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Page 22




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Image 22
Contents English Farsi ArabicImportant Safeguards Fig a Fig C Safety of others Safety instructionsUsing your appliance Intended useAfter use Electrical safetyFeatures Fig. A, C & E Inspection and repairsAssembling the beaters / dough hooks Fig. C Assembly Fitting and removing an attachmentStand Assembly Fig. D M650 only Use M300Technical Data Switching on and offCleaning and maintenance Operating times and preparationsBlack & Decker Home Appliance 2 Year Warranty Protecting the environmentŒØd b≤« Kp ~v≤îU u«Â∞ t∞ßU 2 MU±t≤∑LU ¸ ¸« ¢u¸u œÖLt ¥U Ë œ«œÁ Æd«¸ 0 îU±u‘ Ëfox Mv≠ ±AªBU‹Ob≥œ AU¸ ~UÁ∑œß « ~Nb«¸È≤ Ë ØdœÊ ¢LOe uÁ≤Jq U≥ îLOdÊ Ë U≥ LeÊ≥ BV≤ uÁ≤ 056M ±b‰ œ¸ Ij≠ œ Jq ÄU¥t BV≤ uÁ≤~UÁ∑œß UÈ≥ ªg MbÈ r≥ßd Ë BV≤ ÎU±u‘ Ëfox ¸ËÈ 1 ßd´X d‰∑ØM œÖLt U¥b LU±CU´n MbÈ ´U¥o ¸Ëœ ±v ALU¸ dË¸È «±dÈ ±Bd· ±u¸œ¢LU±v ~UÁ,∑œß U JU¸ dËŸ « ÄOg « «ßX, îOf LU UÈ≥ œßX Øt Åu¸¢v œ¸Farsi ∞« Jq Ödœœ dœÈ≠ Åb±U‹ ¥U Ë dJv∑J∞« u„ ßuÈ, ¬¢g dË ºU¥b≤ ˸ ¨ut œ¥~dOb≥œ u¥q¢ Uπ± îb±U‹ Ë ßdË¥f ±d«Øe ¥U Ë œØd b≤« Kp ßdË¥f Ij≠ OW∞LMe∞« FLUô‹∑öß∞ ÅÔLr Ad«¡∞« ´MbBlack & Decker ºd´W∞« §Ob«Î. ˧HHNU ÅUuÊ´Kv Lb∑¥F ±MEn Í√ ªbÂ∑¢º Ëô Jr∞∑« Æd’ ´Kv «Gj NU,∞π« AGOq∞∑ªHo∞Ë« ªKj∞Ë« SπKF∞ 5 OsπF∞« U‹≠îDU ªbÂ∑¢º AJq∞« 056MHp∞« ¸ ´Kv CGj∞U LCU¸»∞« p≠ ¥LJs AJq∞« OsπF∞« U‹≠îDU / LCU¸»∞« LOlπ¢«ùÅöÕ hH∞« JNdU¡∞« ±Bb¸ √ IU‹LK∞« ±s Í√ ªb«Â∑«ß V∂º∑¥ ËÆb «ù±ºU„ Ë´b FLq∞« ßD` u«· ¢FKIt ´bÂ∂LI∞« ±s IUf∞« HBq∞ ºKp∞« V¢º ô IU¡ ´Kv k≠ËU dØW∑L∞« §e«¡« ¢KLf ôAJq∞« √ AJq∞« ¥Kw ±U OUU‹∑«ô cÁ≥ Ë¢ALq ªU’« ÅUW≈ Ë√Ë/ JNdUzOW OU¸∞∑« ±Qîc ±s IUf∞« MeŸ∞ ºKp∞« ¢Ab ô .NUπK∞ W≤ÅOU §d«¡≈ ËHBKt∞ t∂Ë«ßœ«zLUÎ IUf∞« ßUîMWUÎßD√ ¥ö±f Ë√ …LMCb∞« W≠U u‚≠ v∞b∑¥ ºKp∞« ¢bŸ ôUzl∞∂« ´Mu«Ê Ë ßr≈ «ùßrFMu«Ê∞« ¥bÍ∞∂« d±e∞« Date of Purchase Ad«¡∞« ¢U¸¥a

M300 specifications

The Black & Decker M300 is an innovative power tool designed for a variety of tasks, making it an excellent choice for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts. This versatile tool offers impressive features and advanced technologies that enhance user experience and efficiency.

One of the standout features of the M300 is its lightweight and compact design. Weighing in at just a few pounds, it is easy to handle and maneuver, making it ideal for extended use without causing fatigue. The ergonomic grip ensures a comfortable hold, which is critical when undertaking intricate projects.

The M300 integrates a powerful motor that delivers consistent performance, providing a reliable solution for cutting, sanding, and drilling. With variable speed settings, users can easily adjust the tool's speed according to the task at hand. This feature enhances control, allowing for precision work in delicate applications or robust power for more demanding tasks.

In terms of technology, the M300 incorporates a tool-less blade change system. This innovation allows for quick and easy swapping of accessories without the need for additional tools. This convenience saves users time and allows for seamless transitions between different applications.

Another key characteristic of the Black & Decker M300 is its compatibility with a wide array of attachments. From saw blades to sanding pads, the versatility of this tool means it can handle various materials, including wood, metal, and plastic. This adaptability makes it an invaluable addition to any workshop.

Moreover, the M300 is designed with user safety in mind. It includes features such as a built-in overload protection system, which prevents the motor from overheating during prolonged use. Additionally, the tool is equipped with a safety switch that minimizes the risk of accidental startup, ensuring that users can work with confidence.

In conclusion, the Black & Decker M300 stands out for its combination of power, portability, and ease of use. With its advanced features and robust construction, it is a multi-functional power tool that excels in a wide range of tasks. Whether for home improvement projects or professional applications, the M300 offers the reliability and performance that users have come to expect from Black & Decker. Its innovative design and practical technologies make it a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their toolkit.