Kramer Electronics 6808 About the 6809 SDI-AES Embedder, High Signal Quality Recommendations

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a cable equalized (up to 350m of input cable) and reclocked SDI output (loop), and de-embeds the audio from the SDI stream.

In addition, the 6808 SDI-AES De-Embedder:

￿￿De-embeds four audio channels

￿￿Provides de-embedded audio in digital AES/EBU audio format

￿￿Includes auto-detect 525/625 line format

￿￿Has a serial digital video input with active loop-through

￿￿Can be cascaded to de-embed up to 16 audio channels

￿￿Can be controlled via the GROUP SELECT dipswitches, that let you select the audio group that you want to de-embed

￿￿Has LEDs that indicate when an SDI signal is being received and when audio is being de-embedded from the video signal

3.2About the 6809 SDI-AES Embedder

The high quality 6809 SDI-AES Embedder embeds digital AES/EBU audio with serial digital video. It accepts a standard definition SDI source (270 Mbps), has a cable equalized (up to 350m of input cable) and reclocked SDI output (loop), and embeds the audio into the SDI output stream.

In addition, the 6809 SDI-AES Embedder:

￿￿Embeds four audio channels

￿￿Embeds digital AES/EBU audio with SDI

￿￿Includes auto-detect 525/625 line format and EDH insertion and generation

￿￿Has a serial digital video input with active loop-through

￿￿Can be controlled via the GROUP SELECT dipswitches, that let you select the audio group that you want to embed

￿￿Has LEDs that indicate when an SDI signal is being received and when audio is being embedded to the video stream

3.3High Signal Quality Recommendations

To achieve the best performance:

￿￿Connect only good quality connection cables, thus avoiding interference, deterioration in signal quality due to poor matching, and elevated noise levels (often associated with low quality cables)

￿￿Avoid interference from neighboring electrical appliances that may adversely influence signal quality

￿￿Position your Kramer DigiTOOLS 6808 and/or 6809 away from moisture, excessive sunlight and dust



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Contents Models Tables Contents2900-9999992 Getting Started IntroductionOverview About the 6808 SDI-AES De-EmbedderAbout the 6809 SDI-AES Embedder High Signal Quality RecommendationsYour 6808 SDI-AES De-Embedder Your SDI-AES De-Embedder / SDI-AES EmbedderYour 6809 SDI-AES Embedder Using the SDI-AES De-Embedder / SDI-AES EmbedderConnecting a 6808 SDI-AES De-Embedder Connecting the 6808 SDI-AES De-EmbedderConnecting a 6809 SDI-AES Embedder Connecting the 6809 SDI-AES EmbedderSetting the Group Select Dipswitches Linking SDI-AES De-Embedder / SDI-AES Embedder Units Connecting an SDI-AES Embedder to an SDI-AES De-EmbedderCascading SDI-AES De-Embedder / SDI-AES Embedder Units Cascading SDI-AES De-Embedder / SDI-AES Embedder Units Cascading SDI-AES De-Embedder / SDI-AES Embedder Units Technical specifications1 of the 6808 Technical SpecificationsOnly the first purchase customer may enforce this warranty 2900-006808 REV