ALWAYS UNPLUG the coffeemaker from the efeclfic outlet before cleaning. The exterior of the coffeemaker, the conlrol panel area and the warming plate should only be cleaned with a soft damp clolh
WARNING: NEVER Immerse the coffeemaker in water or any ltquid_ ]
WARNING: DO NOT clean the warming plate unless it is completely cooto DO NOT use abrasive cleansers or scouring pads°
Toclean the insideof the reservoircover, open
The slainless steer thermal carafe features a
2NEVER use abrask, e scouring pads or cleansers; they witl scratch and damage the meta!,
3, DO NOT place the carafe on or near a gas or elecldc burner, in a healed oven, or in a microwave oven,
4 Avoid rough handling and sharp blows