Before You Call for Service
Savetime and money_Checkthis listof causesof minor
operatingproblemsyou can correct yourself_
Refrigerator does not operate
•May be in defrostcyclewhen motordoesnot operatefor about35 minutes°
o Temperaturecontrol in OFFposition°
o tf interiorlight isnot on, refrigerator may notbe pluggedin at wall outlet.
o if plugis secureand refri gerator fails to operate,plug lamp into sameoutletto determine if there is trippedcircuit breaker or burnedout fuse_
Motor operates for long periods
•Modernrefrigerators with more storagespaceand a larger freezer require moreoperating timer
o Normal when refrigerator isfirst deliveredto your
oLargeamountsof foodplacedin refrigerator to be cooled or frozen_
•Door left open°
o Temperaturecontrols set toocold. See page4.
oCondenserneedscleaning. Referto page 12_
Operating sounds
o The highspeed compressor motor required to maintainnear
zerotemperaturesin the largefreezer compartment may producehighersoundlevelsthan your oldrefrigerator°
•Normalfan air
oTheseNORMALsoundswill also be heardfrom time to time:
•Defrosttimer switch cricksat defrosk
e Defrostwater dripping.
•Temperaturecontrol clicks ON or OFF
•Refrigerantboiling or gurgling°
•Crackingor poppingof cooling coils causedby expansionand contraction duringdefrostand refrigeration followingdefrost,
•Icecubes droppinginto thebin and water running in pipesas icemaker refills°
Motor starts & stopsfrequently
•Temperaturecontrol startsand stops motorto maintaineven temperatures Thisis normal.
Vibration or rattling
•If refrigerator vibrates,morethan likely it isnot resting solidly on the floor_Thefront roller screwsneed adjusting,or floor isweak or uneven,Referto page 3o
•if dishesvibrateon shelves,try movingthem. Slightvibration isnormal,
oDefrostwater pan rattling, needsto be positionedproperly,
Foodsdry out
• Foodsnot covered,wrapped or sealed properly.
Freshfood or freezer compartment temperature too
oTemperaturecontrol not set cold enough_Referto page4.
•Doorleft openfor longtimer
•Packagemay be holding dooropen.
Frost or ice crystals on frozen food
a Doormay have been left ajar or package holding dooropen, * Toofrequentor too long dooropenings,
oFrostwithin packageis normal_
Slow ice cube freezing
•Doormay have been left ajar_
•Turntemperatureoffreezer compartment colder,
Ice cubeshave odor/taste
• Old cubes need tobe discarded.Emptyicebin every 30days. oIce storagebin needsto be washed_
•Unsealedpackagesin refrigerator and/or freezer compartments may be transmittingodor/tasteto icecubes,
oInteriorof refrigerator needscleaning, Referto page 12,
Automatic icemaker does not work
o Icemaker feeler arm in OFF(up) position,
oWater suppJyturned off or not connected°
*Freezercompartment too warm.
e Sometimescubes fuseto theside of the ice moldand hold the
feeler arm in the OFF(up) position.Removethis ice to restart the icemaker,
oPiledupcubes in storagebinmay cause icemakerto shutoff prematurely_Withicemakerfeeler arm in OFF (up) position, level cubes in bin byhand_
e Whenreaching for cubes byhand, you may have pushedthe
feeler arm intotheOFF(up) positionby mistake.