Danby DAR1102W Cleaning, Vacation Time, Power Failure, If You Move, Food Storage Suggestions

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Tocleanthe inside,usea softclothanda mixtureof one tablespoonof bakingsodato onequartof water. Othercleaning solutionsoptionsarea mildsoapsudssolution,or milddetergent. Washglassshelvesin a milddetergentsolution,then dryand wipewitha soft cloth. Cleanthe outsidewitha softdampcloth andsomemilddetergentor appliancecleaner.

Vacation Time

Forshortvacationperiods,leavethe controlknobat itsnormal setting. Duringlongerabsences;



(c)cleanthe refrigeratorthoroughly,includingdefrostpan, locatedabovecompressorat backof unit.

(d)leavedooropento avoidpossibleformationsof condensate, moldor odors.

Power Failure

Mostpowerfailuresarecorrectedwithinan hourortwoandwill not affectyour refrigeratortemperatures.However,youshould minimizethe numberof dooropeningswhilethe poweris off.

Duringpowerfailuresof longerduration,takestepsto protect yourfoodby placingdry iceontop of packages.

If You Move

Removeor securelyfastendownall looseitemsinsidethe refrigerator.Toavoiddamagingthe levelinglegs,turnthemall thewayintothebase.

Some Important Rules for the

Correct Use of the Refrigerator

Neverplacehotfoodsinthe refrigerator.

Beveragesshouldbestoredin sealedcontainers.

Foodsto bestoredfor a longtimeshouldbewrappedin cellophaneor polyethylene,or keptinglasscontainers. Neverplacespoiledfoodsin the cabinet.


Don'topenthe doorunlessnecessary.

Shouldthe refrigeratorbestoredwithoutusefor longperiodsit is suggested,aftera carefulcleaning,to leavethe doorajarto allowthe airto circulateinsidethe cabinetin orderto avoid

possibleformationsof condensate,moldorodors.

Food Storage Suggestions


Nevercoverfood compartmentshelveswithaluminumfoil or

anyothershelfcoveringmaterialwhichmayprevent aircirculation.

Alwaysremoveporousstorewrappingpaperfrommeats, poultryandfish. Meatsshouldbewrappedindividually andplacedina dishfor storage. Wrapfish andpoultryinfoil or heavywaxedpaper. Mostfishshouldbeusedthe sameday of purchase.Packagedmeatssuchas ham,bacon,driedbeef, orfrankfurter,storebestintheiroriginalpackages.

Allowwarmfoodsto coolto roomtemperaturebeforeplacing theminthe refrigerator.

Alwayscoveropendishesof food,especiallyleftovers.Use leftoverswithin2or 3 days.

Vegetable Crisper

Thevegetablecrisperis locatedat the bottomof the refrigerator compartmentandis coveredto retainmoisture.Thecrisper compartmentwill enableyouto storefruitsandvegetableswhich wouldotherwisedry outrapidly.Thehumiditylevelinsidethe crispercan becontrolledbyadjustingtheslidingdampercontrol locatedat the frontof the crisperdrawer.

Technical and Structural Operation Features

Hermeticallysealedcoolingunitwithmidget2 polemotor. Rustproofanodized"Roll-Bond"aluminumfreezer(or Pipeon Sheetaluminumfreezer)of highthermalconductivity.Adjustable thermostatforautomatictemperaturecontrol. Cabinetbondrizedandacrylic-enameledaccordingto the most modernelectrostaticsprayingtechniques. High-density polyurethanetheramalinsulation.Magneticdoorclosuregasket.

LIGHT BULB REPLACEMENT: This refrigerator uses a standard 40 watt appliance light bulb which can be purchased at most local hardware and grocery stores. To replace the light bulb, (no tools required) simply unscrew light bulb and install replacement.

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Contents 800-26D-anby Quiv0usrec0mmanderaun Centreregi0nal ALL RefrigeratorTout Rifrigirateur Toda RefrigeradoraModel, Modele, Modelo PrecautionPrecaucion Tout RIFRIGIeRATEUR Manuel dutilisationOanby Limited Product Warranty Im.ilij II111lI Grounding InstructionsLocation = MediumCoolingPower Failure CleaningTechnical and Structural Operation Features Vacation TimeBesurethatfoodis at roomtemperaturebeforeinserting Crisperwithtemperedglassshelf
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DAR1102W specifications

The Danby DAR1102W is a compact refrigerator designed to cater to the needs of those living in smaller spaces or requiring additional refrigeration options. With its sleek and modern white design, this refrigerator not only enhances the aesthetic of any room but also provides efficient storage solutions.

One of the standout features of the Danby DAR1102W is its impressive capacity, offering 11 cubic feet of storage space. This ample size allows users to store a significant amount of food and beverages without taking up too much space in the kitchen, dorm, or office. The interior is cleverly designed with adjustable shelves, allowing for customizable storage configurations to accommodate taller items or bulky containers.

The Danby DAR1102W uses energy-efficient technology, making it an environmentally friendly choice. The unit has received Energy Star certification, which means it meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. This not only helps reduce electricity costs but also minimizes the refrigerator's overall carbon footprint.

Another notable characteristic of the Danby DAR1102W is its reversible door feature. This allows for flexibility in placement, enabling users to adapt the refrigerator's positioning to fit their available space. Whether it's in a tight corner or between cabinets, the reversible door ensures that accessing your items is convenient.

The unit also boasts an adjustable thermostat, providing users with complete control over the internal temperature. This feature aids in maintaining the freshness of stored items, allowing for optimal preservation of perishable goods. Additionally, the built-in freezer section offers the convenience of frozen food storage without the need for a separate unit.

The fridge is equipped with integrated can and bottle storage in the door, maximizing storage efficiency while keeping beverages easily accessible. The interior lighting ensures that users can quickly view their contents, even in low-light conditions.

With its user-friendly features, modern design, and energy efficiency, the Danby DAR1102W stands out as a reliable and versatile choice for consumers looking for a compact refrigerator that doesn’t compromise on functionality or style. Whether it's for a small apartment, a college dorm, or an office space, this refrigerator meets the essentials of modern living seamlessly.