No sound
-Check that AC is live.
-Is the unit on? Check the setting of the Auto Turn On switch.
-Doesn’t turn on with the Auto Turn On - Audio. Try the 12V trigger instead.
-Check that input cables and speaker wires are secure at both ends.
-Make sure the control preamp/receiver is switched to the correct input.
-If using Auto turn on, increase the sensitivity of the audio trigger.
-Is the
Background Hum
-Move the Ground switch to Lift.
-Move audio cables and AC cords away from each other.
-Try different routes for the audio cables and AC cords.
-Make sure insulating shoulder washers are used if unit is rack mounted.
-Try reversing the direction of each other component’s AC plug, one by one.
-Remove any external sources of heat.
-Increase ventilation around the Model 2250.
-Reset the Load Impedance switch to