Beko CDA 664 F Thefreezercompartmentdefrostsautomatically, Eachofthetworecessestopriseoffeachside

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B)Freezer compartment





Never￿store￿products￿that￿contain￿inflammable￿propellant￿gas￿(eg￿dispensers,￿spray￿cans etc.)￿or￿explosive￿substances. Don't￿cover￿the￿shelves￿with￿any￿protective￿materials,￿which￿may￿obstruct￿air￿circulation. Do￿not￿allow￿children￿to￿play￿with￿the￿appliance￿or￿tamper￿with￿the￿controls. Do￿not￿obstruct￿the￿freezer￿fan￿guard￿to￿ensure￿that￿you￿obtain￿the￿best￿possible performance￿from￿your￿appliance.
















4.If￿the￿light￿still￿fails￿to￿work,￿switch￿off￿at￿the￿socket￿outlet￿and￿pull￿out￿the￿mains￿plug. Replace￿the￿bulb￿with￿a￿new￿15￿watt￿(max)￿screw￿cap￿(SES)￿bulb.

5.Carefully￿dispose￿of￿the￿burnt-out￿light￿bulb￿immediately. Replacement￿light￿bulb￿can￿easily￿be￿obtained￿from￿a￿good￿local￿electrical￿or￿DIY store.


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Contents Best Refr Netstorage volfrozenfoodltrscu.ft Totalnetvol ltrscu.ftFrozenfoodcompartmentrating Conservationtime fromfailureContentspage Andfusedsocketinareadilyaccessibleposition Electrical RequirementsIfindoubtcontactaqualifiedelectrician Installationinstructions TransportationinstructionsRefertocleaningandcaresectiontoprepare Gettingtoknow Yourcombifrostfreebeko FRIDGE/FREEZER Reversingthedoors YoumayneedsomebodytohelpyouSuggested ARRANGEMENTOFFOODINTHEFRIDGE/FREEZER CookeddishesmustbestoredinairtightcoveredcontainersMeatfortwotothreedays Temperaturecontrol and Adjustment Asnormal,thenyoumayincreasethesetting,ifrequiredBefore Operating ThedoorisopentheinteriorlightwillcomeonStoring Frozen Food Freezing Fresh FoodMaking ICE Cubes DefrostingYoumayfinditusefultoremoveshelvesforeasyaccess ThefreezercompartmentdefrostsautomaticallyTheguard.Donotallowchildrentoplaywiththefreezerfan Shouldthelightfailtowork,proceedasfollowsCleaning and Care Food,cleanitandleavethedoorajarFromthebase CompletelyDOS and Donts DatesExcluded TheymayburstProblemsolving Iftheappliancedoesnotoperatewhenswitchedon,checkwhetherEnergy Savingtips FoundGuaranteedetails FromthedateoftheoriginalpurchaseOfIreland Howtoobtainservice

CDA 664 F specifications

The Beko CDA 664 F is a versatile and efficient refrigerator freezer that meets the demands of modern households. Known for its stylish design and innovative technologies, this appliance combines functionality with contemporary aesthetics.

One of the standout features of the Beko CDA 664 F is its frost-free refrigeration system. This technology ensures that ice does not build up in the freezer, eliminating the need for manual defrosting and providing users with hassle-free storage for frozen goods. Additionally, the frost-free system allows for better air circulation, maintaining an even temperature throughout the freezer compartment.

The Beko CDA 664 F is designed with a spacious interior that maximizes storage capacity. The fridge section includes adjustable shelves, allowing users to customize the layout according to their needs. It also features spacious door bins perfect for storing bottles, jars, and other items for easy access. The freezer compartment, located at the bottom, offers generous storage space, along with transparent drawers that allow for quick identification of frozen items.

Energy efficiency is another significant characteristic of the Beko CDA 664 F. Rated with a high energy efficiency class, this refrigerator freezer is designed to operate with minimal electricity consumption. This not only helps reduce utility bills but also positively impacts the environment by lowering overall energy usage.

In terms of temperature control, the Beko CDA 664 F is equipped with a user-friendly thermostat that enables users to easily adjust the temperature settings. This ensures that food remains fresh for longer periods. The appliance also boasts a fast freeze function that rapidly lowers the temperature in the freezer compartment, making it ideal for freezing freshly cooked meals or seasonal produce.

In addition, the Beko CDA 664 F incorporates the Active Odor Filter technology, which helps neutralize unwanted odors inside the fridge. This feature ensures that food retains its natural flavors and prevents cross-contamination of smells between different items.

Overall, the Beko CDA 664 F represents a perfect combination of efficiency, style, and practicality, making it an excellent choice for any kitchen. With its advanced features and thoughtful design, it streamlines food storage while enhancing the user experience. Whether for a busy family or an individual, this refrigerator freezer is built to cater to diverse needs while ensuring reliability and convenience.