GE 49-6514 manual ?‘nEasy, TwicetheICC, ~OU~auton~aticicemaker QUSadraKJeenWawrFilter, Supports

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Icetraysare designedto release

TOremoveshelfi Lift shelfoff

cubeseasilyintoa companionice

storagebin, Justinverttray,insert

shelfsupports,tiltit, andtakeit

oneendintoslotat rearof bin,


pressat frontrightside,andcubes




L Afterremovingshelf,remove

Invertedtraymayalsobe heldover


bin, andbothendstwistedto

upward.Replacethemon otherset




2. Lowershelfontorelocated




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kce%%(?ryKit (a?~)f14$$lQltitexh%H}*$)

AGE wtmn!tliciccnudwrwill I’tiplacethe iceY(Muse,!F automatically,Mcm keepyou supplimwi(hubififulofcthW==.1- iccfortweryfhing,Wm-ybody==k= withoutfussor muss,

If yourrcfrigcmtordid riotcome alrci.xiyequippedwithan tiutomatiti iccnmker,youmaytuk.one1-- contactyourlocalGEdc:dcr; specifyLJK-JWI’or-1UK-KIT-2A. wdtcrsupplykitcontainingcopper tubing,shut-offvalve,fittingsml instructionsnccdcdtoconnectthe icemakerto yourcolclwaterIincis alsoavailableatextracost.

“NWperfed Compallian h



Youricecubescanonly beas fresh-tastingasthe waterthatproduces them.That’swhyit’sa goodideato purifyyour waterwitha Quadra KleenWaterFilter.

TOremoveshelfi Removethetwo icetray shelvesas describedat left. Thenpush up bottomof shelfuntil shelfsnapsoutof left-handsupports and off supportson cabinetwall.

Toreplace sheifi Set Wirerack overleft-handsupportsandgently pulldownon shelfuntilit snaps intoplaceand rests on supportson cabinetwalls.

Cubesfrom fouricetrayscan be storedin the extra-widebin that holdsup to 10poundsof ice.

For miy me or twoice cubes, leavethe tray right-sideup, twist bothendsslightlyand remove desirednumberof cubes.

Wash ice trays and storage bin in lllkewarm water only.Do not put them in an automaticdishwasher.

Itsactivatedcharcoal removesmusty,stale odorsand unpleasant medicinal,metallic tastes.A porousfiber cartridgecatchesdirt, rustparticles,sandand siltwhilespecial crystaisreducedeposits of hard scale.

Thewaterfilteris an optionat extracost andis availablefrom yourGE dealer.Specify WIW7X2MIt. hascomplete instaHationinstructionsand installsin minuteson 1/4”0. Do copperwaterline.


Image 10
Contents Hmtoget 12V+.pq+Z5‘’’%,’ Howto Use EnergySaverSwitch. . . . ., , , ,5Help ymRIB Kmi this bookUWd’diy@Unplugyourrd’r@m@or Thepowercord of this applianceisWillreducethepossibilityof dangerto children Equippedwith a three-prongRefrigeratorlocation ServiceorganizationUse OKAdapterPh.lg ObtainablethroughyourlocalEnemysaverStikh Tthe’EmperatureXmtrdsThuiperaturecontrols Tips‘on freezhg foods For’convenienceTosm’wmoneyinenergy andfoodCOst$ Lto2St?dedsnackPack CooI’llIFkeshDrawer Mjmmmp DrawerDrawerRemoval Spm?makerTMDoor Adjm@bIeSheIvesin FreshFoodCompammentOnmodelssoequipped Ice*rViceshdves Cmpma DomOneshelfm modelsso equippedhohllstwokmcube ~OU~auton~aticicemaker QUSadraKJeenWawrFilter ?‘nEasyTwicetheICC Supports~~YOMmove When yougoORIVaationOubide NM?LON~ Pericmxs ProblempossiblecauseandremedyRapidElectricalDi~nosis L4TTLINGIpoissiuilecauseandremedy If YouNeedservice TEw

49-6514 specifications

The GE 49-6514 is a highly regarded kitchen appliance that has made waves in the home cooking sector for its versatility and performance. This appliance is particularly known for its multifaceted functionalities, which cater to the needs of modern home chefs. It embodies a combination of innovative technology, user-friendly design, and energy efficiency.

One of the standout features of the GE 49-6514 is its impressive cooking capacity. It often comes equipped with multiple cooking modes, including convection baking, broiling, and traditional baking. This versatility makes it suitable for preparing a wide range of dishes, from delicate pastries to hearty casseroles. Users appreciate the ability to customize their cooking experience, allowing for precise temperature control and timing adjustments.

The technology integrated into the GE 49-6514 is also noteworthy. Many models feature smart technology capabilities, allowing users to connect their oven to their home Wi-Fi network. This connectivity enables remote operation, so users can preheat their oven, monitor cooking times, and receive alerts directly on their smartphones. The inclusion of smart technology enhances convenience, making cooking a more streamlined process.

Another characteristic that sets the GE 49-6514 apart is its energy efficiency. Many models are designed with energy-saving features, such as self-cleaning options and eco-friendly settings. This not only helps users reduce their utility bills but also aligns with growing environmental concerns. The use of high-quality materials ensures durability and longevity, making it a worthwhile investment for any household.

The design of the GE 49-6514 is both aesthetic and practical. With a sleek and modern appearance, it can seamlessly fit into various kitchen decors, adding a touch of elegance. The user interface is intuitive, with easy-to-read dials and digital displays that make it simple to navigate settings and cooking options.

In conclusion, the GE 49-6514 is an exemplary kitchen appliance that combines functionality with modern technology. Its main features, including a variety of cooking methods, smart technology integration, and energy efficiency, make it a valuable addition to any home. With its stylish design and user-friendly interface, it caters to both novice cooks and seasoned chefs alike, ensuring that every meal can be a delightful experience.