Kenmore 596.53462300 Bandejas a Prueba DE Derrames, Recipientes Inclinables DE LA Puerta, Bebida

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Cerci6reeedequelabandejaeet_ firmeantesdecolocararticulossabre


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LasBandejasa Pruebade __

DerramesrecogenIos _1


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Psraquitar e instalarel comparlimientode la bebida:

$i est,,ubicadodirectamenteenc]made] compadimientodelabebida,poddaset necesarioquitarel centrede productos l&cteosoel recipientedeI a puerta Consultelasinstrucclonesap_opiadasy quiteel art{culoDesltcee_compartimiento dela bebidahaciaarribay s_queloen farinarecta

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>Parsquitafla,oprimaambosladesdela puertade t_cteosy s_quela

>Parsinsta(ada,desticelosladesde la puedaadentrodelcentrede l&cteoshasta qualos puntosdebisag[aentrenens_ lugar





LosRecipientesInclinablesde la Puerta

consistendeunrecipientey unbaslidor, proporcionanunalmacenamiento conveniente,ajustableparsarticulosen ta puerta.Losrecipientesse inclinanhacia afueraparsofrecerunaccesof_cil,y se

derramespequefiospars _ _-_ losorificiosde .4. tacilidaddelimpieza

sacanparafacititarla limpiezay el ajuste

;,,- Parsretirariabandeja,levantey tirede ellahaciaatueta

._ Parareinstatarlabandeja,inviertael procedimientoanterior

LasBandejas Pruebade Derrames


confacilidadpuesson deslizabfeshacia

afuerapara alcanzarlos articulosqua

esl_nen parte_aseraParatacilitarla.

limpieza,labandejadevidriopuedeset retiradadesliz_ndo haciaafueraentodasu

extens_ny levant&ndolafueradelmarco.






Etcompartimientode tempe_atutacontrotada dela bebidamantienenlasbebidasy aires articolosa unatemperaturadehasta5° F (3"C)mgsfriaqueeltestadeta secciSndel refrigerado[La entradadesire permitequa elsiredetasecci6ndetcongeladorpaseal compartimientodelabebida.

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IMPORTANTE:El cempartimientodeta bebidanofuncionar&apropiadamentesi los afificiosdetaentradadesirenoest&n alineadosconlosodficiosdeIa entradade

sirede]recubrimientodeta puerta



EICentrede ProductosL_cteosofrece almacenamientoconvenienteparatales art(cutoscomemantequilla,yogur,queso,etc Estecompartirnientoes ajustsbJey se encuentraen lapuertaPuedemoverse

varieslugaresdiferentesparsacomodartas necesidadesdeconsewaci6ndealimentos

Paraquitare nstalarel compartimiento:

Parsquitaflo,destice_ el centrede l_cteos

haciaarribay hacia afuera


desliceel ensambleen elsujetadorque deseedelrecobrimientodela puertay empujehaciaabajobasraquatope

Paraquitare instalarel reciplente:


y,,,.x_l 1} j ]





adelantey j_lelo




_- Parsinstalare] rec]piente,desliceel recipientedentrodelbastidordelrecipiente y empujeelrecipientehaciaarriba.

Psraajustare! bastidordel recipiente:

>Quiteei recipientede scuerdoconJas

instrucciones antefiores.

>Levanteetbastidordelsoportede la puertay col6queloenla ubicaci_n deseada.



