GE GSD400P warranty Howto$hooseanduse the rigmddmgente, Benckiserconsumer, Jetdry

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To get dishescleananddry,you needhotwater.Tohelpyougetwater ofthepropertemperature,your dishwasherautomaticallyheatsthe walerin the washcycle.Forgood washingand drying, the entering watermust beat least 120%.To preventdishdarnage,inletwater shouldnotexceed150“F.

Howtotestwater temperature: Checkthewatertemperature insideyourdishwasherwitha candyor meatthermometer.

Letthe dishwasherrun through one fill and pump out cycle,then let the dishwasherfill with water the second time.

Whenyouhearthe waterstop filling,unlatchthe doorandslowly openit.

.Measurethetemperatureofthe waterin thebottomof thetubthis way:

Removethe silverwarebasketand placea candyor meatthermometer in the watertowardsthe middleof {hetub. If thetemperatureis less than 120°F,youwillnot getgood washingresults.Higherwater temperatureis neededto dissolve ~’reaseand activatepowder Detergents.

Helpful hints: If outside temperaturesare unusuallylow,or if yourwatertravelsa longdistance fromwaterheaterto dishwasher, JOUmayneedto set your water ~water’sthermostatup. If youhave notused hot waterfor sometime,

d]ewaterin the pipeswillbe cold. Turnon the hot waterfauce~at the

sinkand allowit to run untilthe ~)ater is hot. Then start the dishwasher.If you’verecentlydone l:iumjryor run hoi water for


showers,giveyourwaterheater timeto recoverbeforeoperatingthe dishwasher.

Toimprovewashabilityif thewater is lessthan 120°Fandyoucannot adjustyourwaterheater:Selecta longercycleandfillbothdetergent cupsal leasthalf-fullwithdetergent.

Help prtWent spotting

with $3rin$eagent.

Arinseagentmakeswaterflowoff dishesquickerthanusual.This lessenswaterspottingandmakes dryingfaster,too.

Forbestdishwashing performance,useof a rinse agentsuchas JET-DRYbrandis recommended.

Rinseagentscomein eitherliquid or solidform. Yourdishwasher usesthe solidform.

If youcan’tfind any rinse agent, write:




411W. PutnamAve. Greenwich,CI’06830


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Howto$hooseanduse the rigmddmgente

First, use only powderor liquid detergentspecificallymade for use in dishwashers.other types wiil cause owmudsing.

$ecmd, deck the phosphate content.Phosphatehelpsprevent hard-w~termaterialsfromforming spotsor filmon yourdishes.If yourwateris hard(7 grainsor more),yourdetergenthasto work harder.Detergentswitha higher phosphatelevelwillprobablywork better.If thephosphatecontentis low(8.7%or less),you’llhaveto useextradetergentwithhardwater.

Yourwater department can tell youhowhard your water is. So canyourcountyextensionagent. Or yourarea’swatelsofkner company,Justcallandaskthem howmany“grains”of hardnessis in yourwater.

Howmuch detergent shouid you use? Thatdepends.Is yourwater “hard”or “soft”?Withhardwater, youneedextradetergentto get dishesclean.Withsoftwater,you needlessdetergent.

Toomuchdetergentwithsoftwater notonlywastesmoney,it canbe harmful.It can causea permanent cloudinessof glassware,called “etching.”An outsidelayerof glass is etchedaway!Butwhytakea chancewhenit’seasyto findout thehardnessof yourwater.

Keep your detergent fresh and dry. Underthe sinkisn’ta good placeto storedetergent.Toomuch moisture.Don’tputpowder detergentintothedispenseruntil you’rereadyto washdishes,either. (It won’tbe fresh ORdr-y.)

Eyour powder detergent gets old or hmpy9 throw it away. It w-on’t washwell.Olddetergentoftenwon’t dissolve.

If youuse a liquiddishwasher detergent,theseprecautionsare not necessarybecauseliquiddetergents don’t“lump” as theyageor come in contactwith water.

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Contents Built-in Model Gsmoo P Help IDishelp you Writedown the mddSavethese Instructions ‘%e Mathappemill thecycle Howto$hooseanduse the rigmddmgente BenckiserconsumerJetdry DishesforWa$hhg Softwater MediumwaterHardwater How bwillym.w dishwasher How tobad the!ml? Rack WA7-CHOUTF’RTHISPage Youfcanadd k MaterialBuilt-in *hwashem often usean airgapeKeepit dean MsTRucmoNsDishwasher ProblemDEXHZSDON’TDRY Uncleandiseies Andflatware UnusualnoiseDo Notadddetergent Yellowor Brown Film‘ B WATERWON’TPUMP OUT’OFTHETUBWe’llBe There Warranty

GSD400P specifications

The GE GSD400P is a powerful and versatile generator designed for a range of applications, offering reliable energy solutions for both home and commercial use. This generator is particularly suitable for users looking for dependable performance during power outages or in remote locations where electricity supply is inconsistent.

One of the standout features of the GSD400P is its robust engine, boasting a high-output capability that can deliver up to 4000 running watts. This ensures that even larger appliances can be powered during outages, including refrigerators, air conditioning units, and multiple light fixtures. The generator is equipped with a durable fuel tank that provides extended runtime, allowing for uninterrupted usage during long periods of grid failure.

In terms of technology, the GE GSD400P employs advanced inverter technology, which not only enhances fuel efficiency but also ensures cleaner power output. This is particularly beneficial for sensitive electronics, as it minimizes the risk of damage caused by power surges or fluctuations. The generator's compact design contributes to its portability, making it easy to transport for various outdoor activities, such as camping, tailgating, or construction sites.

Another important characteristic of the GSD400P is its user-friendly control panel, which features clearly labeled outlets and controls. The generator includes multiple 120V outlets, making it easy to connect various devices and appliances simultaneously. A built-in circuit breaker provides additional safety by preventing overloads, while an electric start feature simplifies operation, eliminating the need for manual recoil starting.

Furthermore, the GE GSD400P is designed with noise reduction technology, ensuring quieter operation so it can be used without disturbing the surrounding environment. The rugged construction is built to withstand the elements, ensuring longevity and reliability in demanding conditions.

Overall, the GE GSD400P combines powerful performance, cutting-edge technology, and user-centric design, making it a top choice for those in need of a dependable power source. With its range of features and capabilities, users can rest easy knowing they have a reliable companion ready to tackle any power needs that arise.