Craftsman 247.887330 manual USO DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped, Abono O Corte CON Descarga Lateral

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Mire detr_sde la cortadoraantesy duranteel funcionamientomarchaarras. Detengalas cuchillasde lacortadoraantesde operarmarchaarras.


IMPORTANTE:Sueltesiernpreel controlde latransrnisi6nantesde carnbiarlasvelocidad.Consultela secci6n"Conozcasu cortadorade cesped"paravetlos controlesde lacortadora.

AsegOresede queel c_spedestalibrede piedras,palos,cablesu otrosobjetosquepudiesendaSarlacortadorao el motor.Dichos objetospuedenserarrojadosaccidentalrnentepot la cortadoraen cualquierdirecci6ny provocarlesionespersonalesgravesal operador y a otraspersonas.Paraobtenerrnejoresresultados,no cortec_sped rnojadoy nuncacortern_sde unterciodela Iongitudtotaldelc_sped.

1.Unavezqueel motorest_ funcionando,aprieteel controlde transrnisi6ncontrala rnanijasuperiorparairnpulsarlarn_.quina. Paraactivarlas cuchillasdecorte,aprieteel controldelas cuchillascontrala rnanijasuperior.

2.Paracarnbiardevelocidad,liberelapalancadecontroldela transrnisi6ny rnuevalapalancadecarnbiodevelocidada laposici6n deseada.Parapracticarconlacortadorainicialrnente,pongala palancaen laposici6nNO1.Seleccionelasvelocidadesdirectas segOnlascondicionesdelterrenoy delcorte.Usevelocidades rn_.bajasenterrenosagrestesodondeelpastoes rn_.pesado ogrueso.Lavelocidaddirectase puedeaurnentarsobreterrenos lisoso dondeelpastonoestarnuytupido.Perrnitaquelasruedasse detengancornpletarnenteantesdecarnbiardeunavelocidada otra.

IMPORTANTE:Tengapresentequeal engancharla palancade controlde latransrnisi6ncon lapalancade carnbioen3ra o4ta velocidad,la potenciay el parmotorgeneradospuedenhacerquela unidadse sacudahaciaadelante.Paraevitarlo,aprietelentarnentela palancade controldela transrnisi6ncontrala rnanijasuperior.

3.Paradetenerlascuchillas,suelteel controlde lascuchillas.Para detenerel controldela transrnisi6nalas ruedas,suelteelcontrol dela transrnisi6n.


Sepuedeusarlacortadoradec_spedtantocornocortadoraabonadora o cornocortadoracon descargalateral.Parausarla funci6ndeabono, insertelaclavijadeabonocornoseindicaacontinuaci6nRetirela. clavijadeabonoparadescargarlateralrnentelosrecortesdecesped.

Laclavijade abonoest,. diseSadapararnantenerel canalde descarga levantadoduranteel corte.Cuandose retiralaclavija,elcanalde descargase bajasoloparacortarcon descargalateral.

Antes de instalaro desinstalarla clavijade abono,detengael motor,espera a quelas piezasdejen de moversey desconecteel cablede labujia.

Parainstalaro desinstalarla clavijadeabono:

1.Detengael motory esperaquetodaslas piezasdejende rnoverse.

. Desconecteel cablede la bujia.

3.Parainstalarlaclavijadeabono,insertela leng(Jetaderecha(A) de laclavijaenel soportede laplataforrna,Figura8.

. Insertela cubiertaenla aberturade descarga(B), Figura8.

5.Unavezquelaclavijade abonoest,.colocadaen laaberturade la plataforrna,ernpQjelahacialaparteposteriorde lacortadora(C) paraquelaclavijacalcecorrectarnenteenla abertura,Figura8.

Pararetirarlaclavija,deslicela cubiertahaciala derecha(frente de lacortadora)paradesengancharla ranurade la plataforrnade lacortadoray luegofuerceel ladoizquierdode lacubiertahacia afueraparasoltada.


