order Hotline (see KEY CONTACTS back page).
WARNING: Do not use a mercury filled thermometer, as breakage would cause a health hazard.
Your fridge must NOT be placed in a room where the temperature goes below 6˚C or above 38˚C for prolonged periods, as the internal fridge temperature will not be maintained.