Black & Decker EG100 manual ƑNôdG ¢†«ÑdG ƒ¡W

Page 11


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Image 11
Contents Egg Cooker Parts Identification EnglishIntended use Safety instructionsSafety of others Extension cables & class 1 product Electrical safetySpecific safety requirements for Egg Cookers Inspection and repairsTo poach eggs FeaturesBefore first use UseTo hard cook eggs To soft cook eggsAfter use Cleaning and maintenanceTechnical Data Black & Decker Home Appliance 2 Year Warranty Ib¥d∞∑IUÎ≠Ë Ë√ SÅöt Black & Decker±b¢tU±öÎUÎ≤LU ΩGóîàSÉdG óH ÁfÉ«üdGh ∞«¶æàdGÔjòëJ ƑNôdG ¢†«ÑdG ƒ¡W RÉ¡édG øe ∞«∏¨àdG OGƒe áaÉc ádGREÉH ºb Iôe hCÉd ΩGóîàSÉdG πÑbAGõLCÉdG ΩGóîàSÉdGØe ɪFGOk ócCÉàdG »¨Ñæjh .èàæªdG Gòg ¢†jQCÉJ Ωõ∏j ÌÉ∏UEÉdGh ¢üëØdG«FÉHô¡µdG áeÉ∏ùdG ÁeÉ∏ùdG äɪ«∏J ØjôNBÉdG áeÉ∏SΩGóîàSÉdG ¢VôZ On/Off π«¨ûàdG ±É≤jEG/π«¨ûàdG ìÉàØe AGõLCÉdG ∞jôJNames & Addresses for Black & Decker Service Concessionaries Date of Purchase Ad«¡∞« ¢U¸¥a Warranty Registration Card

EG100 specifications

The Black & Decker EG100 is an electric garden tiller that stands out in the realm of home gardening tools. Designed for both novice gardeners and seasoned horticulturists, this versatile tiller offers an array of features aimed at enhancing soil preparation, promoting efficient planting, and ensuring optimal garden growth.

One of the defining characteristics of the EG100 is its powerful 10-amp motor, which delivers robust performance while tilling. With this strong motor, the tiller can efficiently break up tough soil, making it an excellent choice for individuals seeking to revitalize their gardens or create new planting beds. The machine operates quietly and cleanly, which is a notable advantage over traditional gas-powered tillers.

The Black & Decker EG100 features a lightweight design, which enhances its mobility and makes it easy to maneuver in tight spots. Weighing in at approximately 28 pounds, users can easily lift and control the tiller without feeling fatigued during extended use. This compact design also allows for easy storage, ensuring that it doesn’t take up too much valuable garage or shed space.

Another significant feature of the Black & Decker EG100 is its adjustable tilling width. The tiller can accommodate widths of 7 to 11 inches, providing flexibility depending on the task at hand. This adaptability is crucial for tackling various garden sizes and types of projects. Furthermore, the tiller is equipped with four durable steel tines that can penetrate the soil down to a depth of 6 inches, ensuring thorough tillage for better seed germination and soil aeration.

The ability to use the EG100 in a range of soil conditions makes it a valuable tool for any gardener. With features designed for user comfort, including ergonomic grips and an easy-to-use handle, the tiller minimizes strain during operation. It also comes with a safety switch to prevent accidental starts, adding an important safety layer for users.

In summary, the Black & Decker EG100 electric garden tiller combines power, lightweight design, and versatile features to meet the diverse needs of gardeners. With its efficient motor, adjustable tilling width, and durable construction, this tiller is a reliable choice for both cultivating existing gardens and breaking new ground. Its user-friendly characteristics make it an ideal tool for anyone looking to enhance their gardening experience.