1.Suelteel controlde las cuchillasy la transrnisi6nparadetenerlas ruedasy las cuchillasde plataforrna.

2.Muevalapalancadecontroldel regulador/cebadorhaciaabajo

a laposici6nlenta (tortuga)_. Siernprequesea posible, reduzcagradualrnentela velocidaddel motorantesde detenerlo.

. Muevalapalancadecontroldel regulador/cebadortotalrnente

haciaabajoa la posici6nStop (detenci6n).

. Desconecteel cabledela bujiay p6ngalohaciendornasacontra el motor.



Sepuedeernpujaro tirardelacortadorarnanualrnentecolocandola palancadecarnbiodevelocidadenlaposici6nN(neutral)y presionando elcontrolde latransrnisi6ncontralaernpuSaduradelabarradecontrol.



Mantengalas rnanosy piesalejadosde laaberturadedescargade laplataforrnade corte.


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Contents FormNo.769-04610A December16,2009 For answers to your questions about this product, callDate of Purchase Engine Briggs& StrattonPowerBuilt TMSerial Number Fuel UnleadedGasolineGeneral Operation ChildrenSlope Operation ServiceResult inpersonalinjuryWhenyou. seethissymbol,HEEDITSWARNING Page Thispageleftintentionallyblank Assembling the Handle Tools Needed for AssemblyLoose Parts in Carton Removing the Unit from the CrateRemovethe remainingscrewandnutfromthe lowershift lever plate Installing the Gear Shift LeverGAS CAP THROTTLE/CHOKE Control LeverDeck Height Lever Engine Controls Spark Plug/Spark Plug WireDrive Control Gear Shift LeverMakesureto wipe offany spilledfuel beforestartingthe engine GAS and OIL FILL-UPStarting the Mower Gas FillStopping the Mower Using the MowerMoving the Mower Without Engine Power Mulching or SIDE-DISCHARGE MowingGeneral Recommendations Engine MaintenanceWiththe starknobandcarriagescrewremovedearlier Removing the Mower Deck Removing the Belt CoverPivot Points & Linkage Cleaning the Engine and DeckCleaning the Cutting Deck LubricationReplacing the Trailing Shield Rear Tire PressureServicing the Cutting Blades Replacing Belts Blade InstallationBlade Sharpening Page InstallingtheTimingBelt Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at Maintenance ScheduleForenginesstoredover30days Cleanengineof surfacedebrisPreparing the Engine Preparing the Lawn MowerPlacethrottle/chokeleverintofast position Enginefailsto start Chokenotactivated777X43688 Inch Wide Cut Mower B Model No 33=inch Wide Cut Mower B Model No 33=inchWide Cut Mower B Model No 6O39 ChuteDeflectorAssyincludesref.72-76 2129 20,,/22 71B 157 31A MODELandSERIAL 33=inch Wide Cut Mower m Model No31A 157 = O O 307 j 24? 1044 741 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 Gross HP Engine IViodel 684 f&%\4O4 5621022 1034 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 Gross HP Engine Model 238102987 10224654 9146 54% 1091 1276` 121CARBURETOROVERHAULKiT 6341633,217 987,9 51A Briggs & Stratton 10.5 Gross HP Engine Model634 217ma 601 987 4311455 1044 Briggs & Stratton 10.5 Gross HP Engine IViodel78i ScrewFlywheelGuard5/16-18x.37 BS-272475s Seal-ORingintakeElbowLarge Page Your Warranty Rights and Obligations Warranted Parts GDOC-100182RevA ModeratePage Guia para pendientes Briggs& StrattonPowerBuiltDeclaraci6n De garanta Instrucciones Sobre seguridadQOS Lostoque Page Advertencia Estapgtginasemarch6intencionadamenteblanco Retiro DE LA Unidad DE LA Caja DE Montaje Retiro DEL Soporte DEL CanalPiezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA Caja Herraiviientas Necesarias Para EL MontajePresi6n de los neumaticos traseros Ajustes FinalesInstalacion DE LA Palanca DE Cambio DE VelocidadesPalancadecontroldel Controlde Regulador/Cebador Tapon DE CombustibleCebador Palanca DE Altura DE LA PlataformaControles DEL Motor Control DE LA TransmisionPalanca DE Cambio DE Velocidades Muevalapalancade cambiodevelocidada la posici6nneutralN Llenado DE Gasolina Y AceiteLlenado de gasolina Llenado de aceiteTraslado DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped USO DE LA Cortadora DE CespedAbono O Corte CON Descarga Lateral Detencion DE LA Cortadora DE CespedControl de la bujia de encendido Recomendaciones GeneralesMantenimiento DEL Motor IVlantenirniento del filtro de aireFigura11 Cambio de aceite del motorColoquetacosde rnaderadebajode laplataforrna Extraccion DE LA Cubierta DE LA CorreaLimpieza del motor LubricacionLimpieza DEL Motor Y DE LA Plataforma Puntos de pivote y varillajeMantenimiento DE LAS Cuchillas DE Corte Reeiviplazo DEL Escudo PosteriorUseuntacodemaderaparaestabilizarlacuchilla Vuelvaa colocarlacubiertade lacorrea Reeiviplazo DE LAS CorreasInstalaci6n de cuchillas Reemplazo de la correa de transmisi6nCuchilla Reemplazo de la correa de enganche de la plataformaVuelvaa colocarla cubiertadela correa Figura27Quese encuentraen eltanque Lubricarcon aceiteligeroPreparacion DE LA Cortadora DE Cosped PREPARACI6N DEL MotorPararnotoresalrnacenadosdurantern&sde30 dfas Delalojamientodel soplador Enla posici6ncebadorExtraigalabujiay regulela separaci6n Servicio de instalaci6nde Sears Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoEl*Coverage en Canadvariaen algunosarticulos. Paradetalles Ilenosla IlarnadaCharnuscaCanadenPage SUS Derechos Y Obligaciones EN Cuanto a LA Garantja Piezas Garantizadas GDOC-100182Rev.A ÷anag÷

