Hotpoint HDA487 manual Readall instructionsbeforeusingthisappliance

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Readall instructionsbeforeusingthisappliance,

WA~ING—When using this appliance, alwaysexercise basic safety precautions, including the following:

@Use thisappliance only for its intended purpose9as you will find described in this Use and

Care Book.


@This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the installation Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your dishwasher you can obtain one by contacting the service location nearest you.

—Thisappliance must be connected to a grounded metal, permanent wiring system; or an equipment-grounding conductor must be run with the circuit conductors and connected to the equipment-grounding terminal or lead of the appliance.

–Connect to a properly rated, protected and sized power- supply circuit to avoid electrical


~Use only detergents or wetting agentsreco~ended for use in


~Do not wash plastic items unless marked “dishwasher safe” or the equivalent. For plastic items not so marked, check the manufacturer’s recommendations.

~Load light plastic items so they will not become dislodged and drop to the bottom of the dishwasher—theymight come into contact with the heating unit and be damaged.

Tominimize the possibility of injury.

~When loading items to be washed:

A.Locate sharp items so that they are not likely to damage the door seal, and

B.Load sharp knives with the handles up to reduce the risk of cut-type injuries.

e Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use.

@Do not operateyour dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place.

@Do not tamper with controls.

@Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.

~Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is used by or near children. Do not allow children to play inside, on or with this appliance or any discarded appliance. Dispose of discarded appliances and shipping or packing material properly. Beforediscarding a dishwasher, remove the door of the washing compartment.

~Keep all washing detergents and wetting agents out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked cabinet. Observe all warnings on container labels to avoidpersonal injury.

*H~ROGEN GASis produced by the chemical action within your water heater. It can accumulate in the water heater and/or water pipes if hot water has not been used for a period of two weeks or longer.

HYDROGEN GASIS EXPLOSIVE. Toprevent the possibility of damage or injury, if you have not used hot water for two weeks or more, or move into a residence in which the hot water systemmay not havebeen used for some time, turn on all hot water faucetsand allow them to run for severalminutes before using any electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water system. This will allow any hydrogengas to escape. Also, since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during

this process.

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Contents Page Fromi~ad. See pages.4,5 ReadthisbookcarefullyWritedownthemodeland Serialnumbers CenterTMTominimize the possibility of injury Readall instructionsbeforeusingthisapplianceForNORMALWASHcycle a. Latchthe door ForLIGHTWMH cycle a. Be suredooris unlatched@For~NSE HOLDcycle Be suredooris unlatched Cycleselectionhints WhathappemineachcycleDryingOptions Keepyourdetergentfreshand dry.Underthe sinkisn’ta good Economicslaboratory INCWIIatyoucan leaveon dishes Dete~ent UsageGuideBadedl right,dishesgetcleaner Don’t let any GlassYES Howto changedoorpanelinsert Tokeepyourdishwasher LookinggoodEF ~ Howtogiveyourdishwashera newlook-changeitscolor Checkthe air gapany timeyour dishwasherisn’tdrainingwellProblem Beforeyoucallforservice ChecktheProblemSolverGlassware Toremovestubbornspo@and filmfromglasswareProblempossiblecauseandremedy Youcan savemoneyandtime bydoingit yourself ConvenientServiceFortrouble-freeservicebeyond SeAceContractsWhat Is Covered