•Never make adjustmentsor repairswith the engine running.
•Grass catchercomponentsare subject to wear, damage,and deterioration, whichcouldexpose movingpartsor
allowobjectsto be thrown.Frequently checkcomponentsand replacewith
•Be sure the area is clear of otherpeople beforemowing.Stop machineif anyone enters the area.
•Never carry passengers.
•Do not mowin reverseunlessabsolute- lynecessary.Always lookdownand behindbeforeand whilebacking.
•Never carrychildren.They mayfall off and be seriouslyinjuredor interferewith safe machineoperation.
•Keep childrenout of the mowingarea and underthe watchfulcare of another
•Be alert and turn machineoff ifchildren enter the area.
•Beforeand when backing,lookbehind and downfor small children.
manufacturer'srecommendedparis, when necessary.
Mowerbladesare sharpand can cut. Wrap the blade(s)or wear gloves,and use extracautionwhen servicing them. Check brakeoperationfrequently.
Adjustand serviceas required.
•Mow up and downslopes(15" Max), not across.
•Removeobstaclessuchas rooks,tree limbs,etc.
•Watch for holes,ruts,or bumps.Uneven terraincouldovertumthe machine. Tall
grass can hideobstacles.
•Use slow speed.Choosea low gear so thatyou willnot have to stopor shift whileon the slope.
•Avoidstartingor stoppingon a slope. If tires losetraction,disengagethe blades and proceedslowlystraightdownthe slope.
•Do not turnon slopesunlessnecessary, and then, turnslowlyand gradually downhill,ifpossible.
,_Look for thissymbolto pointoutimpor- | _WARNING: The engineexhaustfrom | |
tant safetyprecautions.It meansCAU- | thisproductcontainschemicalsknownto | |
TION!!! BECOME AWARE!!!YOUR SAFE- | the State of Califomiato cause cancer, | |
TY IS INVOLVED. | birthdefects,or.otherreproductiveharm. | |
_ .,÷ | ||
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,_CAUTION: In orderto preventacciden- |
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tal startingwhen settingup,transporting, |
| |
adjustingor makingrepairsalwaysdiscon- |
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nectspark plug wire and place wire where |
| |
it cannot contactspark plug. |