Whirlpool WSR413YW0 manual Connectfaucetspout,chromebaseplate,indicatorlight

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InstructionsAt A Glancel Fordetailed nstructions seefollowing page.

I. Connectfaucetspout,chromebaseplate,indicatorlight


diskandrubberwasherto faucetbase.(Steps2a-2b)

to faucet.(Steps2c-2d)

3. Placefaucetin sinkopening.Securefaucetto sink


4.Connectfaucetindicatorwireto wireharness

with slottedwasher,spacer,flat washer,hexnut



andgreyconnector.Connectbluetubin to



bottom of faucetassembly(Steps.2e-si)




Image 6
Contents ChIJ Open This Flap For Installation Overview BeforeYouStart If you need assistancePage Bracket With Assemble both halves of saddle valve toValve to YB O.D. copper pipe Tubin To prevent Distortion Tubing. If you areConnectfaucetspout,chromebaseplate,indicatorlight Bottom of faucetassemblySteps.2e-siFiltration assembly. Do not replace cover yet Move filtration assembly near area where itBlue tubing from filtration assembly Front view of air gap faucetPage Red cap From 3d . top of RO cartridge. Allow Filtration assembly should already be3c Remove RO connector PushAbovebeforethetrap.Steps4a-4b Drillholein drainusingo eninginConnectdrainsaddleto drainpipe. c Decidewheredrainsaddlewill bemountedTubi Gw P come Turnonfaucetanddraintankto flush Turnon coldwatersupplyandSaddlevalve. c To draintank.FillanBdraintankagain- another4 hoursFlushSystem Application GuidelineChart Water Supply WaterRequirementsHowyourROwaterfiltration systeinworks ReplacingROmembranecartridge UsingyourROwaterfiltrationsystemMaintainingyourROwatersystem Howto sanitizeROsystemHowto sanitizethestoragetank HowToArrangeForServiceUsingROsystemafterlongperiods of non-use If YouNeedAssistanceWhirlpool Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System Rev B Whirlpool Corporation