Victory Refrigeration VDD48, VDD-72, VDD-60, VBB-72, VBB-48, VBB-60 manual

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The Sellerwarrants to the original purchaser,equipment manufactured by Sellerto be free from defectsin material and workmanship for which it is responsible.The Seller'sobligation under this wirrranty shall be limitcd to replacingor repairing at Seller'soption, without chalge, F-.O.B.Seller'sfactory,any part found to be defective and any labor and material expenseincurred by Seller

in repairing or replacing such part, such warranty to be lirnited to a period of rwenty-four months ftom the date of installation, provided, however,insrallarionoccurs within six months of date of purchaseand equipmcnr is in normal useand serviceand is installed in accordance with mar.rufacturer'srecomlnendationsand provided tcrms of peymcnrhavcbccn iully met . All iaborshall be performed during rcgular working hours. Overtime prcmium chargeswill be at Buyer'sexpcnse.

Proofofpurchasemust be suppliedto Sellerto validate warranry This warranryis valid only if cquiprnenris properly installed,started-up and inspectedby the dealer or authorizedVictory Serviceagcnt.

llen'rovalor alteration of the serial/dataplate lrom any equipment shall be deemed to releaseSellerfrom all warranry obligations or any other obligations,expresscd or implied .

-lhiswarranry doesnot cover'Ihermostator Defrost Timer calibration and/or adjustment, freight darnage, normal maintenancc irernsoutlined in Owner'sManual,

adjustment of door rnechanismsor repLacementof light br,rlbs,fusesor batterics.'lhewarranry doesnot covcr

installation, start-up, normal maintenance,food loss,or other consequentdamage .

Any repairsor replecenrentof defecriveperrsshallbc performed by Sellersauthorized servicepersonnel.Scller shall nor be responsiblelor any costsincurred ifthe work is perlormed by other than Seller'sauthorizcd service

The compressormotor on self-containedmodels has an extended Lhree-yearwarranry over rhe fwo-ycar manufacturer'sguarantee.The extendedthree-year

compressorwarranryis includedin rhe priceof rhe 'W'arranty

equipment. Extended Compressor is vaiued at $80.00 and is included in the net purchaseprice.

personncl .Rcirnbrrrscmenrcl . rimsfor parr(s)or labor s c r v i c ec o s t sm u ) t b c n r a d ci n u r i t i n g . M o d c l , c a b i : r e t scrial nr,rmbersand instailation location must be shown on the clJim . A rcceiptedbill Fromthe scrvicingagency must accompanythe claim,togetherwith full dctailsof the serviceproblems, diagnosisand work performed. Victory reservessole discretion whether further documentatior.ron a claim is co be sLrbmitted.

Sellershall not be liable for conscquentialdamagesof arrykind which occur dtrring thc courseof insrrllation of equipment, or which rcsult from the r:seor misuseby l)uyer, its employeesor othcrs o[ the eqr-ripmentsupplied

hereunder,and Buyer'ssoleand exciusiveremedy against

( ^ l t - .f ^ . - ^ , , L . . . . , . .^Lf , L - f w a r r a n t yo r

. ) c l i c r o r a i l ) l ) l u i r L Iu l t i l c l o r e g o l l ] g

othcrwiscsh . rllbe i'orrhc re1, . risor rcpl,ricmcntrtf thc cquipmcnt or plrts thcreoFaflicrc .byl surh brtlch .

'Iheloregoing warranty shall be valid and binding r-rpon S c l l e ri f a n d o r r ) ;i f B L r y clro l d s ,o p c r l t . 'rsr r d r n r r i n t a i r r s the equiprncnt supplied hereundcr in accordancewith the instnrction manull providcd to Buycr. Scller docs not gu . rrantecth( proccssof rnarrt:fucturc by Buycr or thc quality ofproduct to be procluccdby thc equipment suppiicd hereundcr and Scllcr shall not bc liable Forany prospectiveor lost product or pro6ts ofBuyer .


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'lheforegoing shall be Seller'ssoleand exclusive obligation and Buyer'ssole and cxclusivcrcmedy for any a c r i o n .w h e t h c ri n b r e a c ho f t o n r r a c ro r n e g l i g c n c cln. no eventshallSellerbe liablefor a sum in excessofthe purchaseprice of the item.

Two-year serviceand labor on cabinetsinstalled within the United Statesis included in the purchaseprice ofthe equipment. The warranry doesnot cover installation, start-up, normal mai..temance,food loss,or other consequentialdamage.The Serviceand Labor'Warranry is valued at $135.00 a,ndis included in the net purchase Price.

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Contents ForModelsVBB-48,VBB-60,VBB-72,VDD48, VDD-60and VDD-72 BackBarGooler/DirectDrawDraftBeerCoolerEvaporator Fan Switch TemperatureControlTechnicalService& ReplacementParts CommonReplacementPartsPage Problem PossibleCause RemedvCabinetModelNo CabinetSerialNo DirectDrawBeerDispensers PressureAdjustment CO,RegulatorCleaningBar System Beertapcleaningkit Requtredtools

VBB-60, VBB-48, VDD48, VBB-72, VDD-60 specifications

Victory Refrigeration specializes in delivering high-quality refrigeration solutions tailored for commercial kitchens. Their range of refrigeration units, including the VDD-72, VDD-60, VBB-72, VDD-48, and VBB-48, showcases superior engineering and functionality, making them an ideal choice for businesses seeking efficiency and reliability.

The Victory VDD-72 features a spacious double-door design, providing ample storage for perishable goods. Equipped with a powerful compressor, it ensures rapid cooling and consistent temperature control, which is crucial for food safety. Its stainless steel exterior not only enhances durability but also allows for easy cleaning, meeting the high hygiene standards required in food service environments.

The VDD-60, slightly smaller than its counterpart, maintains the same level of performance with a focus on space efficiency. This model is designed with a reliable refrigeration system that operates efficiently, reducing energy consumption while maintaining optimal cooling conditions. Its adjustable shelving offers flexibility to accommodate various storage needs, making it a versatile addition to any kitchen.

Moving on to the VBB-72 and VBB-48 models, these display refrigerators are perfect for showcasing products while maintaining freshness. The VBB-72 has a larger capacity and features glass doors that provide clear visibility of contents. The LED lighting enhances product display while keeping energy use low. The temperature management in these units is precise, ensuring that items remain at safe serving temperatures, which is paramount in retail environments.

The VDD-48 and VBB-48 models, like their larger siblings, deliver quality refrigeration with features designed to maximize efficiency. The VDD-48 is compact yet efficient, making it ideal for smaller kitchens or limited spaces without compromising performance. The VBB-48 offers similar display capabilities, allowing businesses to highlight their products effectively.

All units from Victory Refrigeration are designed with advanced technologies, including easy-to-use digital controls, which facilitate precise temperature settings and monitoring. Additionally, the units incorporate energy-efficient components that comply with eco-friendly standards, ensuring a lower carbon footprint while minimizing operational costs.

In summary, Victory Refrigeration’s VDD and VBB series of refrigeration units deliver exceptional performance, reliability, and energy efficiency, making them an outstanding choice for any culinary operation, from restaurants to retail delis. Their commitment to innovation and quality ensures that businesses can rely on these units to keep their food safe and their operations running smoothly.