Gettin to Know Your
Microwave Oven
This section discusses the concepts behind microwave cooking. It also shows you the basics you need to know to operate your microwave oven. Please read this information before you use your oven.
How your Kenmore microwave hood combination works
Microwaveenergyis not hot. Itcausesfood to make itsown heat,and it'sthisheat thatcooksthe food. Microwavesarelike TV waves,radiowaves,or light waves. You cannotsee them, but you can see what they do.
Amagnetron inthe microwaveoven produces microwaves.The microwavesmove intothe oven
where theycontactfood as it turnson the turntable.
Oven cavity
Metal lloor | Glass turntable |
The glass turntable of your microwaveovenlets microwavespassthrough.Then theybounceoff a metalfloor,backthroughthe glassturntable,andare absorbedby the food.
Microwaves passthrough mostglass, paper,and plasticswithoutheatingthemso food absorbsthe energy.Microwavesbounce offmetalcontainersso food does not absorbthe energy.
Sensor Cooking
The MicrowaveSystemfeaturesSensorCooking functions.A humiditysensorin the oven cavitydetects moistureand humidityemittedfrom foodas it heats. The sensoradjustscookingtimesto varioustypesand amounts of food. Sensorcookingtakes the guesswork out of microwavecooking.
For the best cooking results
•Always cook food for the shortestcookingtime recommended.Checkto see howthe food is
•Stir, turn over, or rearrange the food beingcooked abouthalfwaythroughthe cookingtime for all recipes.Thiswill help makesurethe food is evenly cooked.
•If you do not have a cover for a dish, usewax paper,or
Radio interference
Usingyour microwaveoven maycause interferenceto your radio,TV, or similarequipment.When there is interference,you can reduceit or removeit by:
•Cleaning the doorandsealingsurfacesof the oven.
•Adjusting the receivingantennaof the radioor television.
•Movingthe receiverawayfromthe microwaveoven.
•Plugging the microwaveoven into a differentoutlet so thatthe microwaveoven andreceiverare on differentbranchcircuits.
Testing your microwave oven
To testthe oven put about 1 cup of cold waterin a glasscontainerinthe oven. Closethe door andmake sure it latches.
Cook at 100%power for 1 minute.Whenthe time is up, the watershould be heated.