Craftsman 247.776360 manual Cleaning The Reduction Chamber, Sharpening Or Replacing Chipper Blades

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WARNING:Alwaysstopengine,disconnectspark plug,andgroundagainstengine before cleaning,


lubricating or doing any kind of maintenanceon your machine.


1, Lubricatethe chipperchutehingeawithNghtoilonce aseason, 2, Lubricatethe pivotpointsonthe chutedeflectorwithlightoil oncea


3, Referto the Briggs& StrattonOwner/Operatormanualpackedwith yourunit forenginelubricationinstructions,

Engine Care

Referto the Maintenancesectionof the Briggs& StrattonOwneUOp- eratermanualpackedwithyourunit,Readandfollowinstructions carefuNy.

1, Checkengine oil level beforeeach useas instructedinthe separateenginemanual

2, Cleanair cleaner'spreeleaner every25 hoursundernormal conditions,Cleaneveryfewhoursunderextremelydustycondi- tions,Replacetheair cleaner cartridge oncea season,To service the aircleaner,referto theseparateenginemanual

3, Thespark plug shouldbe cleanedandthe gapresetonce a season,Referto the separateenginemanualfor correctplugtype andgapspecifications,

Chipper Shredder Care

Beforeeach use,visuallyinspectyour chippershredderfor loose(or missing)nutsandbolts, Securelytighten(or replace)all hardware beforeoperatingthe chippershredder,

Cleaning The Reduction Chamber

WARNING:The impelleFs shredder blade and chipper blades are sharp. Wear leather work gloves to protect your hands when cleaning out the reduction chamber.

If the reductionchamberbecomescloggedwithdebris,the shredder screencan bepivotedupwardso thatyoucan cleanthe surrounding area.Todo so,proceedas follows:

1, Stopengine,disconnectsparkplug,and makecertainthe chipper shredderhascometo a completestop,

hot if the engine has been running. Usecaution and

i_L WARNING:The muffler and surrounding area will be protest your hands if working nearthe muffler.

2, a, If attached,removedebrisbag,Removethetwo wingknobson eithersideof the chutedeflectorandpivotthe chutedeflector upward,SeeFigure8,

b, Removethe hairpinclip fromthe clevispinwhichextends throughthe housingandshredderscreen,SeeFigure8, Removeclevispin,

c, Pivotthe shredderscreenupwardandcleanthe surrounding areaby scrapingawaydebris,

3, Confirmthatthe sparkplugwire is disconnectedandawayfrom sparkplug, PuNon the starterropetwo-to-threetimesto purgeany remainingdebrisfromthe reductionchamber

i s

4, Whenthe areais cleaned,pivotthe shredderscreendownwardand re-securewiththeclevis pinandhairpinclip removedearner,

5, Reattachthe debriscollectionbagto the chutedeflector,if desired,

Sharpening Or Replacing Chipper Blades

WARNING:The impelleFs chipper blades are sharp. Wearleather work gloves to protect your hands.

1, Stopengine,disconnectsparkplug,andmakecertainthe chipper shredderhascometo acompletestop,

2, Pivottheshredderscreenupwardas instructedunderthe heading Cleaningthe ReductionChamber,

3, a, Removethe chipperchuteby removingthreehex nutsand washerswhichsecureit to the impellerhousing,SeeFigure9,

Rotatethe impellerby handuntiloneof the twochipperbladesis visiblethroughthe impellerhousingopening,

b, Removethe bladeby removingthe internalhexscrews,lock washersand hexnutswhichsecureit to the impeller,

NOTE:Usea 3/16" hexkey(Allen)wrenchonthe outsideof the blade anda 1/2" box(orsocket)wrenchon the insideof the impeller,Hold the Allenwrenchstationaryandrotatethe box(orsocket)wrenchto loosenthe nut.

