Aroma ARC-848SB instruction manual Arroz DEL Acerca

Page 17




.postres y asiáticos platos





ushi,s para Ideal .comerlos al pegajosa


sensación una dejan y gomosos, algo y

separados quedan así aun pero unirse,

secadas frutas sus con mezclado


a tienden y blandos quedan cocidos

y caldo con cocinado está cuando


granos Los .redondeado casi y corto

corral de aves las para avilloso


relleno, más es corto grano de arroz El

-mar relleno un hace también salvaje



corto grano de Arroz

arroz El .arroz del platos los a delicioso



.leche con arroz o risotto , pal

acento un proporcionan rico oscuro



color y textura único, sabor Su .arroz

-princi plato para Ideal .unirse a dencia

del mezclas las y granolargo del arroz


-ten mayor una tienen y largo, grano

del pilafs los a frecuente adición una

de arroz el que tiernos y húmedos más

es y California y Minnesota en crecida


quedan cocidos granos Los .ancho

acuática hierba una es salvaje arroz El



su que mayor veces tres a dos de

silvestre Arroz


es longitud su y ancho, y corto ásm es

.enriquecido blanco arroz con mente


largo, grano de arroz el con paración


-com en mediano, grano de arroz El

-alternativa tilizaru puede se y largo



mediano grano de Arroz

y mediano corto, grano el inluso tipos,




varios en disponible está integral arroz



El .nuez la de al similar delicado sabor


y ensaladas aceite, poco con frituras

un y gomosa algo textura una tostado,


arroz, de tazones acompañamiento:

color un dan le que salvado de capas



y principal plato como Ideal .corto

las conserva pero exterior, cáscara



o mediano grano de arroz el con

la tiene no integral arroz El .enteros nos


comparación en esponjosos, y ligeros

-gra de aumento del diario producto



separados, más quedan cocidos

al americanos los de comendación

granos los almidón, de composición su

-re la para .UU.EE los de dietéticas

Dada .ancho su que mayor veces atro

pautas las cabe que grano del entero


-cu a tres de es longitud su y delgado,

100% el alimento un es integral arroz El


y alargado es largo grano de arroz El

integral Arroz



largo grano de Arroz

características: sus y disponibles comúnmente

arroz de variedades las encontrará continuación® A .perfectamente

arroz de tipo cualquier cocinar vez cada puede Aroma de Arrocera

Su .mercado el en disponibles arroz de variedades diferentes muchas Hay




.otros entre rojo,

negro y aromático japonica arborio, basmati, jazmín, incluyendo pecialidad

-es la de arroz como así grano del largo y medio corto, arroz de calidad alta de

variedades las producen Missouri y Mississippi Tejas, Luisiana, California, Arkansas,

.U.U.E.E los en produce se .U.U.E.E los en consumido arroz de 88% el Casi

.soya la ed derivados productos y frijoles ave, y pescado res, de

carne frutas, verduras, como saludables, alimentos otros con combinar puede se

arroz El .cuerpo nuestro para beneficiosos antioxidantes y esenciales, minerales

y vitaminas fibra, energía, proporciona que complejo carbohidrato un

Es .día en hoy sana más alimentación una tener para perfecta base la es arroz El





en EEUU los de Arroz de Federación la de web sitio el visite información, más Para

EEUU de Arroz de Federación la de Cortesía





ABOUT RICE Courtesy of the USA Rice Federations

For recipes and rice information visit the USA Rice Federation online at

Rice is the perfect foundation for today’s healthier eating. It is a nutrient-dense complex carbohydrate that supplies energy, fiber, essential vitamins and minerals and beneficial antioxidants. Rice combines well with other healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood, poultry, beans and soy foods.

Nearly 88% of rice consumed in the U.S. is grown in the U.S. Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and Missouri produce high-quality varieties of short, medium and long grain rice as well as specialty rices including jasmine, basmati, arborio, red aromatic and black japonica, among others.

There are many different varieties of rice available in the market. Your Aroma® Rice Cooker can cook any type perfectly every time. The following are the commonly available varieties of rice and their characteristics:

Long Grain Rice

Brown Rice

This rice has a long, slender kernel

Brown rice is a 100% whole grain food

three to four times longer than its

that fits the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for

width. Due to its starch composition,

Americans recommendation to

cooked grains are more separate, light

increase daily intake of whole grains.

and fluffy compared to medium or

Brown rice contains the nutrient-dense

short grain rice. The majority of white

bran and inner germ layer where many

rice is enriched to restore nutrients lost

beneficial compounds are found.

during processing. Great for entrees

Brown rice is available in short, medium

and side dishes – rice bowls, stir-fries,

and long grain varieties and can be

salads and pilafs.

used interchangeably with enriched

Medium Grain Rice

white rice.

