-Readallimtructiom before wi~thk appliance.
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●Use this applhmce ody for its intended purpose, as you ~ tid described h this Use and Care Book.
● W
●Use ordy detergents or wetting agents recommended for use in a dishwasher.
●Do not wash plastic items tiess marked “dishwasher safe” or the equivalent. For plastic items not so marked, check the rnanuticturer’s recommendations.
●Load tight plastic items so they WU not become dislodgd and drop to the bottom of the
-and be damaged.
m minimk the possib~ty of mw”
●Men loading items to be washd:
A.bate sharp items so that they are not likely to damage the door seal, and
B.Load sharp knives with the handes up to reduce the risk of
●Do not touch the heating element during or imrned~ately *ruse.
●Do not operate your dishwasher tiess M enclosure panels are properly in place.
●Do not tamper with controls.
●Do not abuse, sit on, or s~d
on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
●Close supervision is naessary if this appliance is usd by or near c~dren. Do not Wow cMdren to play inside, on or with this appfiance or any discardd applimce. Dispose of discarded appliances and shipping or packing mterid properly. Before discarding a dishwasher, remove the door of the washing compartment.
●=p dl washing detergents and wetting agents out of the reach of chtidren, prekrably in a locked cabinet. Observe W warnings on container labels to avoid persod injury.
Q ~ROGEN GM is producd by the chemical action within your water heater. It can accumulate in the water heater and/or water pipes if hot wa~r has not kn usd for a period of two w=ks or longer.
HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSWE, To prevent the possibdity of damage or injury, if you have not usd hot water for two w*ks or more, or move into a residence in which the hot water system may not have been used for some time, turn on all hot water tiuce~ and allow them to run fir seveti minutes before using any elwtricd appliance which is connected to the hot water system. This will allow any hydrogen gas to escape. Mso, since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during
this process.