Reclining by Patient: Place hands on armrest and push body against chair's back to recline yourself to desired position. To bring yourself up, place hands on armrest and pull yourself up while leaning your body forward away from the chairs back.
Reclining by Attendant: Standing on either side of the chair, grasp the armrest with one hand and push handle with the other hand. Push back on push handle to recline and pull forward to raise the chair.
TV Position
Upright Position
Infinite Position Between TV and Full Recline
Standing on either side of the chair, grasp the armrest with one hand while holding the recliner back with the other. With your foot, push down on the release bar while gently pushing down with your hand on the recliners back until it comes to a stop. To bring chair out of Trendelenburg, stand on either side of the chair, grasp the armrest with one hand and push handle with the other hand and pull forward on the push handle.
Trendelenburg Position
6 | 566DG Ortho Biotic Clinical Care® Recliner Operating Instructions |