LosContenedoresde Is Puerta

se ajustanparsadaptarse sue


almacenamiento, --_t

>Para retiraflos, _,_

deslicee, _h_ contenedorhaoia

ardbay tiredeel derechehaciaafuera

:_ Parsreinstalado,inviertaelprocedimiento anterio_

Image 70
Contents =plex Aboutsafety Labels IHSTROCTiONS SYMBOLS, WordsIl lE IANCli, GREEMEHT$ Sears InstallationServiceSears MaintenanceAgreement U.S.ARranty Full One Year Warranty on RefrigeratorFull Five Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System ProductrecordFranais Recommended Unit Total Clearance Volume Top Sides RearNever transportrefrigeratoron its Removing Front Mounted Handles Mounted HandlesLength Extruded Handles IHSTALLIHGYOURRfRIGRATOR,OHT RemovihgthedoorsToihstallahd Installing PanelsRemoving Panels Materials Needed Importantdo not overtighten, Cross threadingmay OCOUrHex heeddriver Lever Electronic Controls FOODSTOrAGDial Controls Fresh Food StorageReplacing Installing Water FilterWater Filter Performance Data General USE Conditions SpecificationsHLTERONT.oo 35 ps1138kPaFflESHFOODFEATURES I0011STOflAGECrisper Drawers TemperatureHUMIDITY-CONTROLLED Produce Storage TipsFiiEEZEllFE UflES Adjustable Door BucketsShelves Dhphserfatures Dispenser Operation Filter Status Indicator Light ModeFiVE-BUTTOHCONTROLFEATUflES SabbathLight Function IndicatorTemperature Keys OperationELECTflOF!ICCOHTflOLFEATUflES,COHT Display ON/OFF @ Alarm OFFVacation Mode MAX CoolHidden SabbathAuto Display Upper KeypadGrille ExteriorStainless Steel Doors and Exterior Do not USELower Fresh Food Sectionb Upper Fresh FoodSection Freezer SectionAs the freezerdoor is opened EvaporatorE andheat Freezerfan C makesthisNoise while operating Freezerfan C slows to a stop HummingTroubleshooting OPEflATIOHIcEANDWATEr TROUBLESHOOTIHG,ONT ANDWATER,comAVERTISSEMENT-Dangersoupratiques CES SYMBOLES,MOTS .ET¢CURITE DmQnterlesportesAUX I TATS-UNIS ServicedinstallationSearsPourlinstallationgarantieparlos AU CanadaGarantiecompletede cinqanssur le systmede rfrigrationscell6 GarahtieGarantiecompleteduneannie surle rfrigrateur Sears,RoebuckandCo, Dept 817WA, HoflrnanEstates,IL40-41 Installationdurfrigrateur 33-38Garantie 42-43Volume Dgagement TOUJOURSfairereposertec6teouProduits Frais MONT#E ,& Lavant Pose DunepoigncedeRetirez LES Poignie LESRisquerdendommagernibriserle Retirerla grilleet lescouvre-chamires inf6rieursEnlever?escharniressuprieuresen MmetempsqueesportesZ Charni6ressup6rieuresPanneaux DI Montage DESPose DES Panneaux Compartimenteong1ateur7 kgLALIMENTATIOBEl!EAU dediamtreextrieur ACCOiIDrDEMEBT Mati Riel NecessaireEst i?lustr Pourprotegerlesbiensmaterielsou Ee Materiel NI CessaireSilfautraccorderIafimentationeauau Tournezlesdeuxvisder6glagearrireTemperature GlageinitialFiltre a EAU Dfposeetihstallatiohinstallation DURemplacement DU Filtre a EAU DistdbuteurpgCaractiristiques CARACTERISTIQUESDESflLTRES.&EAUSpicifications DU Systime ET Caractiristiques DE PerformanceDE Flaque BoissonBalconnets Casier Pour Produits LaitiersPlateau Canettes Contrli EBAC .&,COLLATIONS CertainsmodelesBAG DE Congi Lateur CLAYE.TTE DE Congelateur FixeTablette a Creme Glacee Balconnets RI=GLABLESVidange Delagtace Lospetites6daboussureset peut6treUnelumiresallume&proximit6du PourvitertoutrisquedeblessuresoudeVerrouillage DU Distributeur Mode SabbatFONCTION.NEMENT DE LA Machine a Glace Lumineux DU Statut DU FiltreVOYANT,LE FONCTION.NEMENT DE LA Machine aFonction TempiratureDISTRI@TUl,sunE Maximum FraisIEOMMAHDE,UiTE NE PAS Utiuser Rtie NF! Rieure RtieRefrigerateur Congi Lateur DULecompresseurt emetunbruitde Uair est propulsGargouillement Bruitsourd Pulsationpendantle fonetionnementFOFtCTIONNEMENT SolutionCause Possible ICTIONHEMEHT,suite GLACEETEAU,SUITE Yaen.op..,oIemarques COHSERVEEST,IHSTRUC10HES LAS Palabrasy LAS Etiquetasde SeguridadServiciodeinstalaei6nSears EN LOS EE.UUEN Canada EconSmico ElcontratodemantenimientoSearsGarantiacompletade unafio parael refrigerador Datosdelflltrodeagua AjustedeloscontrolesInformacibnsabreelfiltrode agua 68-69 70-71SELECCllF!DEAMUOr Para Quitar LAS Asas Extruidas DE Largo Completo Para Quitar LAS Asas Montadas POR EL Frente DE LA SeccicnDEL Alimentos Frescos Para Instalar LAS Asas Extruidas DE Largo CompletoLtIli InferioresPanels Dimensionesdel pane+deY+16amPaneles PuerlaconunNecesarios CONEXIOHDELSUMIHISTflODeagua Refrigeradorantesde instalarel dispositreMateriales Necesarios REFtlIGErADOrGirelosdostorniflosposterieresde ajuste Electronicos DE LA Temperatura Temperatura DEL DialAlimentos Frescos AlimentosReemplazo DEL Filtro DE Agua Instalacion DEL Filtro DE AguaRetirela tapadoderivaci6nazuly Especificaciones Dates DE FuncionamientoGenerales Los reglamentosy leyeslocalesy estatalesBebida Bandejas a Prueba DE DerramesRecipientes Inclinables DE LA Puerta LacteosCajon CON Temperatura Controlada LimaCajones DE LAS Verduras CON Control DE Humedad Cajon DE BocadillosAQUINAAUTOM, Detica TIACEfltULO REPll a Fija DELDesrnotaNe SurtaEhie CristatdelicadoGRACTERJSTICA5DELCONTROLCINCOBOTONE5 Funcion Ligera DEL Dispensador Configuracion DETraba DEL Foco Indicador .,L. DEL Estado DEL FiltroARATRtSTIADSURHDOR,$ ONT Modo DE LAMedida DE LA Temperatura Sabbath BloqueoOcultado Para Superior EL Telclado Numi Rico LOCK/UNLOCK7ON/OFFNo USE COHSEjOSYLIMPIEZADESUrEfrIGErADOr USELosmos SIJGRHCIAsP. RAEbuliici6n Aire corrlenteoGorgoreoo MurmulloLoscantraneaesita,aias=rse In=coeetcapiioostlamao ne,.e ae. Re,eo pareSolu i6N OCALIZACIONYSOUOONDEAVEfllAS,CONTUmededoo!osiere,eiadeodederuyaltca.Funcionareenlonormal AGUA,me Page Rrl r.n Page I11 Get it fixed, at your home or ours Www=searsoca