When compared to long grain rice,

Wild Rice

medium grain rice has a shorter, wider

Wild rice is an aquatic grass grown in

kernel that is two to three times longer

Minnesota and California and is a

than its width. Cooked grains are more

frequent addition to long grain rice

moist and tender than long grain, and

pilafs and rice mixes. Its unique flavor,

have a greater tendency to cling

texture and rich dark color provide a

together. Great for entrees, sushi,

delicious accent to rice dishes. Wild

risotto and rice puddings.

rice also makes a wonderful stuffing for

Short Grain Rice

poultry when cooked with broth and

mixed with your favorite dried fruits.

Short grain rice has a short, plump,


almost round kernel. Cooked grains


are soft and cling together, yet remain


separate and are somewhat chewy,


with a slight springiness to the bite.


Great for sushi, Asian dishes and





Image 17
Contents Cup Digital Rice Cooker Food Steamer Com.AromaCo.www Fully before first use Instrucciones Estas GuardeCorto Cable DE Instrucciones Short Cord InstructionsPolarized Plug Partes LAS DE Identificacion Parts IdentificationRead all instructions and important safeguards Using Your Rice CookerBefore First Use To Cook RiceUsing Your Rice Cooker Coccion DE Guias Cooking GuideInner Pot Water Lines HintsNota To Use Delay TimerAparato SU Usar Como Helpful Hints To Steam FoodTo Steam Food And Cook Rice Simultaneously Simultáneamente Guisar y Vapor al Cocinar ParaPágina 10 páginaVegetable Amount of Water Steaming Time Steaming GuideTo Cook Soups, Stews and Chilis Coccion DE Guias Steaming GuideSana Temperatura Safe InternalUso cada de después HOW to CleanAparato EL Limpiar Como Problemas Solucionando TroubleshootingÚtil Consejo Helpful HintsArroz DEL Acerca Que? ¿Sabía Monterrey Green Chile Chicken Wraps RecetasRecipes Orange Rice Pilaf Spinach & Mushroom Breakfast FrittataNotas Limited Warranty

ARC-848SB specifications

The Aroma ARC-848SB is a versatile and compact rice cooker that caters to the diverse culinary needs of modern households. Designed to simplify the cooking process, this appliance combines convenience with innovative technology, making it a must-have addition to any kitchen.

One of the standout features of the Aroma ARC-848SB is its 2-in-1 design, serving as both a rice cooker and a food steamer. This dual functionality allows users to prepare a variety of dishes with ease. The rice cooker can accommodate up to 8 cups of uncooked rice, yielding 16 cups of cooked rice, perfect for families and gatherings. With this capacity, users can whip up a hearty meal without the hassle of using multiple pots.

The Aroma ARC-848SB employs a ‘one-touch’ operation that streamlines the cooking process. Simply add rice and water, press the button, and let the cooker do the rest. Its automatic keep-warm feature ensures that the rice stays warm and ready to serve even after the cooking cycle is complete, eliminating the need for constant monitoring.

In terms of functionality, the Aroma ARC-848SB is equipped with a steam tray, allowing you to steam vegetables, fish, and other proteins while cooking rice simultaneously. This feature promotes healthy cooking by preserving the natural flavors and nutrients of the food. The non-stick inner pot is another advantageous characteristic, making cleanup a breeze and ensuring even cooking without sticking.

Safety is also a primary consideration in the design of the ARC-848SB. The unit features a tempered glass lid which allows you to monitor cooking progress without lifting it, promoting safety while ensuring optimal steam retention. Additionally, the cooker is equipped with a cool-touch handle, making it safe to handle even when in use.

The Aroma ARC-848SB is not just limited to rice and steamed foods; it can also be utilized for preparing soups, stews, oatmeal, and even desserts, showcasing its versatility. The product’s sleek and compact design makes it suitable for various kitchen spaces, ensuring that it doesn’t take up excessive counter space.

Overall, the Aroma ARC-848SB stands out for its combination of user-friendly features, safety measures, and versatility in meal preparation. Whether you are an experienced home chef or a novice looking to streamline your cooking, this rice cooker provides a reliable solution for wholesome and delicious meals.