3.If equipped, tum height adjustment
knob counterclockwise until it stops.
4.Lower mower linkage with attachment lift control.
5.Be sure belt tension rod is in disen- gaged position.
6.Install belt into electric clutch pulley groove.
7.Place the suspension arms on outward pointing deck pins. Retain with double loop retainer spring with loops up as shown.
8.Install front plate assembly to tractor suspension brackets and retain with single loop retainer springs as shown.
9.Position front plate assembly between front mower brackets. Raise deck and
plate assembly to align holes and insert flanged pins. Secure pins with double loop retainer springs between the plate assembly and mower brackets.
NOTE: To assist in locating hole in flanged pin, the hole in pin is inline with notch on head of pin. if necessary, move mower
IMPORTANT: Check belt for proper routing in all mower pulley grooves. 10.Engage belt tension rod by pushing
rod into locking bracket.
A CAUTION: Belt tension rod is spring loaded. Have a tight grip on rod and engage slowly.
with double loop retainer spring.
12.1f equipped, turn height adjustment knob clockwise to remove slack from
mower suspension.
13. Raise deck to highest position.
Adjust the mower while tractor is parked on level ground such as a carport or garage. Make sure tires are properly inflated (See "PRODUCT SPECIFICA-
TIONS" section of this manual). If tires are over or underinflated, you will not properly adjust your mower.
NOTE: If necessary, check
long board and the bubble level.
•Using the lift lever, place mower in position where no part of the mower, including gauge wheels, is touching the ground.
•From left side of tractor, find the level
decal on top of mower and place bubble level on decal as indicated.
•Mower is level
•If adjustment is necessary, under left hand footrest, turn lift link adjustment nut (above yellow cap) in appropriate
direction to bring bubble between the lines in the bubble level.
•Remove bubble level from mower and
Bubble Between | Bubble Level |
Lines |
| Level Decal |
Brake |
Pedal |
| Left Hand |
| Footrest |
J | ,i,Link |
_ | Adjustment |
Yellow Cao _ | _ Nut |
P |