SUPER MICRO Computer 2004 manual Impp Cone Reinforced with Interlaced Aramid Fiber, Foamed PPC

Page 21


T S - G 1 3 4 0 R

130W MAX.

5-1/4"2-Way Speaker


NEW FOR 2004




IMPP Composite Cone Woofer

High-Energy Strontium Magnet (Woofer)

Kapton Voice Coil Bobbin

Conex Damper

1-3/8" Film Cone Tweeter

Shallow Mounting Depth for Wider Installation Coverage

T S - A 4 6 7 0 R

120W MAX.

4" x 6" 3-Way Speaker


NEW FOR 2004




Interlaced Aramid Fiber Reinforced IMPP Cone Woofer

High-Energy Strontium Magnet (Woofer)

Glass-Imide Voice Coil Bobbin

Conex Damper

1-1/8" Foamed PPC (Pearl Poly-Carbon) Balanced Dome Midrange with Magnetic Fluid and Neodymium Magnet

3/8" Dome Tweeter

Custom-Fit US/European Compatible Basket Design

2 1

T S - G 4 6 4 0 R

100W MAX.

4" x 6" 2-Way Speaker


NEW FOR 2004




IMPP Composite Cone Woofer

High-Energy Strontium Magnet

Kapton Voice Coil Bobbin

Conex Damper

1-3/8" Film Cone Tweeter

Custom-Fit US/European Compatible Basket Design

T S - A 1 0 5 7

100W MAX.

4" 2-Way Speaker


Foamed IMPP Composite Cone Woofer

High-Compliance Urethane Surround for High Efficiency

High-Energy Strontium Magnet (Woofer)

Glass-Imide Voice Coil Bobbin

Latex-Treated Conex Damper

1" Foamed PPC (Pearl Poly-Carbon) Balanced Dome Tweeter with Neodymium Magnet and Magnetic Fluid

4 & 2-Hole Compatibility with Removable Screw Holes

T S - G 1 0 4 0 R

100W MAX.

4" 2-Way Speaker


NEW FOR 2004




IMPP Composite Cone Woofer

Kapton Voice Coil Bobbin

Cotton/Conex Damper

1-1/8" Film Cone Tweeter

4 & 2-Hole Compatibility with Removable Screw Holes

T S - A 4 1 0 3

120W MAX.

4" x 10" 2-Way Speaker


IMPP Composite Cone Woofer

Urethane Surround for High Efficiency

High-Energy Strontium Magnet (Woofer/Tweeter)

Aluminum Voice Coil Bobbin

Conex Damper

1-5/8" Cone Tweeter

IMPP Cone Reinforced with Interlaced Aramid Fiber

Cone performance is most dependent on two variables: weight and durability. Pioneer IMPP cones have long been renowned for their lightweight structure. Now we’ve reinforced them with Interlaced Aramid Fiber, creating a high-performance cone with a highly dense internal architecture. This added strength and rigidity provides resiliency against high power output and booming bass. Full- bodied sound is transferred quickly with character and midrange depth once considered impossible with previous IMPP cones.

Microscopic Cross Section View

Long Aramid


Skin Layer







Aramid Fibers inside

Regular IMPP Cone

the cone


Pioneer IMPP reinforced cones are a combination of aramid fiber, polypropylene and color pellets.



Long Aramid





















Aramid Fiber


Long Aramid Fiber


Color Pellets


Polypropylene Pellets

Reinforced IMPP Cone







IMPP Injection Mold Process

Interlaced Aramid Fiber Reinforced IMPP Cone

Foamed PPC

PPC (or Pearl Poly-Carbon to us engineers) is a lightweight material that delivers high sensitivity, open sound character and smooth extended frequency response in tweeters. Not only that, but it has a high inner loss that reduces distortion. It’s also blended with special carbon fiber for UV resistance and protection against the harsh environment of your car. Think of it as the perfect soundstage for the crisp highs you demand.

Speaker Specifications located on Page 22.

Image 21
Contents 0 4 M o b i l e E n t e r t a i n m e n t S y s t e m s V D M U L T I M E D I a a V N a V I G a T I O N S E R V E R Character Sub-displayAV I C N Touch Panel Operation Voice CommandMap Database with Over 12 Million POI Points of Interest Tri-Zone Audio/Video EntertainmentMap Data Base A V I G a T I O ND a U D I O / V I D E O DVD Player Features AV Receiver FeaturesDVD Audio on the Road Motorized Touch Panel DisplayV D a U D I O / V I D E O SpecificationAV H P 6 6 0 0 D V D C XM P 8 0 0 DVD Player Features Receiver FeaturesQ P 8 0 0 H P 5 0 0 0 M PAV D W 6 2 0 AV R W 6 1 0X 6 1 0 0 T I R M 2 5Mighty MOSFET60 R E C E I V E R SBMX Bit Media EX Digital Compression H P 8 0 M POEL Organic EL Display D R E C E I V E R SCustomizable Displays Auto EQEasy EQ EEQ MP3 and WMAH P 6 6 0 H P 4 6 0 0 M PH P 3 6 0 H 1 6 0 H P 2 6 0 H P 3 6 0Face Security High Performance Digital Supertuner DSPBBE H P 2 0 3 P 5 0 0 0 M PQ 7 6 0 DSP BBEL T I P L a Y C D P L a Y E R S Anti-Vibration SystemCD Text M P L I F I E R S B W O O F E R S Dual-Mass Magnet AssemblyDual Voice Coil. In search of perfect bass Cross Section of TS-W305C SubwooferE V S E R I E S Street drives the sound Sound drives the streetWave Guides E a K E R S P E a K E R S 8 Perfect Fit Speakers2 Oversized Speakers Foamed PPC Impp Cone Reinforced with Interlaced Aramid FiberNautica Series C E S S O R I E S Voice Command PackS I T P I O N E E R O N T H E W O R L D W I D E W E B