FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIONS | with the rules in this subpart. |
(1) Want to report an interference complaint; or | § 95.405 (CB Rule 5) Where may I operate my CB station? |
(2) Want to know if the FCC has type accepted a transmitter for |
R/C. | You are authorized to operate your CB station from: |
(b) Write to the FCC, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Private | (a) Within or over any area of the world where radio services are |
Wireless Division, Washington, DC 20554, if you have questions | regulated by the FCC. Those areas are within the territorial limits of: |
about the R/C Rules. | (1) The fifty United States. |
[48 FR 24890, June 3, 1983, as amended at | (2) The District of Columbia. |
48 FR 41416, Sept. 15, 1983; 60 FR 50123, Sept. 28,1995] | Caribbean Insular areas |
Subpart D—Citizens Band (CB) | (3) Common wealth of Puerto Rico. |
Radio Service | (4) Navassa Island. |
SOURCE: 48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, unless otherwise noted. | (5) United States Virgin Islands (50 islets and cays). |
GENERAL PROVISIONS | Pacific Insular areas |
(6) American Samoa (seven islands). |
§ 95.401 (CB Rule 1) What are the Citizens Band Radio | (7) Baker Island. |
(8) Commonwealth of Northern Marian Islands. |
Services? | (9) Guam Island. |
The Citizens Band Radio Services are: | (10) Howland Island. |
(a) The Citizens Band (CB) Radio Service—a private, two-way, | (11) Jarvis Island. |
shortdistance voice communications service for personal or | (12) Johnston Island (Islets East, Johnston, North and Sand). |
business activities of the general public. The CB Radio Service may | (13) Kingman Reef. |
also be used for voice paging. | (14) Midway Island (Islets Eastern and Sand). |
(b) The Family Radio Service (FRS)—a private, two-way, very | (15) Palmyra Island (more than 50 islets). |
short-distance voice communications service for facilitating family | (16) Wake Island (Islets Peale, Wake and Wilkes). |
and group activities. The rules for this service are contained in | (b) Any other area of the world, except within the territorial limits of |
subpart B of this part. | areas where radio services are regulated by— |
(c) The Low Power Radio Service (LPRS)—a private, short-distance | (1) An agency of the United States other than the FCC. (You are |
communication service providing auditory assistance to persons | subject to its rules.) |
with disabilities, persons who require language translation, and | (2) Any foreign government. (You are subject to its rules.) |
persons in educational settings, health care assistance to the ill, law | (c) An aircraft or ship, with the permission of the captain, within or |
enforcement tracking services in cooperation with law enforcement, | over any area of the world where radio services are regulated by |
and point-to-point network control communications for Automated | the FCC or upon or over international waters. You must operate |
Marine Telecommunications System (AMTS) coast stations licensed | your CB station according to any applicable treaty to which the |
under part 80 of this chapter. The rules for this service are listed | United States is a party. |
under subpart G of this part. Two-way voice communications are | § 95.406 (CB Rule 6) Are there any special restrictions on the |
prohibited. [61 FR 28769, June 6, 1996, as amended at 61 FR |
46566, Sept. 4, 1996] | location of my CB station? |
§ 95.402 (CB Rule 2) How do I use these rules? | (a) If your CB station is located on premises controlled by the |
Department of Defense you may be required to comply with |
(a) You must comply with these rules (See CB Rule 21 § 95.421, for | additional regulations imposed by the commanding officer of the |
the penalties for violations) when you operate a station in the CB | installation. |
Service from: | (b) If your C/B station will be constructed on an environmentally |
(1) Within or over the territorial limits of places where radio services | sensitive site, or will be operated in such a manner as to raise |
are regulated by the FCC (see CB Rule 5, § 95.405); | environmental problems, under § 1.1307 of this chapter, you must |
(2) A board any vessel or aircraft registered in the United States; or | provide an environmental assessment, as set forth in § 1.1311 of |
(3) Aboard any unregistered vessel or aircraft owned or operated by | this chapter, and undergo the environmental review, § 1.1312 of this |
a United States citizen or company. | chapter, before commencement of construction. |
(b) Your CB station must comply with technical rules found in | |
subpart E of part 95. | [48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended at 55 FR 20398, May 16, |
(c) Where the rules use the word ‘‘you’’, ‘‘you’’ means a person | 1990] |
operating a CB station. | |
(d) Where the rules use the word ‘‘person,’’ the rules are concerned | HOW TO OPERATE A CB STATION |
with an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an association, a | |
joint stock company, a trust, a state, territorial or local government | § 95.407 (CB Rule 7) On what channels may I operate? |
unit, or other legal entity. | (a) Your CB station may transmit only on the following channels |
(e) Where the rules use the term ‘‘FCC’’, that means the Federal | (frequencies): |
Communications Commission. | |
(f) Where the rules use the term ‘‘CB station’’, that means a radio | |
station transmitting in the CB Radio Service. | |
§ 95.403 (CB Rule 3) Am I eligible to operate a CB station? | |
You are authorized to operate a CB station unless: | |
(a) You are a foreign government, are representative of a foreign | |
government, or a federal government agency; or | |
(b) The FCC has issued a cease and desist order to you, and the | |
order is still in effect. | |