Additional Measurement Products
LER 8502 Measure For Treasure Activity Book
LER 8520 Measure and Solve Surface Area and Volume LER 1205 Liter Set
LER 0307 Liter Pitcher
LER 0306 Graduated Beakers
LER 2908 Graduated Cylinders
For a dealer near you, call:
+44 (0)1553 762276 (U.K. & Europe)
© Learning Resources, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL (U.S.A.) Learning Resources Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.) Please retain our address for future reference.
+44 (0)1553 762276 (U.K. & Europe)
LER 0360
Items included in kit
5 Measuring Jars:
gallon, half gallon, quart, pint, and gill
(metric measurements range from 100 ml to 3000 ml)
3 Liquid Measures:
cup (8 oz/250ml), pint (16oz/500ml) quart (32oz/1000ml)
5 Measuring Spoons:
1/4 teaspoon, 1/2 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon 1/2 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon
4 Measuring Cups:
1/4 , 1/3 , 1/2, and 1 cup