247.887330 specifications

The Craftsman 247.887330 is a versatile and powerful lawn tractor designed to efficiently handle various yard tasks, making it an essential tool for homeowners with extensive lawns or gardens. This model is particularly known for combining user-friendly features with robust performance, ensuring a seamless mowing experience.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 247.887330 is its 19 HP Briggs & Stratton engine. This powerful engine provides ample torque, enabling the tractor to tackle thick grass and uneven terrain with ease. The engine is designed for longevity and reliability, ensuring that homeowners can depend on it for years of service.

This lawn tractor boasts a 42-inch cutting deck, which strikes a balance between maneuverability and cutting efficiency. The deck size allows the user to cover larger areas in less time while still being compact enough to navigate through narrow paths and garden beds. The cutting height can be easily adjusted to multiple positions, providing flexibility for different lawn conditions and personal preferences.

In addition to its powerful engine and efficient cutting deck, the Craftsman 247.887330 incorporates advanced technologies to enhance user comfort and control. The automatic transmission allows for smooth gear shifting, making it simple to navigate various terrains without the hassle of manual adjustments. Moreover, the tight turning radius ensures that the tractor can easily navigate around obstacles such as trees, flower beds, and garden decor.

Ergonomics play a vital role in the design of the Craftsman 247.887330. The tractor is equipped with a comfortable high-back seat that provides support during extended periods of use. Furthermore, the user-friendly control panel is intuitive, allowing operators to easily adjust settings while maintaining focus on their mowing task.

The Craftsman 247.887330 is also designed with storage convenience in mind. The rear bagger accessory is available, which allows for effortless collection of grass clippings, enhancing lawn health and reducing cleanup time. With robust construction, reliable performance, and thoughtful features, the Craftsman 247.887330 stands out as a top choice for homeowners seeking an efficient and effective lawn care solution. Whether tackling routine mowing or more challenging landscaping tasks, this lawn tractor proves its worth time and time again.