Now start...
With oven in kitchen.
1 Re.nove stippmg materials,, mtape and protectwe film from wall oven. Do NoI remove the foam
shipping base at this time.
2 Remove racks and other parts n from mslde oven. Remove the
au grille taped to the top OIside of oven
Personal Injury/Product Damage
’Use both hands to remove oven doors.
’Grasp only the sides of rhe oven door. Do Not use any portion 01 the lronr lrames or trim for lifting.
Failure to properly grasp oven door could result in damage fo product or personal injury.
6 Turn power supply off Move
. oven close to final posmon Remove and dmard foam shlppmg base. Feed apphaace cable through opemng m cabmet. Make electrical conmxt~om SeeElectrical remurements and Electrical connection sectlom, Panel B.
Product Damage
Carefully push against seal area of the front frame when pushing oven into cabinet. Do Not push againstoursideedges.
Failure to follow this instruction can result in damage to the porcelain finish.
3 Complerely o*en lower oven n door Remove the two oven
door mews (Not all models have oven door screws )
4 Close lower oven door LOthe n broil posltlon Grasp the sides
of the oven door and pull the door up and out of hmge slots to remove Set door aslde
5 Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for upper
. oven door
Floor Damaae