4, Installa replacement(orsharpened)blade(PartNo,742:0544A) withthe hardwareremovedearlier,

IMPORTANT:Ifsharpeningthe blade,protecthandsby usinggloves,

Followthe originalangleof grindandmakesureto removeanequal amountfromeachblade,

5, To replacethe otherblade,rotatethe impellerto exposethe second bladeandrepeatthe stepsabove,


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Contents Irrftsmrn Model NoPages3-4 Page2Page12 Page13Training Operation Time Loose Parts Jn Carton Removing Unit From CartonAttaching The Debris Collection Bag HandJe Chipper Chute Reduction ChamberHopper Chute DeflectorGas and Oil FiFUp Chipping ShreddingCearing the Hopper Emptythe bagandreattachto the chutedeflectoropening,RefertoSharpening Or Replacing Chipper Blades Cleaning The Reduction ChamberLubricating or doing any kind of maintenanceon your machine Engine CareStoring Your Chipper Shredder Fblbs and25fblbsChipper Shredder ProblemCauseRemedy 681-04009 Sears Craftsman 7.5 HP Chipper Shredder Mode710q054 Sears Craftsman 7.5 HP Chipper Shredder Mode 6810095 ChipperChuteAssembly 6810048 777S32604 777D10398 777S32282 777S30180 Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty ProvisionsAir index information On Your Engine Emissions Labe Page NOmero de modelo Visite nuestro sitio web www, sears,com/craftsmanSeapHeandeterminadasJimitacionesy excusionesParaobtener Acuerdos de protecci6n sobre reparacionesCubierta posterior Paralainstalaci6nprofesionaldeSearsdeartefactosdomesticosCapacitaci6n Funcionamiento Maetiqueta de emisiones de su motor Piezas suentas dentro de la caja Extracci6n de ta unidad de la cajaCoiocaci6n de ia bolsa de reconecci6n de desechos Coatromes de motor Cmara de redueci6nTova Deflector del eanamMuevalapalancade controldeobturaci6nala posici6nCHOKE Encendido Del motorADVERTENCIANuncacargueeltanquedecombustible Obturaci6n,VealaFigura5EIdesechoquese acumuiaen los patioscomoporeiempIolas hoias CorteVuelvaa poneren marchael motor Cuidado de la cortadora trituradora Lubricaci6nCuidados para el motor Limpieza del canat de reducci6nTegerse las manos Otros MotorNo almacenegasolnade unatemporadaa la otra CausaRemedio El motor no arranca El motor funciona de Saltosocasionales a Alto velocidad La unidad no descargaCortadora Trituradora Sears Craftsman 7.5 HP, Modeo Cortadora Trituradora Sears Craftsman 7.5 HP, Modeo Cortadora Trituradora Sears Craftsman 7.5 HP, Modeo Cortadora Trituradora Sears Craftsman 7.5 HP,Modelo ResponsabiHdades del propietario en relaci6n con Jagaranta Page LE- Foyer Mc Sears Parts & Repair CenterDomicilio, y para SU-HOGAR

247.776360 specifications

The Craftsman 247.776360 is a versatile and powerful lawn tractor designed to meet the needs of homeowners with medium to large-sized lawns. This robust machine combines durability, ease of use, and advanced features, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.

One of the standout features of the 247.776360 is its 24 HP Briggs & Stratton Intek engine, which provides reliable power for tackling tough mowing jobs. The engine is designed to deliver consistent performance and efficiency, ensuring that users can complete their tasks without frequent interruptions. Additionally, its hydrostatic transmission allows for smooth acceleration and easy control, enabling the operator to adjust speed effortlessly without the need for manual gear shifting.

The lawn tractor comes equipped with a 42-inch cutting deck, which is engineered for quick and effective mowing. This size is particularly advantageous for users looking to cover large areas in less time. The deck is made from tough, durable steel, designed to withstand the wear and tear of regular use. It also features a deck washout port that facilitates easy cleaning, allowing users to maintain the mower in pristine condition.

Another significant characteristic of the Craftsman 247.776360 is its adjustable cutting height. With a simple lever adjustment, users can choose from six different cutting heights, enabling precise lawn care tailored to different grass types and conditions. This versatility ensures a clean and even cut, enhancing the overall appearance of the lawn.

Comfort is also a priority with this model. The tractor features a high-back seat, providing excellent support for longer mowing sessions. The ergonomic design includes easy-to-reach controls, ensuring that the operator can efficiently manage various functions without any discomfort.

In terms of safety, the Craftsman 247.776360 is equipped with features such as an automatic parking brake and an easy-to-access ignition switch. These safety mechanisms are crucial for reducing the risk of accidents during operation.

In summary, the Craftsman 247.776360 lawn tractor combines a powerful engine, user-friendly features, and robust construction to provide an exceptional mowing experience. Whether it’s maintaining a pristine lawn or tackling challenging terrain, this model stands out as a reliable and efficient choice for any homeowner looking to invest in outdoor equipment.