596.53462300 specifications

The Kenmore 596.53462300 is an advanced refrigerator model that combines efficiency, functionality, and style, catering to the needs of modern households. With a sleek design and ample storage space, it offers a practical solution for food preservation and organization.

One of the prominent features of the Kenmore 596.53462300 is its generous capacity. With a total storage volume that can accommodate large grocery hauls, it includes adjustable shelves and various door bins to maximize space utilization. This flexibility allows users to organize their food items according to personal preferences, making it easy to access drinks, snacks, and perishables.

The refrigerator also boasts advanced cooling technologies. It utilizes a reliable cooling system that ensures uniform temperature distribution throughout the interior. This feature is crucial for maintaining the freshness of fruits, vegetables, and other perishables. The presence of a temperature control system allows users to adjust the internal settings to suit different food types, providing optimal conditions for storage.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Kenmore 596.53462300 is its energy efficiency. This model is designed to consume less energy without sacrificing performance, conforming to the latest energy-saving standards. As a result, it not only lowers utility costs but also contributes to environmental sustainability.

The appliance comes equipped with additional technologies such as a moisture-controlled crisper drawer, which extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing humidity levels. Furthermore, the ice and water dispenser offers convenience, providing cold water and ice on demand without the need for manual filling.

In terms of aesthetics, the Kenmore 596.53462300 features a modern stainless steel finish that complements various kitchen designs. Its clean lines and streamlined silhouette add a touch of elegance, making it an attractive addition to any home.

Moreover, the refrigerator includes user-friendly controls and a clear LCD display, simplifying operation and monitoring. The availability of features such as door alarms and filter indicators further enhances its usability, reminding users to change filters for optimal performance.

In summary, the Kenmore 596.53462300 stands out for its combination of capacity, advanced cooling technologies, energy efficiency, and modern design. It's an excellent choice for families or anyone looking to upgrade their kitchen appliance with a reliable and stylish refrigerator. With these features, it ensures a convenient and efficient cooking and storage experience for users.